November 16, 2012
Contact Us
IDEA San Benito
2151 Russell Lane
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 399-5252
Office Hours:
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Joel Garcia
Jillian Canales
Leanna Sariñana
Assistant Principals of Instruction
Nancy Ramirez
Assistant Principal of Operations
Lynda Soto
Director of College Counseling
Cristina Garzoria
Academic Counselor
Eduardo Errisuriz
Mary Gonzalez
College Counselors
Antonio Niño
Transportation Manager
Zoila Torres
CNP Manager
For dates of 11/8-11/15:
- NO SCHOOL all next week! Classes will resume on Monday, November 26
- Hole Sponsorships are needed for the Inaugural IDEA College Prep San Benito Golf Tournament on December 1; please call and speak to Mr. Errisuriz if you know of a business willing to help
- Please ensure that your child is on campus by 7:30AM each morning so that breakfast can be served with enough time to begin instruction promptly
- Interim Assessment #2 round begins the week of December 10th; students are tracking their IA#1 results and preparing for these tests
- December 1 – IDEA College Prep San Benito Gold Tournament
- December 3rd-8th EOC re-testing
Dear Parents,
The four short weeks after the Thanksgiving Holiday will focus on several items of interest for our students' progress:
1) End of Course Exams(9th/10thgrade) will be administered to students that were unable to show proficiency last year
2) Teachers will be monitoring instruction in preparation for the IA2 test. Students should be attending tutorials or Saturday Schools based on their results of IA1.
3) ACT prep classes during intervention with the help of Sylvan Learning. 11th graders and other students may attend after school ACT prep. Counselors will have the information for our students on specific days.
Please reach out to a teacher or an administrator for more information. We want to keep you informed.
Happy Turkey Day!
-Mr. Joel Garcia
November 16, 2012
What makes a well-rounded candidate for college?
Students applying for college must meet college entrance exam (ACT/SAT) requirements AND have a high Grade Point Average, which is based on grades in all high school courses on their transcript (including 8th Algebra I and Spanish). In addition to having these academic standings, students must also have earned 125 community service hours. Colleges want to see extracurricular involvement from students, so please encourage your child to join a club or organization.
9th/10th grade EOC re-testing will be the week of December 3rd – 7th. All students who did not meet Level II Satisfactory Performance on an EOC exam last year will be re-taking subject exams. Please check with your child’s team leader to confirm tutorials.
For English, 9th graders have a Q2 novel with a packet that is due December 21.We have 5 weeks until the novel is due.
ATTENTION PARENTS! Please bring in updated immunizations, according to Texas State Policies, in order for your child to remain in school, they must be in compliance with all their immunizations.
Attention all IDEA San Benito parents,
Please help our school achieve our daily attendance goal of 98% by having your children at school daily. Academic Achievement is highly correlated to high attendance percentages. Help us achieve academic goals by having your children at school daily. Let's do this DRAGONS, 98% all the time!
Harlingen Public Library:
410 '76 Drive
Harlingen, TX 78550
(956) 216-5800
Contact Jeanne Ochoa
We would like to highlight each and every one of our students at this time for choosing our school for their road to college. We are appreciative of the work, commitment and discipline that is required to be a true dragon with core values. At this time of Thanksgiving, we would like to share are deepest gratitude to the reason for our work and mission, OUR STUDENTS! Thank you Dragons!