IASL Conferences: Planning
See also IASL Conference Planning and Management: A Handbook
See also IASL Call for Proposals application form (Word format).
See also IASL Suggested Budget Guidelines for an IASL Conference
Applications close 12 April
1. Contact information
Name of host group: Croatian Association of School Librarians
Contact person: Vanja Jurilj
Postal address: OS Antuna Mihanovica, Dubecka 5, 10040 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail address:
Telephone number:+385 1 29 24 862; +385 91 2998 998
Fax number:+385 1 29 24 863
2. Purpose of holding the conference in our country
- to see for the Croatian contribution to fostering the school librarianship development;
- to provide for the Conference participants an interesting opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and information in an lovely and relaxing venue;
- to support cooperation among several (school) library associations and institutions;
- to advocate school libraries’ role in fulfilling of education goals;
- to spread knowledge of IASL in Croatia and the region and increase the number of IASL members;
- to provide better position for school libraries in Croatia and the region;
3. Objectives / Goals you wish to achieve in holding an IASL Conference
The main theme of the conference will be:
Back to BASICS: Education AIMS - The school libraries GOALS
According to the theme, the main goals would be:
- to identify differences in positioning education and school libraries in a society in general, specifically in Croatia and the region;
- to bring the goals for developing of school librarianship more familiar;
- to create a wider basis for future cooperation.
4. Conference information
Proposed conference theme:
Scheduled date:6-9 October 2014.
Conference venue: Hotel Valamar Lacroma, Dubrovnik, Croatia
5. Organising body *mandatory for this proposal
Refer to the conference manual
* Conference Organising Chairperson: Vanja Jurilj (CASL)
* Programme Committee Chairperson: Gabriela Blekic (CASL)
* Local Arrangements Chairperson: Ivana Carapina (CASL) & Ante Krstanovic (Dubrovnik Sun)
* Finances Chairperson: Vanja Jurilj (CASL) & Zeljko Bursac (account manager)
* Liaison person with the IASL Webmaster (including an email address): Vedran Skarica, (CASL) e-mail:
Notes: Program includes sessions, traditional elements of an IASL conference, research forum. Local Arrangements include conference facilities, accommodation, transport, tours, social events, exhibition, publicity as various sub-committees.
6. Stakeholders and/or Support Agencies
{Please list these groups in your proposal}
Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia
City of Dubrovnik
University of Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zadar, Croatia
University of Osijek, Croatia
7. Proposed Programme {draft only, with specific reference to traditional elements of an IASL conference}
Day One:
Opening ceremony
Opening sessions: Education aims - where are we and where we want to go (eminent scientists in field of education and socio-pedagogy)
IASL award celebration (social event: traditional music and dances-live, cocktail party with domestic products)
Day Two:
Continuing sessions: Specific school librarian tools for supporting education aims (eminent librarianship scientist and practitioners)
Regional meetings
Excursion: Visiting the city of Dubrovnik - Old Town
Day Three:
Continuing sessions: Echoes of school libraries role in education
Poster presentation time
Social evening and Auction
Day Four:
Round tables, concluding sessions
Visiting school library in Dubrovnik Old Town Centre
8. Proposed Budget (anticipated income and expenditure)
{Insert your budget here -- see appendix I for suggested budget guidelines}
Anticipated income: 115.000 EUR
Anticipated expenditure: 113.000 EUR
Sources of Financial Support
{List potential sponsors for the IASL Conference}
Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
City of Dubrovnik
Croatian Science Foundation
Publishers, IT firms and other partners
10. Endorsement Statement
The Coordinator of the IASL Conference Vanja Jurilj to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 6-9 October 2014, agrees to the requirements for conference administration, programme and publication standards, and ensures that prime importance is placed on the traditional elements of IASL conferences and all these elements are included within the programme.
The Coordinator of the IASL Conference has read and understood the 'Partnership agreement for hosting an IASL Conference' and the IASL 'Conference Planning and Management: a handbook'.
11. Date submitted: 12 April 2012
Please email your proposal to the IASL President with copy to the IASL Secretariat. Or mail your proposal to the IASL Secretariat.