Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting held on Monday 06 February 2017 at 8.00 pm in the Gordon Woolhouse Meeting Room, Ickleton Village Hall

Present: Pam Fearn (Chairman), Roy Smith (Hon. Treasurer), Michael Robinson, Steven Jenkins, Madelaine Smith, Glynis Hammond, Lewis Duke, Martin Waters, John Holt, Jocelyn Flitton, Linda Hynard.


Other absences: Martyn Northfield, Vili and Sarah Mila (Booking Secretaries). (Apologies were sent but not seen before the meeting.)

002/17Minutes of meeting held on 31stOctober 2016: The minutes of the meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

003/17Matters arising:

First Aid Box enquiries with Cambridgeshire ACRE: The Chairman had sourced a new First Aid box which was sufficient for our needs.

U3A response to no reduction in charges: There had been no response, but they have now increased their fees by a small margin.

004/17 Signatures on“Trustees of Declaration of Charity Trustees Form”:

Linda Hynardsigned the form which was now complete.

005/17Financial Report

Treasurer’s Report: The two reports submitted by the Hon. Treasurer had been circulated with the Agenda. The Treasurer said they were self-explanatory but pointed out that there were not as many one-off bookings at the moment.

Supplementary Trust and amended Deed of Variation (LH)

Linda Hynard had spoken with Charles Stevens (Hewitsons) who confirmed that we should proceed with vesting the documents with the Charity Commission as the Official Custodian. We could revisit at a later date who will be the holding trustees. He has agreed to keep the costs to the original quote of £500 for which a record of thanks is noted, especially as the process has been more protracted and complicated than was originally envisaged. The Parish Clerk has been asked to forward to Ms Hynard the names and addresses of the Parish Council; she already has the names and addresses of the current village hall trustees.

Action: LH/PF

006/17General Maintenance:

Broken/Replacement Blinds: The blinds had now been replaced. One faulty blind at the end needed to be replaced plus one incorrect pully.

Painting of Cupboard in Changing Room: The painting of the cupboard had now been completed although a padlock needs to be replaced. A vote of thanks to Rob Woodward was recorded.

Repair to Cooker / Purchase of Fast boiling kettle: The cooker had now been repaired. Another kettle has been purchased.

Heating/Shelford Heating: Shelford Heating were unable to send out an engineer to repair the heating when it broke down. As the heating had failed, the Chairman contacted another plumber/heating firm Havtech in Haverhill who agreed to come to the Hall. After investigation, it was discovered that water pipes were leaking under the floor in the Gordon Woolhouse Meeting room and tripping the electrics. They managed to isolate the room so that heating could continue in the rest of the building. Fan heaters are currently being used in the small meeting room until the problem can be resolved.

The large water heater, which heats the water for the showers, should be stripped down each year when it is serviced. We have asked for this to be done when the engineers revisits the hall to carry out the annual service.

It was agreed that we would not use Shelford Heating again due to their poor response and the planned service on 13th January has been cancelled. Haytech will now undertake this work.

Action: PF

The PAT testing on appliances is now due and will take place on Wednesday 22nd March. Action: PF

John Holt is arranging for the light in the disabled toilet to be replaced. He had received a quotation of £70 which included fitting the light. Action: JH

007/17Booking Secretaries Report: No report had been received. The Hon. Treasurer mentioned that a resident and his son were using the hall for Badminton on an Ad Hoc basis for 1 hour. This caused concern regarding use of the hall, payment and key access. Action: RS/SM

Liz Driver was doing an excellent job cleaning the hall, fitting it in between bookings. It was disappointing to see that some users do not clean up when they have finished before leaving the hall. We might have to consider using external cleaners in the future.

008/17Fund Raising Events: None planned at the moment.

009/17Any Other Business: The Chairman had arranged for a First Aid & Defib training course on 8th April 2017 between 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. She will be encouraging user groups to have a representative attend. There are 16 places with the cost being less than £25 per person and will include refreshments. Attendees will receive a Certificate and First Aid book at the end of the course. An article will be put in Icene. The Village Hall will absorb the cost of the hire of the hall.

John Holt agreed to speak to someone to investigate if we could have an electronic diary which could be accessed by the booking secretary, treasurer and other nominated committee members. Action: JH

A letter had been received from Tapped – Raise the Bar, who were offering a free mobile bar. The Chairman will contact Brian Pigram to clarify his advertisement. Action: PF

010/17Date of next meeting: Monday 8th May 2017 at 8 pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9 pm.

