ICS3 -- Final Project -- Quiz Mark: _____/ 60

Project Summary

____ / 1 0 - One page summary of program use, features and limitations

- A completed evaluation with clear annotations (reformat in word as necessary)

- Final Program Development Log

Final Program

_____ / 40 Level One ( 80%) _____ / 45 Level Two (90%)
_____ / 50 Level Three (100%) _____ Bonuses (up to 3 marks)

General Criteria
____ Working Program of modular design (use of functions)

____ Detailed internal documentation
____ Use a menu system to move through the various options
____ User friendly (visually and semantically clear / appealing)
____ include a help / instructions option
____ use function definitions where appropriate
____ Program is of original design except in aspects where noted

Level One:
____ write a quiz about a historical event, tv show, etc
____ include three levels, of which questions and answers are read from a file
____ include comments for responses (successful or unsuccessful)
____ indicate score at end and level of success with a suitable graphic
____ include the ability to keep and store sorted scores
Level Two:
____ Use an EasyGui interface
____ Reward for a high score (game, puzzle -- sight source and modifications)
Level Three:
____ Use a mix of true false, multiple choice and fill in the blank questions
____ Description: ______

ICS3 -- Final Project -- Hangman Mark: _____/ 60

Project Summary

____ / 1 0 - One page summary of program use, features and limitations

- A completed evaluation with clear annotations (reformat in word as necessary)

- Final Program Development Log

Final Program

_____ / 40 Level One ( 80%) _____ / 45 Level Two (90%)
_____ / 50 Level Three (100%) _____ Bonuses (up to 3 marks)

General Criteria
____ Working Program of modular design (use of functions)

____ Detailed internal documentation
____ Use a menu system to move through the various options
____ User friendly (visually and semantically clear / appealing)
____ include a help / instructions option
____ use function definitions where appropriate
____ Program is of original design except in aspects where noted

Hangman game
Level One:
____ computer to pick the word
____ letters are placed in appropriate spots as correct guesses are made
____ use character graphics to construct man
____ assign a score based on # of guesses needed and store to a sorted file that can be viewed
Level Two:
____ Use an EasyGui interface
____ Use gifs to construct man
Level Three:
____ ability for the computer to guess the word
____ Description: ______

ICS3 -- Final Project – xTurtle Game Mark: _____/ 60

Project Summary

____ / 1 0 - One page summary of program use, features and limitations

- A completed evaluation with clear annotations (reformat in word as necessary)

- Final Program Development Log

Final Program

_____ / 40 Level One ( 80%) _____ / 45 Level Two (90%)
_____ / 50 Level Three (100%) _____ Bonuses (up to 3 marks)

General Criteria
____ Working Program of modular design (use of functions)

____ Detailed internal documentation
____ Use a menu system to move through the various options
____ User friendly (visually and semantically clear / appealing)
____ include a help / instructions option
____ use function definitions where appropriate
____ Program is of original design except in aspects where noted

xTurtle Game
Level One:
____ Change graphic theme (background, attacking graphics, trigger point)
____ indicate at end level of success with a suitable graphic
____ include the ability to keep and store top (sorted) scores
____ add more sounds in appropriate places (when game won, theme on opening menu)
Level Two:
____ Add a new level to the game (must be more challenging than the first level)
____ use an EasyGui or xTurtle interface for start menu and scores
Level three:
____ when target is hit change graphic to an explosion
____ Description: ______