School Programmes

IBL-TR: Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) supported by Thinking Routines (TR)

At BTPS, we firmly believe that in order to fuel our students’ minds, they must be actively involved in their own construction of knowledge.

Inquiry Based Learning supported by Thinking Routines is used to engage, enthuse and empower a self-directed learner with a passion for learning. The school-wide pedagogical approach facilitates the acquisition of the 21st century skills and competencies through thinking, collaborating and creating.

The 5E learning cycle of IBL - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate - is used to craft rich learning experiences that meet the needs of our students.

In order to respond positively to Inquiry-based instruction, students learn Thinking Routines* to articulate their thoughts and develop effective communication.

In our classrooms, 5 key learning behaviours that mirror the 5 stages of Inquiry-based learning are emphasised to teach our pupils how to learn:

1.I Pose Questions

2.I Actively Look for Answers

3.I Explain MY Thinking

4.I Link What I learn to Life

5.I Reflect on MY Learning

* Thinking Routines are from Making Thinking Visible: Building Understanding Through Critical and Creative Thinking – Harvard Graduate School of Education


Journaling is an integral part of education in BTPS. The school believes that ‘Writing

enhances critical thinking, reasoning and applying knowledge. It also allows children

to not only communicate knowledge but also to form it” (Ostroff 2012)

Journals are one of the ways teachers give a voice to each child, encouragingall pupils

to express their thoughts. Thinking Routines are applied widely in journals to develop

the habit of thinking through one’s explanations.

BTPS publishes its own journals for EnglishLanguage – ELLE (P1-2) and TED (P3-

P6), Maths – TOM (P1-P6), Science (P3-P6) and Musicand Art journals.

Music for Everyone!

The school also believes that music, being a universal language, will fuel the hearts of our students and prepare them to be world-ready citizens. BTPS has a diverse music programme that engages and empowers the students. We equip all students with basic theoretical knowledge and provide them with opportunities to perform individually and as an ensemble.

Through ‘Music for Everyone!’, every student will be able to express himself/herself confidently through at least one of the instruments introduced over the six years. The programme also aims to inculcate creativity and thinking skills that inspire and nurture independent life-long learning.

(reconfirm instruments per level)

BTPS Character Programme

The school emphasises Character and Leadership Development through the teaching of School Values, Social Emotional Learning competencies and leadership skills. Positive Psychology is used to build confidence in our pupils by focusing on their character strengths.

A theme-based assembly programme, P3-P4 camps, leadership camps, weekly CCAs and Form Teacher Guidance Period lessons provide opportunities to build character and leadership skills.

Students apply their learning in service projects in class, school, at home and in the community through outreach projects at the Kindergartens and activity centres for the elderly.