some rights reserved animation script
FINAL version [4.1]
opening titles
stx backing track
‘creative commons’ staring…
mayer (mayer bobs head)
bettle (bettle bobs head)
dissolve to part 1
part 1
mayer[on screen] listening to iPod music player. dancing like a maniac. jumps. air guitar etc
bettle enters. looks at him bemused
bettletaps mayer on the shoulder
mayer(freaks out, jumps, clutches his chest etc. takes ear phones out)You scared me to death!
bettleWhat were you doing?
mayer(a little stunned) I was just appreciating this cool song I just downloaded off the net.
stx sound of a penny dropping
bettleYou are so busted.
mayer(with a hint of concern) Why?!
bettleYou’re not allowed to steal music off the net. It’s illegal.
stx music hints of danger
I’m going to the cops!
police hat appears on bettle’s head
stx backing track starts
meyerWhat is with you? No, it’s ok. This is a track I got from Opsound
bettle[entering screen from right] So who’s Opsound?
meyerNo, Opsound is a website. You’re allowed to get music that use Creative Commons licences. You only can’t download music if you don’t have permission. Creative Commons means you can.
bettleKeep talking or I’m going to the cops.
meyer(slightly annoyed) You were an annoying baby, weren’t you?
bettle(ignores mayer’s comment. glares) Keep talking…
stx music changes as copyright logo appears
copyright logo appears
copyright logo flashes and disappears
meyerWell anything that’s copyrighted you need to get permission to use right?
stx ecclesiastical-style music as creative commons logo appears
meyerBut anything licensed under Creative Commons licences means you’ve already got permission…
creative commons logo appears
creative commons logo flashes and disappears
bettleSo you can use it for anything?
sfx backing track slows
sfx backing track changes
meyer(hesitantly) Not exactly.
sfx pop sound when the creative commons ‘some rights reserved’ badge appears
‘some rights reserved’ badge appears
The licence tells you what youcan do.
pan [down] to part 2
sfx backing track changes
part 2
meyer[v/o] If someone makes a song (music icon appears. sfx electronic buzz sound) and they decide(happy face icon appears. sfx electronic buzz sound) ‘Hey this is cool! I’m gonna let other people use it!,’ (cc in circle logo appears. sfx electronic buzz sound) they can (‘some rights reserved’ badge appears around cc in circle logo. sfx slapping sound) licence the song in a way that says exactly what others can and can’t do.
bettle[entering screen from bottom right] How?
meyer[v/o] Well
zoom past bettle and through the cc in a circle logo to part 3
sfx wind resistance
part 3
meyer[v/o] Creative Commons protects the work in four main ways.
creative commons attribution, non-commercial, no derivative and share-alike logos appear
attribution logo pops forward
sfx [v/o] ‘attribution’
zoom into attribution logo
sfx backing track changes
meyer[v/o] Which (attribution logo appears on an angle and bulges) is just (lines expand from the circumference of the logo and the word ‘Mayer’ is revealed as the two lines enclose it) a big word that means you have to put the author’s name on anywhere you use their work
zoom back to full suite of logos
other logos drop off screen. white bar highlights non-commercial logo
meyer[v/o] and (pause)
sfx [v/o] ‘non-commercial’
which means you can’t make money off the song
bettle[v/o] (hesitantly inquisitive) So I can’t sell (non commercial logo drops and disappears. sfx money chinking) it and buy (a car icon pops up to replace non-commercial logo) a car?
mayer[v/o] No.
non-commercial logo appears and covers car logo and smashes the white bar in two
sfx glass smashing
meyer[v/o] and (other three logos fade in to reform full suite of logos) then (white outline of no derivatives logo expands to cover the screen) there’s (sfx [v/o] ‘no derivatives’), which means you can’t change (the edge of the no derivatives logo glistens. sfx chinking) the song in any way (white outline shrinks back to restore the outline of the no derivatives logo. sfx swishing)
other three logos are visible again to reform full suite of logos
meyer[v/o] but there’s also (screen pivots around logos. sfx [v/o] ‘share alike), which means (variant share alike logo 1 appears. sfx bubble sound)you can (variant share alike logo 2 appears. sfx bubble sound) change the song how ever you like as (variant share alike logo 3 appears. sfx bubble sound) long as you (variant share alike logo 4 appears. sfx bubble sound. screen pivots to above logos) licence in the same way
dissolve to part 4
sfx backing music changes
sfx rocket taking off
part 4
a rocket takes off, blasting bettle and mayer through the stratosphere and into outer space.
bettleSo, if I stick to whatever (screen splits into two frames) the artist wants I can download whatever I want for free?
bettleGives him a questioning look.
meyer(sfx tinnie voice)You can!
the rocket orbits earth as bettle and mayer don space suits to explore the void of space.
bettle(sfx tinnie voice)So…[floats on screen from bottom right](holding cd. getting excited. sfx music increases in pitch) if I made the best song in the world (almost incomprehensible) and decided that I was ok with people sharing it just because if people didn’t hear it their lives wouldn’t be worth living because it was so cool…
meyer(sfx tinnie voice) Ye-ah, I get the point.
mayer stands on a satellite
bettle(sfx tinnie voice) How do they know how it’s licensed?
meyer(sfx tinnie voice) All you have to do is have a link (mp3 link icon appears. sfx swish sound) next to the mp3 of your song (mp3 link icon flashes and disappears)…
bettle(sfx tinnie voice) I think you mean the best song in the world
meyer(sfx tinnie voice) Stop that!
bettle(sfx tinnie voice) Say iiit!
shakes fist at meyer. dims eyes
meyer(sfx tinnie voice) All you have to do is have a link (bettle inserts the cd into a pop-up slot in the satellite. sfx opening sound of pop-up slot. on slot the mp3 link icon appears) next to the mp3 of (mp3 logo flashes and disappears)(hesitantly)[v/o]the best song in the (screen pans to attanae which emits radio waves. sfx electronic sound wave sound) world
bettle(sfx tinnie voice)[v/o] Alright!
meyer[v/o] And all people (cut to earth.a computer screen displays ‘[Best Song In The World] - Bettle.mp3, licensed under Creative Commons) have to do is click (hand mouse pointer moves to click link) on the link (sfx mouse click) and it (on computer screen a new page opens displaying the terms with the some rights reserved badge and logos) will take them to a list of what they can and can’t do with (inverted dissolve to part 5) your song.
part 5
a hatch from the rocket floats by parachute down to earth.
bettle[v/o] Ok. So where can I download some of these songs?
the hatch lands safely in the ocean.
sfx splash
sfx the sound of waves in the ocean
mayer, emerges from the top of the hatch as it floats right
meyerThey’re all over the web. But a few good places are… (pause) You got a pen?
bettle emerges
meyerSo you can (bettle jumps overboard and off screen) write these sites down.
bettle(pause) (bettle surveys the island they have come to) I don’t need to.
meyerWhy not? (mayer jumps from the hatch to land)
bettle(bored. kind of annoyed) Because they’ll appear (points upward) above your head as you talk.
meyerAre you serious?!
bettle(matter-of-factly) Give it a try.
meyerOK. Creative Commons has an online music community called CC Mixter.
a panel drops down from top right with the url and the CCMixter logo
bettle(very matter-of-factly) See.
meyer(laughs) That’s cool. And Opsound like I said before.
a panel drops down from top right with the url and the Opsound logo
meyerThis is so much fun! Let’s see how many I can get!
bettleWhatever gets you going.
meyer(quickly, as if to confuse the materialising logos) Umm, there’s also Dmusic, SoundClick and Magnatune
a series of panel drop down from top right with the urls and and the Dmusic,SoundClick, Magnatune logos
meyerAND! In some cases you can do more with them than just play the songs. (screen pans to other side of the island where a tree changes shape and size as meyer talks. sfx warp noises) If the licence says so, you can sample, mash and remix music.
bettleand you better believe I WILL!!!
bettle dons star glasses and a microphone
dissolve to part 6
part 6
sfx backing music changes
bettle is sitting in the hatch preparing to set sail
bettleWell, I’m going to download some music for free and not illegally. Ah hum.
meyerUh umm, you can download other stuff as well.
bettle(surprised) Really?!
meyerYeah! Anything that is created can be licensed.
screen shifts forward to reveal a white rectangle with story icon
screen shifts forward to reveal a white rectangle with photo icon
[v/o] Photos?
screen shifts forward to reveal a white rectangle with drawings icon
[v/o] Drawings?
screen shifts forward to reveal a white rectangle with website icon
[v/o] Websites?
meyerYep! All of them!
screen shifts forward to reveal a white rectangle with movie icon
[v/o] And movies.
screen pans right to reveal a sound icon
[v/o] And sounds.
screen pans right to reveal a weblogs icon
[v/o] And weblogs.
screen pans right to reveal a book icon
[v/o] And books.
screen pans right to reveal an article icon
[v/o] And articles.
bettle[v/o] That’s a lot of stuff. How do I find it?
meyerv/o Creative Commons (screen shifts forward to reveal icon with ‘Creative Commons search’ on it) has its own search engine. (screen shifts forward to reveal a webpage with the icon in a frame on screen) You’ll find heaps of cool stuff. ( icon disappears and bettle on board the hatch fills the frame on screen)
bettleThat’s really cool. I’ll go check it out.
meyerOk. Have fun.
bettleCan I report you to the cops anyway? Just because?
screen pans forward to reveal meyer sitting in front of his computer
meyer(to computer screen) What’s wrong with you is no little thing.
dissolve to black
sfx backing music concludes
fade to credits
credits roll on screen from bottom left
animated + directed by
Peter Foley
sound + music by
Chris Perren
Darren Kruck
Mem Rynne
written by Elliott Bledsoe and Darren Kruck
project leads
Professor Brian Fitzgerald
[Head of Law School, Queensland University of Technology]
Tom Cochrane
[Deputy Vice Chancellor, Queensland University of Technology]
Ian Oi
[Special Counsel, Blake Dawson Waldron]
thanks to
Queensland University of Technology School of Law
Creative Commons
Nic Suzor []
Natalie Johnson [QUT Faculty of Law]
produced for
[ international commons.AUSTRALIA ]
a part of the Creative Commons International Commons Initiative
some rights reserved
this animation film is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence 2.0 Australia
script licence
© Creative Commons 2005
some rights reserved
this script is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence 2.0 Australia
see for full terms