IDEA Charter School Governing Council

Minutes – March 12, 2012

Present: Kristine Weirauch, Shannon Young, Luke Stachovak, John Vanderwyst, Lyman Cline, Steve Pophal (non-voting), Tricia Smith, Vicki Oboikovitz, Sue Thompson, David Eckmann (parent, non-voting)

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by chair Kris Weirauch.

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action taken/Needed
I. Minute approval / Motion made by Carrie to approve, seconded by Lyman given changes discussed. All in favor. Motion carries.
II. Update from Darlene Machtan, consultant / Darlene gave an update on the progress as she sees it. She said the growing pains experienced are normal. She is very impressed with the team and the overall functioning of the school. She strongly suggested visiting during the day to see and experience the feel of the school. She said that the rigor, relationships and relevance are present. The productivity of the school is at a reasonable pace, given the research on kids transitioning to this type of setting. There will be a push to improve productivity, and the scope and sequence will be re-evaluated this summer as it is not working as they all hoped.
If enrollment is high enough to add another staff. Darlene suggested strongly that the new hire would be done based on ability to relate to students first as opposed to license first. She then discussed licensing. Steve then updated on licensing politically in the state. Steve said he has had conversation with folks in licensing at DPI. There should be a decision announced by the end of the week.
Community connections – the way to survive without the four cores represented as staff is through these community connections.
Darlene said that 80 is the magic number for a school to be able to have the traditional valedictorian and salutatorian.
III. Update from David Eckmann regarding sustainability / David is a parent of an IDEA student and a board member on Wausau’s Engineering and Global Leadership Academy. His focus is on sustainability of the school. As parents he wants to be sure that the school remains in place once the grant funding is gone. He focused on the need for a strategic plan. He discussed the need for meaningful relationship between the school and those in the community who will benefit from the end product – businesses.
IV. Budget / Steve went over budget numbers. Advisors and Steve went through the budgets line by line on the last staff development day. This resulted in the need for some shifting of items. For district budget once this board approves them Steve can have them made. For the grant budget there is an additional step.
District budget: proposing to transfer $2531 between various line items. Majority of this amount will be used for student recreational space.
Implementation budget transfer will be used for next purchase of needed furniture as expansion occurs. $12, 168.73 asked for in transfers. Staff have asked Hadley’s for quotes on setting up two more advisories, increasing current advisories to accommodate 18, and looking at distance learning space.
Motion by Sue, second by Vicki to move forward with the transfer of implementation funds and approve the budget. All in favor, motion carries.
Motion by Lyman, second by Sue to move forward with the transfer of district funds and budget. All in favor, motion carries.
V. Enrollment / One student moved. 23 students have expressed interest. 59 students currently with one not returning. This puts next year’s enrollment at 81.
VI. Staffing / Steve had an additional discussion with Dr. Gilmore about staffing. If we hold at 81 or are close we will add a staff person. They want to let a little time pass and do the charter piece within the whole school district staffing. Kris inquired on when that may happen. Discussion on staffing is beginning to happen in the district now. Given the possible flux in numbers, the district does not want to leap prematurely. The need to have any new staff in place with enough time to train was discussed.
Sonja Donaldson is the support staff person for the school.
VII. Work Study Policy (deferred from last month) / This item will be added to the agenda when the staff is ready to move forward.
VIII. EPU Update / Sonja Donaldson is the support person.
IX. Old Business – parent group update / Only two parents showed up. Discussed ways to get parents in and involved. Possibilities are to offer things for parents, not just asking for them to do things for the school. Strategic planning is going to proceed as follows – secure someone to facilitate.
X. New Business / Discussed bathroom policy for dealing with messes found in the bathroom. Due to risk of being in contact in bodily fluids the student advisory council will be asked to come up with a different solution than the previous one. / The student advisory council will be asked to come up with a different solution than the previous one.
XI. Next meeting: April 9 at 6:30 p.m. / Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

IDEA Charter School Governing Board Minutes March 12, 2012. Next meeting: April 9th at 6:30 p.m.