June27-29,2018 -Balikesir, Turkey
Abstract Title
1 ……… University, …….. Department, City, Country
2 ……… University, …….. Department, City, Country
ICAME18 welcomes all original submissions electronically via EasyChair system. All authors need to submit their abstracts (min 250 words, no more than one page including references) within the deadline making sure that all author details are complete. The corresponding and the presenting authors must be clearly identified when doing so. All abstracts must be prepared according to this template. Accepted abstracts will appear in a short book of abstracts with ISBN.
Page should be in A4 (210 X 297 mm) size with margins of 1 inch or 2.5 cm on all edges. Font used must be “Times New Roman” and its size must be 11 pt bold for title. Font used must be “Times New Roman” and its size must be 11 pt for regular text with 1.15 line spacing. The text page should include the authors' names, addresses, affiliations and email address for corresponding author (“Times New Roman”, italic, 10 pt).The name and surname of the corresponding author should be underlined. The references should be included at the end in APA style and all references must be cited in the text (or vice versa). The length must not exceed one page including the list of references. Any source of support should be provided above the list of references. Please do not add any header, footer or page number.
Keywords:Keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3
Acknowledgements may be made to those individuals or institutions not mentioned elsewhere in the paper that made an important contribution.
Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets "[ ]" given in an increasing order starting from "1". All references must be complete and accurate. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Online citations should include date of access. Font style should be 10 pt Times New Roman. Examples are:
[1]Castles, F.G., Curtin, J.C., & Vowles, J. (2006). Public policy in Australia and New Zealand: The new global context. Australian Journal of Political Science, 41(2), 131–143.
[2]Mercer, P.A., & Smith, G. (1993). Private Viewdata in the UK. 2nd ed. Longman, London.
[3]Bantz, C.R. (1995). Social dimensions of software development. In: J.A. Anderson, ed. Annual review of software management and development. CA: Sage, Newbury Park, 502–510.
[4]Holland, M. (2004). Guide to citing Internet sources [online]. Poole, Bournemouth University. Available from: [Accessed 4 November 2004].
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