ICSMSU 2nd Meeting 2014-2015
19/07/2014 – 17:00
Reynolds Building CX
- 1.
2. / Introduction
Anju George
Steve Tran
Med Harris
Salma Haddad
Mala Mawkin
Anna Hurley
Obi Abani
Anju George
Minutes of last meeting:
Action point - C&S and Comms. Officer responsible for ensuring website up to date by beginning of July. DONE
Action point – Chippyto discuss potential ideas regarding funding for clubs and socs. withMed Chippy waiting on handover
Action point – Chippy to discuss freshers’ sponsorship with Socials and CallumASAP Chippy waiting on handover
Action point – Dina to sort out the Facebook group with Callum
Action point –Socials/Med/Obi to liaise with each other regarding RAG multi sports tour. Check dates to notcoincide with other tours. DONE
Action point –Kanch to ensure someone will check the premises before term ends to see what can be done about vending/coffee machines.
Action point –Callum/Socials/Jen to contact Drink Aware and find out more about this (pint glasses/welfarelecture during freshers’)
Action point –Kanch/Dariush to see what can be done with regards to lighting and
speakers for Reynolds in time for Freshers or middle of first term at the latest. Needs
to be chased up
Action point –Dariush to find out more about the ICU policy regarding buckets for
sports nights and see what can be done Needs to be chased up
Action point – Jen/Socials to liaise regarding best Mums & Dads prize over Summer.
Action point – Dariush/Anna to liaise on thoughts to set provisional dates for ‘who
has what’ with regards to SU/STFYD/Summer Ball to ensure more planning time
and less upsets. STFYD have bop
Action point – Anna to get Lena involved with regards to survey. Done survey, waiting
on Lena’s response
Action point – ANYONE who has not sent his or her photo in to Callum must do so ASAP (for the posters)
- 3.1
3.6 / Matters arising:
Dates for Freshers’ Fortnight:
4/10 – Mingle, Packing day!
Max 5 SU members allowed per night, Ents & Socials attend both nights, President will attend first night – leaves 2 spots on Sat, 3 spots on Sun
5/10 – BBQ & mingle
6/10 – Pirate Boat Party
7/10 – Mums and Dads
8/10 – Drs and Nurses
9/10 – Film Night
10/10 – ROADSHOW
11/10 – Big Chill
12/10 – Sports Day
13/10 – Pong. Probs not. Mystery Thursday.
14/10 – Medics vs Engineers Quiz
15/10 – Sports Night
16/10 – Freshers’ Dinner & Ball
17/10 – Freshers’ Review & Beach Bop
Handbook for Freshers’:
- Printing and mailing are being organised through ICU thus saving over £1000 on costs
- This means no need for August Packing & Prep Days!
- C&S leaflets are being distributed electronically for the first time
- Finalise budget with Chippy
- Sponsors – Callum is organising sponsors
- No more August Packing & Prep days (see handbook point). Pre-BBQ Packing & Prep still necessary.
SU Clothing Options:
- Colour preference
- ICSM colours consensus – red/yellow/blue variation
- Whether to go with varsity jackets/hoodies
- Anju has contacted ICU regarding funding or being able to order clothing through them, again saving on costs and widening choice of clothing – waiting on reponse
- Poll – 4:3:2 (Hoodies : Varsity Jackets : abstain)
Freshers’ Video:
- Touch Surgery have offered to make an 30 second Game of Thrones intro inspired video for £200
- Based on Imperial campuses and relevant areas of London to include
-Imperial campuses (Reynolds, SK SAF)
-Halls of Residence
-Other relevant areas: QTR, Central Library
-Flying ICSM phoenix!
- SU officers could dress up as Game of Thrones characters for rest of video and stand outside Reynolds as introduction to SU
- If bought, then video could be used at various occasions during Freshers’ to maximise value – Roadshow, Freshers’ Review
- Other option is to do a mime to popular song as in previous years
- Met with much less enthusiasm from officers
- Monthly online calendar would be best but with a printer friendly option
- Very good idea as it applies beyond Freshers’ Fortnight
- C&S can put up when their trials and meet & greets are to allow freshers to schedule timing and avoid clashes
- Can be used for all non-academic events
Teddington Update:
A new ground has just been bought at Heston. Campus Services made the decision to suspend student activity at Teddington. Major issues we have:
- Heston is further from CX compared to Teddington, thus decreasing participation
- No consultation whatsoever with students about the move
- Confidentiality clause for the purchase of Heston should not have stopped them consulting ICSM about removing sport from Teddington
- No minutes/documentation provided which discusses the suspension of student sport at Teddington (even though I have been asking for it for over 2 weeks)
- Teddington was given as a gift to Mary’s in the 1930’s. It is morally wrong to sell (no official word yet) the grounds.
- ICSMSU are supporting the campaign that IC keep doing things like this with no consultation, despite #againstacton and the ICU Consultation Framework.
- Pres and C&S have had a number of discussions with Sport Imperial, alumni and students
- Officially, Teddington is not for student use form September 1st and its future is to be decided by Imperial Management Board
- ICSM sport is likely to be split between Heston and Harlington
- Student approach - #saveteddington!
Alumni approach – will not give money to ICSM in the future as cannot guarantee its safekeeping within ICSM ownership
- If Teddington is not re-acquired, SU will try to get the best out of the situation which is that all of ICSM sport takes place at Heston (not split between grounds)
- However, this may be unlikely as ICU has advertised Heston as for all of IC so may force ICSM to be split over grounds
- Brief History of Teddington: Lord Moran, a consultant surgeon and Dean of Medicine, was about to perform surgery on Lord Beaverbrook. However, Moran was seen to be visibly nervous by Beaverbrook and Beaverbrook enquired as to why. Moran informed him of his worries that his rugby boys may not have anywhere to play. Beaverbrook consoled him and assured him he will find them suitable grounds to play on. And so Teddington was bought by Lord Beaverbrook and gifted to Lord Moran on behalf of St Mary’s. However official property of ICU.
- Possible action to take:
-sign petitions
-email relevant parties
-protest (however risk of poor turnout as with BUCS)
-highlight impact on student satisfaction
Biggest issues:
-lack of student consultation repeatedly (#againstacton)
-moving away from home ground (officially property of ICU but given as a gift to St. Mary’s by Lord Beaverbrook)
Bop Application Process:
- Send applications around SU, all officers BRIEFLY discuss at meeting
- Then only involved parties make decision
- Suggested: Pres, Dep, C&S, Treasurer, Ents and Socials.
- Bar managers should be present in meeting but do not get vote
- Makes it fair and does not waste officers time
- All SU exec present happy with change to voting system.
- Joint bops: bigger clubs may not want to do joint bops as they need the money but smaller clubs could pair up and split stewards/money/décor to give financial opportunities for smaller clubs
4.17 / Officers’ reports and plans for the year
ICSMSU Inspirational Talk
Will be taking place on Thursday 9th October. Prof Higham has agreed to speak for 30 minutes, Sybghat Rahim for 30 minutes and a ‘Drink Aware’ speaker for 20 minutes. Syb is an excellent example of an all rounded student, involved in all areas of ICSM as well as being a non-drinker. In contact with MDU, MPS, GMC and BMA who will sponsor this event, giving them 10 minutes to speak and a stall.
In talks with ICU with regards to decreasing numbers. Salma has kindly asked CMF if they are happy to continue this year, which they are. They said they can provide 2/3 per sports night. I suggest that we have 4 stewards per week, with 2 on reserve. This would mean a reduction in stewarding nights per officer from previous years (4 a term) to 2 a term and 2 on reserve.
Action Point:Salma to liaise with CMF to ask if volunteers can stay until end of sports night.
Fresher’s Dinner
Booked for 16th October (2nd Thursday of Fresher’s) in Queen’s Tower room. Will sell as part of the passport (people will need to confirm at the beginning of Freshers’) and open up to GradMed and Direct Entry. Staff will also attend. Faculty will require a £10 contribution per head. Fresher’s Ball will be straight after so will need a small number at the dinner and the rest to prepare the venue.
MedSoc Conference
-In Liverpool day after Beach bop. Currently only 6 tickets, but should get more.
-SU will pay for ticket
-Hopefully subsidised travel – coach/train
Deputy President
- Had informal Dep President handover with Syb, waiting on meeting to go over role in more depth
- Completed AO handover with Usama
- Met with Dariush to discuss details and consequences of Teddingtongate
- Had Freshers Fortnight meeting with Dariush, CallumChippy
- Researched prices and possible colours of SU clothing
- Emailed ICU regarding SU clothing funding, waiting on reply
- Handover due 20th July.
- Card machines will not be put into Reynolds until October 2015- all Reynolds entry (bops/freshers events etc) will still use cash
- Agenda: After handover, finalise freshers budget with Ents team- Klum could you send me an email regarding how your sponsorship hunt has gone.
- Go over general SU finances with Dariush
- Handover with Kav
- Sent Dan the minutes so he can (and has) made them accessible to all on the website.
- Emailed Dan about getting started with online calendar to set that up again this year
- In discussions with Gugs, Mala and Dan about the physical calendar itself – need to work out when this all needs to be finalised for in order to be printed in time for freshers’. Looking through the secretary mail, I have found past year emails sent about it in August to the clubs/an excel sheet with all the dates so will start on that and send the necessary emails as soon as I’m back
- Passed on things wanting advertising to Dariush for a potential summer newsletter.
- Need to know about when new mailing lists will be made?
- Opinions on current newsletter – whether format should be changed etc/any thoughts on what to change/keep the same?
Communications Officer (apologies)
•Have updated all the clubs & socs that have given me information (which might be 1/3 of them)
•Need photos and blurbs for website for most officers
•Need fresher’s handbook answers for almost all officers
- Deadline for photos and fresher’s handbook answers is 22nd July. Unless someone with InDesign would like to take over whilst I’m on holiday I can’t change this at all.
•Wordpress is about a year out of date but can’t do anything about this until I get FTP access. It needs to be updated but that means the current layout will need to be changed to be compatible.
•Will be away 24th July – 1st August so if anyone wants me to do anything before August I need to know ASAP
Welfare Officer (apologies)
- Guy in PsychSoc who's supposedly setting up the support groups seems to not be doing anything so will take matters into my own hands.
- Will start recruiting a campaign committee, have already had a fair amount of interest from a few people. Once that's done real work for campaigns begins!
- Want to talk to IC Health Centre about keeping a steady supply of free condoms coming to the SU so we can just have a big old fish bowel of them so students can help themselves.
- Multi sport tour to happen on 7th/14th Nov. Back burner.
- Teddington
- Plan of action. Alumni. IC management board. Heston.
- Vending Machine:
- Snack Machine: Machine Ordered
- Water Fountain:
- Hospital Signs: Prof Mgregor says putting them up is fine as long as we can clean them/ put a coat of paint on one or two. Julie Pinhorne wants pictures of the signs we want to put up does. Could someone pop in and take a couple of picture if they’re in the Reynolds any time
- Locker Clean Up: Scheduled for mid September. Let me know if anyone feels like joining in
- Common Room Redvelopment: Prof McGregor and the Asst Building Manager Tony Maganate seemed really keen on redeveloping the current common room into a kitchenette type room where students can make coffee etc. Thought? What do people feel about this possibility?
- Projector: Got Maintenance to fix the bracket – it’s not held up with string anymore.
- No action points from last time
- Had handover with Anju since last time
- Emailed past year reps for feedback, received 4, waiting on the rest.
- Spoke to Dariush regarding Mary Morrell’s ideas on improving the SSLG, so I need to ask for more specific feedback in this regard
- Will forward feedback to Mary Morrell upon her request
- Attended the Academic Representative day at the Union a couple of weeks ago
- Organised meeting with Jo Williams
- Set up the Year 1 and Year 2 feedback Drive/Dropbox for next year
- Meet with Jo Williams if possible
- Contact Mary Morrell and introduce myself as a point of contact
- Formally taken over from Lucinda
- Began introductions to continuing cohorts (i.e. Y1 and Y2 BMS students)
- Opened for comments on areas most pressing to these students in the next year
- A proper report should be available for the next SU meeting; results are coming out on Friday for everyone else under my representation, and I’ll be working on agenda items beginning next week.
- On Fri 18th July, BMS students were due to receive exam results but at 16:55, FEO emailed to say it has been delayed to Mon 21st July.
•Mock OSCE on Saturday 19th – went successfully
•Curriculum committee meeting with Usama on July 30th
•Year 5 reps have been elected – have got into contact with them and will meet with them when they get back
•Year 6 reps will be elected soon – depends on ICU voting > Dariush is keeping me updated
Alumni & Careers Officer
-Awaiting Handover from David Thompson.
-Hopefully will be scheduling a meeting soon with the Alumni. Would appreciate if anyone could get in contact with me if they wish me to bring up anything with them?
-An Alumni-organised Bop is scheduled to happen on Saturday 20th September 2014.
-I’ve met with Dr Carolyn Gabriel (Vertical Theme Lead) and PhilippaShallard (North West Thames Foundation School Manager) regarding the School’s career proposal
-There should be a new Careers Co-ordinator in place by September/October
-Aiming to embed careers ‘advice’ into the curriculum – lectures on Cvs/portfolios, planning ahead and how the medical training landscape is after qualification.
-Carolyn + Philippa are pushing for all medical years bar Final – as it was considered that the focus should be on Foundation Application.
-'Foundation Saturday' will happen late Sept/early Oct – Imperial F2s come back from outside London to tell final years students what life outside London for F1/2 is like.
-Careers Fair is planned for Tuesday 24th February 2015.
-I’ve met with Anthony Crowther about how to take 'Careers Soc’ forward
-Will be renamed a ‘ICSM Careers Network’. Societies will have own right as another C/S but will be required to be part of the Network. There will be a logo and brand awareness for both Careers and the Network.
-Pushing for more space at Freshers’Fayre for Socs
-Will hold a termly meeting/forum with Careers lead + relevant clubs – looking for collaborative work.
-Process of making a new Career Soc will go through New Activities Committee (previously New Clubs Committee)
-I will write the ICSM Careers Network Policy and bring it to Exec as soon as I’ve written it. Deadline: End of July.
-Will be talking to SORA about Academic Foundation Programme mock interviews in November.
-? Is whether people feel that getting Imperial Alumni back to talk about life after Imperial is useful or not? Need to gauge opinion on whether it’s worth the time/effort or whether people would appreciate it.