A1 ICCB Annual Enrollment and Completion Data

Inst. Research Submission Procedurecreated by S. ParsonsRevised 3/2013

  1. Each January, enter data for poverty level and ACT scores falling into the 25th percentile for the state into the A1 database. This information changes annually and is used in determining if students will be coded as economically and/or academically disadvantaged (i.e., special populations).
  2. To get the ACT information, contact regional ACT office (319-337-1111-Barb) to request most recent “ACT High School Profile” report for IllinoisOr go to website: act.org. Go to the bottom of page, select ACT site index, Select ACT National Scores, Select ACT Average Comparison by year(2013). If information has changed, contact Matt at 319-337-1482 and ask him to calculate the lowest 25th percentile.
  3. This report will provide an overview of all ACT scores in the state and list the scores falling into the lowest 25th percentile. Enter these numbers in A1 database(see below).
  4. To get the poverty level information, go to the website for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), search for “poverty guidelines”. Computations for the 2009 Poverty Guidelines. These guidelines are revised each January. Website: hhs.gov or Enter these numbers on the A1 database (see below).
  5. Open the A1 application:
  6. Click “Annual ACT& Poverty Guidelines Setup” button
  1. Click “Set up ACT 25th Table
  2. Enter Fiscal Year (i.e., 13)
  3. Enter scores for English, Math, and Reading from ACT High School Profile report
  1. Close table
  2. Click “Set up HHS Poverty Guidelines Table” button
  3. Enter Fiscal Year (i.e., 13) REPLACE last year’s data by writing on top of it.
  4. Enter 12 levels with corresponding persons in the household and income level from HHS guidelines. Tab to enter new line. To calculate additional persons in households (more than 8) add $3,740 each year.
  5. Close table
  1. Before downloading Data. XA1P to review parameters for the A1. FA Award Codes (Cyndi S)
  2. To export A1 data from Datatel into A1 application:
  3. Open Datatel
  4. Enter XA1B mnemonic—NOTE: Query takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
  5. Enter Reporting Year (i.e. 2007)
  6. Enter Output File Name Extension—write name of file on paper. (i.e. A1070907SP) use today’s date and your initials A1MMDDYYII

  1. To import files to the A1 database:
  2. Open WS-FTP application
  3. If you have not completed your FTP setup use this information to complete only once: Profile Name = HP2, Host Name/Address =, Host Type = Automatic detect, User ID = enter E number, Password = enter Datatel password
  4. From tab (on right of the screen), open Datatel/live/collive/R18ILReports—sort by the date column to find the six files created by the process in step 1 above
  5. From the My Documents tab (on the left of the screen), open \\rvccluster\RVC_DFS_Root\ \database\ICCB\A1\Imports folder
  6. Select 7 files and click () to move files
  7. Exit WS-FTP application
  8. Open the A1 Application to import data into the application.
  9. Click “Build/Edit Menu”, and follow Steps 1-10.
  10. Click each button inthe Edit Reports column to verify all corrections have been made. If additional corrections are needed, export the edit reports and email to Registrar requesting immediate correction. Repeat above steps until all errors have been rectified.
  11. Click “ICCB Submission Menu
  12. Print allA1 At-A-Glance Reports to check data in reports before sending to ICCB. You do this at any time to check data.
  13. Click “Export & Archive A1 Data
  14. Export A1 Data to ICCB button
  15. Prior to finalizing the submission, verify with the Adult Education office that they entered the level gains for students in their programs. The secretary has a database that connects to the A1 data that should be used for this data entry. They enter the student id, the old program and the new program. There is no editing needed.
  16. To export the data to ICCB:
  17. Open Windows Explorer to transfer files to desktop. Go to My Network Places—rvccluster – rvc_dfs_root –Database - ICCB folder—Outgoing Data folder—select file both A1andIDandSDfiles with year-end as extension in file name (i.e., A151101.13). Open WS-FTP application and login using ICCB login:
  18. Select the A1andIDandSDbyon left side tab and opening My Documents (C:\Documents and Settings\rvc-pc\My Documents)
  19. On left side tabe, open the ICCB Incoming/DP folder
  20. Highlight file from the left side and click () to move file to Incoming/DP folder on ICCB site
  21. Exit WS-FTP site once file is transferred.
  22. Send email to ICCB at to indicate the file has been submitted. Include in the email the submission type, the number of records, contact person, phone/email, and the file name.
  23. Monitor the ICCB site after initial submission for returned files.
  24. Check WS-FTPsite to locate the returned file from ICCB on the right tab in Pub/Outgoing/DP folder.
  25. On left tab open C:/Program Files/WS_FTP/ICCB_Returns folder
  26. Click () to transfer the file to our site.
  27. Review the edit report
  28. Determine cause of errors by reviewing report. A detailed explanation is available in the MIS manual under the A1 section.
  29. All fatal errors must be corrected.
  30. Warning errors may be ignored; however, they should be investigated to ensure they do not need correction.

NOTE: Pay particular attention to the errors listed and work with appropriate IT Programmer to correct existing edit reports to catch such problems in the future prior to the initial file submission. This may also include creating new edit reports.

  1. Correct any errors in the A1 data table in the A1database. Also have Registrar correct errors in Datatel. You cannot just change them in Datatel as the download is not run again.
  1. Resubmit file by repeating steps above.
  2. File the ICCB “edit” and “frequency” report in the appropriate A1 office file by fiscal year.
  3. Once all errors corrected, communicate to ICCB that file is finalized.
  4. A1 data is automically saved when you click the button “Export & Archive A1 data”.

Background information:

Annual A1 submission file includes individual student records with demographic and enrollment data for those officially enrolled in the prior fiscal year as well as completion data (credit and GED/EDP completions and ABE/ASE advancements) for students completing degree and certificate programs during this period. Data for students enrolled in 1.1 (baccalaureate), 1.2 (occupational), 1.4 (remedial), 1.6 (continuing education) and 1.7-1.9 (ABE/ESL/GED) PCS coded courses is included. Corrections identified through the database are the responsibility of the Registrar. Other units contributing information to the A1 submission are outlined in Appendix A (see end of this document). The A1 report is due to ICCB no later than August 1 each year.

Appendix A

A1 Submission

Units Contributing Information

Other units responsible for A1 data and must also meet the deadlines published in the ICCB Student Data Reporting Editing Schedule. Automated email reminders have been set up in the Email Scheduler program to remind these units of their tasks:

  1. Adult Education, Program Information Specialist
  2. Submitlist of students who made level gains in the previous fiscal year after updating Adult Education Access database to Admissions and Records so that Datatel is updated as follows:
  1. Go to IASU
  2. Enter the student’s SSN/ID
  3. Entering the institution #306602 for GED completers and #308714 for External Degree Program completers
  4. Detail on the institution to enter
  5. Start and end year as the fiscal year that the student completed
  6. Enter “GED” or “EDP” Grad Type to match institution entered
  7. If another high school or GED (406) is listed on the record, click on the record and press Ctrl + Del to delete the record.
  8. Go to SACP
  9. Enter the student’s SSN/ID
  10. Select 1830 program code
  11. Change Status field to AD (advanced)
  12. Modify the End Date field to 5/15/YYYY
  13. If program code for program completed not listed then add 1830 code and complete steps i2a and i2b above.
  1. Submit list of GED/EDP completions for the fiscal yearto Admissions and Records so that Datatel is updated.
  2. Mark students with disability in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  3. Mark students receiving public assistance in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  4. Mark students who are WIA recipients in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  1. Disability Support Services Mark students with disability in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  2. Tutoring Mark students receiving the following tutoring services in the Microsoft Access tutoring database.
  1. Students served via SuccessCenter tutoring services
  2. Students tutored by individual faculty members

After clicking the Import PLC Tutoring button, the data from the database is imported into the Enrollment database. To verify this information was entered, open the “PLCTutoring” table.

  1. Fresh Beginnings
  1. Mark students with disability in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  2. Mark students receiving public assistance in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  3. Mark students who are WIA recipients in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  4. Mark students who are displaced homemakers in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  5. Mark students who are single parents in Datatel (see A1 Special Pops Data Entry procedure)
  1. Minority Transfer Center Markindividual student records for level of MTC participation in Datatel
  2. Registraris responsible for coordinating the review and correction of all data entry student information errors and ensuring all degree and certificate completers are entered in Datatel.

Institutional Research Office

A1 Submission Procedure