Rev. 2005-09-01 Side 1 / 2

Icomes 2005 Draft pProgram11., 12., 13. and 14th Sept. 2005(The H. C. Andersen year)

This meeting has 3 main themes: Education, Engineering Societies and Engineering Ethics

Sunday 11. Sept.6 pm-21pmWelcome buffét at Hotel Marriottdinner

Monday 12. Sept.0800-0830 Registration

0830-08445Practical information about the Congress, Svend Larsen

08445-0990000Opening, President DMSCarsten Stig Nilsson

0990000--09093045 Main speech, Rector Lars Pallesen DTU

(TechnicalUniversity of Denmark)

09450930-101000 00 Coffee Break

10001000-10301030Presentation of IDA, IDA President Lars Bytoft Olsen:


-What can members expect from theresociety/union?

103030-11001115-Engineering Ethics, Civilengineer John Cederberg,

11001115-12001200Presentation of new members, Dir. Elizabeth C. BarnaDavid J. Soukop ASME

Presentation round of members, Delegates


1300-1330Election of next Icomes hosting country

13300-14301400Educationof Mechanical Engineers:

-The role of mechanical engineering in the new engineering program in Medicine and Technology at Copenhagen University and the Technical University of DenmarkCombined engineer and medical education,

Prof. Ph.D. Kaj-Åge Henneberg Ørsted inst. DTU


1430-1730SigtseeSigtseeing in Copenhagenby bus and boat

1900Dinner / IDA

Thursday 13. Sept.0800-0805 Good Morning

0805-09000915Education for Mechanical Engineers (continued)Papers:

1. Dr. prof. Nobuhide Kasagi-Innovation of Engineering Education in Japan and the Role of JSME

2. Jean Bataille-Industries involvement in Engineering Societies

3. Zhang Qiang-Mech. Eng. Education Conference in Beijing

4. Mr. Moustafa A. Chaaban-Distance learning

09000915-09150930Coffee Break

09150930-10001015Global Harmonization of International Standards,

President Richard E. Feigel (Gene)Blank

10001015-1130Award of the annual 5 Danish machinery prizes:

-ASME ASME Executive DirectorVirgil R. Carter / ASME President Richard E. Feigel (Gene)

-Deputy managing director Nordisk Innovations Center

Mads Peter Schreiber

Chairman of Committee-Danish machinery prizes

1130-1300Lunch with prize winners and delegates (IDA host)

1300-1700Visit to MAN B & W Diesel,(Eng. Sode Kofoed)

1900Galla Dinner in Tivoli Restaurant Nimb (read aloud of H.C.

Andersen Fairytale by author Palle Sigsgaard)

Wednesday 14. Sept.0800-0805Good Morning

0805-09090545Engineers without frontiers, Max Metzlaff (

0945-1000Coffee Break

1000-12 00Common policy and coordination of economical and organizatorical aids to new or reestablished Engineering Societies in developing countries and new democraciesThe importance of the non-profit sector for the welfare society –

a European comparison

Prof. Thomas P. Bøje, RUC (Roskilde University Center)

0905-0930Group photo, J & M

0930-0945Coffee Break

0945-1145Election of next Icomes hosting country, Elizabeth C. Barna

Summary of the 2005 Icomes meting, Elizabeth C. Barna/Delegates: Conclusions, Commitments, Action Items


1300-1500A Brief History of NASA Accomplishments in Planetary

Exploration Paul F. Wercinski NASA USA CA

1300-1500Summary of the 2005 Icomes meting

1900Afternoon free

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Spousese program

Sunday 11. Sept.67pm-21pmWelcome dinnerbuffét at Hotel Marriott

Monday 12. Sept14300-17301700Sigtseeing in Copenhagenby bus and boat

1900Dinner at IDA

Thursday 13. Sept.0900-1600Sigtseeing by bus in Northseeland (Hillerød, Fredensborg,


1900Galla Dinner in Tivoli Restaurant Nimb (read aloud of H.C.

Andersen Fairytale)

Wednesday 14. Sept.10000900-13001145Visit to Royal Copenhagen (Royal Porcelain Factory Outlet)


1300-1500A Brief History of NASA Accomplishments in Planetary

Exploration Paul F. Wercinski NASA USA CA