ICC Chair responsibilities
This paper sets out the responsibilities of the ICC Chair, including the support for the role that is required from within the NHRI hosting the Chair.
Responsibilities fall into three broad categories, with some responsibilities falling into all three:
•strategic leadership
•organisational management
- Strategic leadership
- Engagement with the UN framework, including advocacy for the role and function of NHRIs
- ICC Bureau and General meetings – agenda setting and chairing
- ICC International Conference – advice and guidance, and engagement with the planning group and Bureau members as required
- Strategic engagement with OHCHR and other UN bodies
- Partnership with UNDP and IOI
- Relationship building with other stakeholders
- Support and strategic advice for SCA and ICC working groups
- Strategic analysis and planning
- Organisational management
- Human resources support for and management of Geneva representative (including completion of job-sizing; oversight of employment matters, mentoring on management of an intern)
- Management support for the administration function of the ICC
- Oversight of financial contracts for service, and management of standard of delivery of contracts
- Supporting recruitment of a Geneva Intern
Representation of ICC Chair
•Support for Commission hosting the International Conference, and representation of the Chair on the working group
•Providing an ICC Chair representative on the Business and Human Rights working group
- Coordination with NIRMS and oversight of Bureau and General meeting preparations, including coordination with NIRMs.
- Providerepresentational and administrative support for ICC Chair at Bureau and General meetings
Planning and reporting
•Production of Operations Plan in consultation with NIRMs, SCA and Geneva Representative, collation of feedback from Bureau members and production of final plan
- OHCHR grant – completing annual application, mid-term and annual report in consultation with NIRMs. Including production of audit report
•Collation of progress report for ICC Bureau and General meetings, in consultation with SCA and ICC Geneva Representative
Finances and legal
• management of quarterly reporting: oversight of financial processes and reporting; liaison with auditor and management of audit process, provision of information to finance Committee Chair and extensive liaison on Finance Committee report and any issues therein
- Fund-raising, including liaison with NHRIs to identify potential donors, developing a case for support, supporting relationships for ICC Chair and ICC Chair representative approaches, working with NHRIs and governments willing to secure funds for the ICC
- Liaison with the Chair of the Finance sub-committee on ideas for progressing membership fee payments and other fundraising
• Progressing ICC international/tax-free status with Swiss authorities (liaison with Geneva lawyer)
Systems and organisational development
- Website oversight and strategy development and implementation
- ICC Administrative manual (design of structure of manual and oversight of content produced by others, discussion with NIRMS to agree respective roles)
- Administration
•Bureau members / regional coordinators communications on behalf of ICC Chair
•ICC Bureau meetings; Record of decisions and follow up letters/emails
•Invoicing and Updating membership fees/waiver record and re-issuing invoices, monitoring membership subscriptions, and providing information to Regional Chairs and Coordinators and to the Chair of the Finance Committee
•ICC Chair business cards
•Finances: paying invoices, collating expenses receipts/phone bills and all financial records, coding bank statements in preparation for quarterly reporting and annual audit
•OHCHR Grant: formatting and despatching grant application and reports
•ICC Chair and related travel and accommodation bookings
•ICC Chair correspondence
•Arranging for translations
•Organising and taking notes for ICC Chair teleconferences: Geneva-rep weekly, NIRMS fortnightly (ICC 25 planning), NIRMS, APF monthly
•ICC Administrative manual: writing and updating admin systems section and collating and formatting inputs from others
•Geneva Intern: processing application for work permit with Swiss authorities when intern position changes, drafting contract
•Desk based research as required (for example on potential donors)