Identifying Functions Performance Task, Part 2

Identifying Functions Performance Task, Part 2

Name: Date:

Identifying Functions Performance Task, Part 2


M8A3a Recognize a relation as a correspondence between varying quantities.

M8A3b Recognize a function as a correspondence between inputs and outputs where the output for each input must be unique.

M8A3c Distinguish between relations that are functions and those that are not functions.

CRITERIA / Exceeds Standards / Meets Standards / Almost Meets Standards / Does Not Meet Standards
Computation / Includes correct computation. Shows multiple computational approaches. (16) / Includes mostly correct computation. 0-1 errors. (15) / Includes basic computation, 2-3 errors. (12) / Computation is incorrect and does not show that you understand the concept. 4 or more errors. (9)
Approach to Problem
(Steps & Procedures) / Your problem is clear and organized with a solution that is easy to follow. You provided a drawing in your solution. (16) / Your problem is clear and organized with a solution that is easy to follow. (15) / Most parts of the problem are correct, but you left out a few parts in the solution. (12) / You began the problem, but did not complete it or did not attempt the problem. (9)
Reflection / Understanding /
Explanation / Excellent understanding. Shows and explains more than the problem asks.
Your explanation demonstrates clear thinking with easy to follow details. Math vocabulary is correct and connected to the solution.You suggested improvements to themethod when necessary. (23) / Understands the problems or uses Cornell Notes, textbook, or other resource for help.
Your explanation is clear. Math vocabulary is correct and connected to the solution. (20) / Very little understanding of the problem. Asks multiple questions without using resources for help.
Your explanation is incorrectly connected to the problem. Use of math vocabulary is basic with very little connection to the solution. (16) / No understanding of the problem. Asks multiple questions without using resources for help or off-task.
Your explanation is confusing or non-existent. Math vocabulary is incorrect and not connected to the solution. (12)

Relation: a set of ordered pairs

Function: an input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______

Function?:______Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______


Common Difference (look at the y values) ______

Linear Function?: ______Slope (m): ______

Next three coordinates ______, ______, ______

Equation (show the work below) ______