IEEE Akron/Canton Section, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - January 2013

IEEE Akron/Canton Section, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - January 2013

IEEE Akron/Canton Section, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - January 2013




MARCH 2013

Date:March 12, 2013

Place:Waterloo Restaurant, Akron, Ohio



Philips, Dean


Voss, Robert

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Robert Voss, Chair of the Akron-Canton Section of IEEE.

1. Introductions

As everyone present was acquainted with one another, introductions were not made.

2. Minutes of Last Executive Committee Meeting (Dean Philips)

A quorum was not present for the February 2013 Executive Committee Meeting so no business was conducted.

The minutes of the January 2013 Executive Committee Meeting were mailed out with the February Meeting announcement and copies were presented to anyone that needed such at the meeting.

3. Treasurer’s Report (Rick Buchanan)

The January 2013 and February 2013 Treasurer’s Reports were mailed out for the February and March Executive Committee Meetings respectively. Copies were presented to anyone that needed such at the meeting.

Highlights of the report discussed were:

  • Engineers Week Banquet for Akron and Canton Events.
  • $250 to CJEC for scholarships.
  • $1000 IEEE Scholarship Award presented.
  • Rick noted we are still carrying a number of outstanding, un-cashed, checks from last year.

Motion to approve the January 2013 & February 2013 Treasurer’s Report by Dean Philips; second by Robert Ostrander; motion passed.

Rick noted he did turn in all the financial documents to IEEE for the bonus award to the section.

Rick also presented a 2013 Budget that was prepared for the February 2013 meeting. The budget was based on 2012 spending. There was general discussion on the income and expense categories. Based on the discussion a line item for $500 expense was added for PACE.

Robert Ostrander moved to add a $500 expense item, in the proposed 2013 Budget, for PACE, Rick Buchanan seconded; the motion passed.

Dean Philips moved to approve the 2013 Budget as amended, Rick Buchanan seconded; the motion passed.

4. Nominating Committee

No report

5. Website

Rick submitted a flyer to Shannon for posting that was posted.

There is also a notice on the proposed Senior Membership Drive program.

6. Student Chapter

There was no Student Chapter Report.

Vernon Sproat reported that some of the Stark State IEEE students will be volunteering at the First Robotics Completion to be held the last weekend in March. This competition is open to the public on Friday and Saturday.

7. PES

Dean Philips reported PES has a speaker to do a presentation on the Power Quality Effects on Metal-Halide Lights. The date for the meeting was set as March 14, 2013. Meeting fees were set as $10 for students, $20 for members and one guest, and $25 for non-members.

Dean Philips reported that FirstEnergy is doing education on the hazards of induced voltage and current. Once a technical presentation is put together on this Dean will look at presenting to the Section.

8. Computer Society

No report.

9. IAS

Rick Buchanan noted that CRSPE is looking to hold a meeting at the Akron/Canton Airport on April 23. Rick will check to see if IEEE can co-host this event.

10. PACE

Bob Osterhout is still working on a Senior Membership Advancement Workshop. Bob has reviewed similar workshops hosted by other sections’ to determine a best practice for a mid-April event. The most likely location will be the Educational Service Center in Akron.

11. Membership

No report by Dean Philips.

The board meeting recessed at 6:30 pm for dinner and resumed at 7:00 pm.


Science Fairs

  • Akron Science Fair. The Akron Science Fair was held on January 26. IEEE awarded one $60 award and four $35 awards.
  • Western Reserve Science Fair is coming up this Saturday. IEEE will be there to judge for IEEE awards again.

Bob Osterhout will look at submitting the above awards to IEEE for PACE funding.

ACESS has put forth a proposal for member societies to fund scholarships and teacher grants, in addition to current funding levels, for award at the ACESS Banquet. Bob noted that some of the funding requests are for transportation, as the schools will not pay for transportation costs for field trips.

13. CJEC

The program for the Canton Engineers Week banquet was Dean Ryan, from Chesapeake, on Fracking. There were 23 IEEE members in attendance.

14. Akron Engineers’ Week

IEEE had 3 members, two guests at the Akron Engineers’ Week banquet.

15. Meetings Schedule

2013 Meeting Schedule TENATIVE
Watch announcements and Web-Site for Final Schedule Items / Members / Guests
February / E-Week, CJEC
E-Week, Akron / 23
3 / -
March 14 / PES - Power Quality Effects on Metal-Halide Lights
April / PACE Workshop on promoting Senior Membership
Akron/Canton Airport Tour with CJEC
Robotics program at Stark State College
May / Akron Incubator?
June/July / Ohio Light Orchestra
September / ACESS Joint Meeting
October / Green Energy Ohio
November / ACESS Banquet
December / IEEE Akron Section Banquet/Annual Meeting

16. Old Business

17. New Business

  • Verne Sproat – Outstanding Student Award – is typically awarded in mid-April. Verne will let Robert Voss know of the award date.
  • 2013 Student Activities Conference (April 20 @ West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV) is looking for financial support. As no Akron/Canton area students are attending the Section will not be sending additional support.
  • IEEE Spring, Region 2 Meeting in Morgantown, WV (April 20-21) – Robert Voss will be attending; if anyone else is wanting to attend, their cost would be hotel only. Along with the Region Meeting there are various workshops to help new Section officers.
  • “Engineering Projects and Community Service Socialization Initiative – Robert Voss received a solicitation looking for funding for this initiative. The Section has determined they will not be funding this initiative.
  • Engineering Career Day @ Firestone High School (April 20) – Robert Voss received a request for participation. Participation would be limited to setting up a membership/information table.

18. Adjournment

As moved by Dean Philips and second by Bob Osterhout, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Dean E. Philips

April 8, 2013

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