IB Honors English II 2016-2017

Instructor: M. Christine Buehner


Phone: (704) 260-6000 ext. 11313


Honors World Literature and Writer’s Workshop is a course designed to grow student knowledge and appreciation of global literature, cultures and ideas while fostering student writing ability. Students in this class will explore, in great depth, essential pieces of literature in order to develop the skills of global thinkers, recognizing our world (and the classroom curriculum) as an environment rich with layers of connection between history, race, background, cultural error and continued cultural growth. Through the skills of inference, analysis, evaluation and synthesis, students will apply logic and reason in thinking and writing processes. Through the development of these skills, students will provide details and examples in their writing to back up assertions, opinions and interpretations of the works in the course of study, noting the crucial role that historical and cultural milieu play in literature.


Overarching theme of the year of study: Crisis of Faith-How individuals around the world respond to trials and tribulations

Unit 1: The Arrival by Shaun Tan (summer reading), Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (ISBN-13: 978-0486282725 or ISBN-10: 0486282724; this is the Dover Thrift Edition and costs $2.25.), Night by Elie Wiesel (summer reading), Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (ISBN: 9780385474542) with a review of Oedipus and the idea of the tragic hero; “One Word of Truth Outweighs the World” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (to explore how artists use one word to speak the truth); films to view: various John Green crash course episodes, Oprah interview with Elie Wiesel; clips from Ernie Gross interview (Holocaust Survivor)

Unit 2: The Epic of Gilgamesh (in your textbook), excerpts from The Iliad by Homer, Medea by Euripedes, “The Yellow Wallpaper” and various short stories; films to view: A&E story of Susan Smith, Troy

Unit 3: The Stranger (ISBN 0-679-72020-0) by Albert Camus, A Thousand Splendid Suns (ISBN 978-1-59448-950-1) by Khaled Hosseini, various short stories from Asian literature

*Throughout the course, we may view other films that are PG-13 or less in order to supplement our understanding of the course study of world literature.


Attendance: When you are absent from class, you are responsible for both the assignments and content that were covered and discussed in order to prepare for tests and quizzes administered upon your return. Please take this opportunity to demonstrate personal responsibility and to prepare for not only the rest of your high school career but college as well, where each instructor expects you to keep up with assignments and work missed. Excessive excused or unexcused absences will cause students to be penalized on the class participation portion of his/her grade, as well as fall behind in class!

Homework and Missed Work Policy Discussion or group-based classwork cannot be made up as it was most likely performed in class, counts toward a classwork grade, and completed in a group setting. Students are absolutely encouraged to be present for all major assessments and to turn in assignments on time. Missed work will be considered on a student-by-student basis as each student maintains responsibility for his/her missed assignments. Quality late work will be accepted at ½ credit (5 days will be given to turn in late work due to absence; work simply not completed on-time and turned in late, will immediately be counted as ½ credit).

Social Media/Phone Usage in the Classroom: Per administration, students are not allowed to have their electronic devices, including cell phones, out during class at any time unless directed by the teacher. If a student is directed to put the phone away and does not comply, the student will receive a referral. If a student puts the phone away once, but fails to do so a total of three times in one class period, he/she will also receive a referral. Because students are provided computer access, they do not need phones in class.

*I understand some students may have ebook/ibook versions of the required texts. Please keep in mind that students ARE NOT ALLOWED to use any type of social media or text in class; they may view the books on airplane mode only. If students are found doing anything else other than using the required text, they will no longer be allowed to use digital copies of texts and must bring hard copies.

Outside Reading: Students must be prepared for class. Preparation for class helps to build coherent and productive discussion. It is important to take your time with all outside reading and to annotate each assignment to ensure a close reading of the text. All works must be purchased and completely read and annotated by their due dates. Students are to purchase new books with the ISBN number given by me. If you do not get the ISBN number indicated, you should be prepared to figure out your own page numbers, reading assignment pages (start and stop sections of the novel), and any other differences associated with your text vs. my text. Students who use another’s annotated text during a class or throughout the unit are being academically dishonest and are in violation of the honor code. In other words, study with your own book and bring your book to class. If you cannot afford to purchase a text, you must speak to me well in advance of beginning a new unit (almost all books are at the library and available for checkout or available online through a device).

Participation: Students are required to actively participate in class. Each student has a valuable perspective and insight important to the class as a whole. A highly motivated student is fully and consistently engaged in the discussion by posing thoughtful questions, presenting insightful ideas and doing his/her best at all times. Important note: All discussions will be held in a positive, constructive, adult and open manner. Hostility towards others will not be tolerated.

Originality: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Do not read another’s summary or analysis or consult any secondary sources for homework or assignments (unless directed to do so by me). You are responsible for ALL of your own work. If it is discovered that your work is not your own, you will automatically receive an F on the formal assessment for the current unit. Cheating is under this heading as well; you should not share answers or take another’s information unless in an assigned -group setting. I expect YOUR WORK to be YOUR WORK.

Supplies needed: Planner/Calendar, Binder for handouts, etc. (should be 2-2 ½ inch), dividers (suggested), notebook paper, USB stick, required texts, colored pencil/pens, blue or black ink pens, highlighters…please also contribute Kleenex and hand sanitizer if you are able…this would be a great help!

Expectations of the students:

1.  As deadlines are a necessary part of all academic and professional endeavors, I encourage you to make a back-up copy of all essays or outside work. Excuses will not be accepted. If you cannot print an essay or assignment for some reason, email the assignment directly to me in order to prevent missed work.

2.  Students should write clearly and legibly on all assignments. I do not read code or use a magnifying glass; I expect to simply read normal handwriting. If I cannot read your writing, you may fail the assignment.

3.  Students must have a notebook for handouts and returned work, a pencil and blue or black ink pen, colored highlighters, notebook paper, assigned texts and a journal (for vocabulary and everyday assignments) of his/her choice, and a USB stick, every day in class.

4.  Students should write all assignments down in a planner or other organizational device. LISTENTING IS PARAMOUNT IN CLASS!!! I will not repeat assignments or instructions over and over again. You are responsible for hearing and performing each assignment/task given. You are responsible for remembering and turning in each assignment given. Being organized will help you accomplish this task. Your lack of organization or listening does not constitute a state of emergency or extra work on my part; this is your class and your grade.

5.  Students should always be respectful and polite to me and other students.

6.  Students should always seek to do their absolute best each day!

7.  Students should see me if they are struggling or need help with assignments and/or content. I am happy to help students who show initiative and effort.

8.  Students should not eat in the classroom, throw trash, harm my property or another’s property.

9.  Drinks in class should have lids.

10.  Students should be on-time to class.

11.  Bathroom breaks should be rare.


CCS Grade Scale: A: 100-90; B: 89-80; C: 79-70; D: 69-60; F: 59-0

Quarter Grades:

Classwork/Homework: b/w 5-20 points depending on assignment

Quizzes and minor assessments: 20-25 points depending on assessment

Tests, Projects, major assessments: 100 points

Formal written assessments: 100 points

Final Grade:

1st semester (37.5% of Year Grade); 2nd semester (37.5% of Year Grade); Final Exam (25% of Year Grade)

Please show me the following signed portion of your sheet; I will mark you on my sheet as complete as this counts as a grade.

I have read and understand the expectations included in Mrs. Buehner’s syllabus, and I am aware that I will be expected to perform to the best of my ability in this class.

PERMISSION SLIP ADDENDUM: In addition, as a student and parent, I understand that sometimes classroom discussion, material covered and even movie viewing may contain adult themes and will require an adult outlook and manner of participation. By signing the below form, I as a student, agree to approach each day and discussion with a mature attitude and ability/desire to work with the material in an adult manner. As a parent, I agree to allow my student to read and view assignments given in this class throughout this semester. Books and movies will be announced prior to reading or viewing.



I have shared the information provided in this syllabus with my parent or guardian.
