July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/0940r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2013-08-05
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Li Chia Choo / Institute for Infocomm Research / 1 Fusionopolis Way,
#21-01 Connexis (South Tower),
Singapore 138632 / +65 6408 2591 /
July 31, 2013 (Wednesday) PM 7:00 – 8:30, ET
Notes – Wednesday, July 31st, 2013;
1. Dave Halasz (representing Qualcomm) is the chair of the TGah and was running this session. Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00PM, ET.
2. Administrative items
2.1. Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.
2.2. Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline.
2.3. Chair presented the Call for Potentially Essential Patents slide. Chair Halasz asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” Chair asked: “Does anybody want to speak up now?” None were heard.
2.4. Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.
3. Chair reviewed the proposed agenda of the teleconference, which was circulated through the TGah email reflector. The agenda contained
3.1. – Call for secretary
3.2. – IPR and other relevant IEEE policies
3.3. –Support for the Petitions for Reconsideration of the Progeny M-LMS Order: Richard Kennedy
3.4. CID submissions
3.4.1. Kaiying Lv
11-13-0891-00-00ah subclause 9.32n.3 and 9.32n.3.1 (not uploaded yet)
CID 749,750, 751, 981,982,983,984, 261,262 and 263
(these three CIDs are handled by Kaiying but may be combined)
Pending document posting. We ran out of time on this submission during the face to face meeting.
3.4.2. Bo Sun
CID 163
3.4.3. Bo Sun
CID 900
3.4.4. Bo Sun
CID 164 & 98
3.4.5. Alfred Asterjadhi
3.4.6. Chittabrata Ghosh
CID 478
3.4.7. Chittabrata Ghosh
CID 169 & 170
3.4.8. Chittabrata Ghosh
CIDs in section 9.32j
3.5. Chair asked if there were any discussions on the agenda. Alfred mentioned that of the CIDs in his submission, only CID 304 needs discussion, while the rest were accepted at the July F2F meeting. The group had difficulty hearing Bo Sun. Chair decided to proceed with the agenda while Bo Sun tried to call in again.
4. The Progeny LMS Threat (Update) (11-13/0934r0 Richard Kennedy (Blackberry))
4.1. Richard Kennedy, Chair of the Regulatory Steering Committee, gave an update on the threat posed by Progeny LMS, as the FCC had granted a waiver for additional testing.
4.2. There were no questions regarding this submission. Chair thanked Richard for his update.
5. CID submissions
5.1. Bo Sun is still having difficulty calling in; Chair asks if we could proceed with Alfred’s submission. Kaiying: Bo Sun would like to defer his submissions till the next call.
5.1.1. Bo Sun’s submissions deferred.
5.2. Comment Resolution for Subclauses 9.3.2 (Part 1) (11-13/821r2 Alfred Asterjadhi (Qualcomm) CID254+303+304+305+324+363+364+745+841+961+962+985)
5.2.1. The resolution for CID 304 was deferred from July 2013 F2F meeting, but it is presented now.
5.2.2. There were no questions and no objections to adopting this resolution.
5.3. 11-13/813r3 (Chittabrata Ghosh (Nokia) CID 478)
5.3.1. CID 478 is addressed from this submission. The previous resolution was to reject the comment, but based on discussion, the new resolution is to revise.
5.3.2. Discussions on the resolution. Ron Murias: English usage needs to be changed. Chittabrata: Will revise to r4, thanks for noting. Chair: Any objections to adopting with edits? There were no objections.
5.4. 11-13/859r1 (Chittabrata Ghosh (Nokia) CIDs 169 and 170)
5.4.1. CIDs 169 and 170 are on the NDP CTS. The resolutions to the comments are: for CID 169, to revise; for CID 170, changes to be made in Tables 8-33d and 8-33e.
5.4.2. Discussions Alfred: This may not be related to the CIDs, but it is not clear if the intended AID is the partial AID. Chittabrata: Yes, the intended AID is the partial AID, as defined. Chair: Where did the partial BSSID come in? Where is it defined? Chittabrata: Definition can be found in Section 3. Alfred: If AP sends CTS-to-self, what is the PBSSID value? Chittabrata: If the address indicator is 0, then it is a partial BSSID. Alfred: Need to specify since AP doesn’t have AID. Chittabrata: If the address indicator is 0, then it is a partial BSSID. The description is in 9.17b. Alfred: If the value is RA, not sure if the intended AID is PBSSID. Chittabrata: The AID is a partial AID if sent to STA, and PBSSID if sent to AP. Alfred: The behaviour described is not clear in the description in Table 8-33d. Chittabrata: Will revise the description and upload in new version. Chair: Any objection to submission 859? There were no objections.
5.5. 11-13/819r1 (Chittabrata Ghosh (Nokia) CIDs 84, 85, 128, 194, 456, 460, 462, 752, 875, and 987)
5.5.1. Chittabrata went through the submission. The following CIDs are dealt with: CID 84 – accepted, equation modified. CID 194 – rejected, out of scope. CID 462 – similar to CID 84, accepted and equation modified. CIDs 85 and 460 – these deal with the length of Page segment, to defer till after discussions with others who have different ideas. CID 128 – revised. CID 456 – accepted and text changed. CID 987 – accepted and text changed (words deleted). CIDs 752 and 875 – rejected.
5.5.2. Discussions Zhou Yuan: Regarding CID 752, TIM segmentation can use other types of encoding other than Block bitmap, TIM definition supports other modes. Chittabrata: Encoding on Partial Virtual Bitmap can work, but other modes may not. Zhou Yuan: Other modes are still defined on blocks, so can work. Chittabrata: This CID can be deferred and we can discuss it. CIDs 85, 460 and 752 deferred. Ron Murias: For CID 194, we should not “out of scope” to reject it. Chittabrata: The reference to 9.32j may be wrong, selective transmission has nothing to do with TIM segmentation. Ron: Need to assign to someone else, all comments are in the scope of the LB. Chair: To defer CID 194, can Chittabrata please find what clause the comment is referring to? Chittabrata: Yes. CID 194 deferred. Amin: Regarding CID 84, “accept” should be “revise”. The proposed resolution is neither of commenter’s resolutions. This is the same for CID 462. Chittabrata: Decision for CID 462 should be “accept”. Alfred: For CIDs 85 and 460, the decision should be “revise”. Chair: Would Chittabrata mind doing the edits and present during the next call? Chittabrata: That is OK. Chair: During next F2F, would like to have motions run on conference call presentations without needing to present again, so better not to have confusing items left till F2F. Chittabrata will make changes and present the next call. Ron asked what to do with CID 194. Chair: Defer CID 194, supply an appropriate clause number, and leave it open for volunteers.
5.6. Chair indicated that we have come to the end of submissions. We will try Bo Sun’s submissions during the next call. Members should email Chair if they have submissions. There were no other discussions.
6. As there were no further discussions, the teleconference call was adjourned at 8.22PM, ET.
7. Attendance list
Dave Halasz – Qualcomm
Li Chia Choo – Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
Yongho Seok – LG Eelctronics
Ron Murias – Interdigital
Alfred Asterjadhi – Qualcomm
Amin Jafarian – Qualcomm
Sun Bo – ZTE
Kiaying Lv – ZTE
Chittabrata Ghosh – Nokia
Jerome Henry – Cisco
Mitsuru Iwaoka – Yokogawa
Richard Kennedy – Blackberry
Rojan Chitrakar – Panasonic
Kwon Young Hoon – Huawei
Zhou Yuan - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
Jeongki Kim – LG Electronics
Matthew Fischer – Broadcom
Zander Lei - Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
Park Giwon – LG Electronics
Ken Mori - Panasonic
Minutes page 1 Li Chia Choo (I2R, Singapore)