IASC Reference Group on Principled Humanitarian Action (RG PHA)

Workplan 2017

Draft 22 02 2017 v.2

Priority #1: Humanitarian access is facilitated by improved awareness, application and integration of humanitarian principles at field level
Outcome / Output / Timeline / Focal points / Notes/Complementarity / Target(s)
Contribute to a better understanding of the humanitarian principles (HPs) and support to their application at field level / Collection and promotion of tools, guidelines, training on humanitarian principles (creation of a platformof consolidated resources)
Launch of the platform
# of new documents uploaded
Users statistics
100% of the RG PHA members have referenced the portal on their internal and external websites/ on line platform / Launch of platform: March 2017
Maintain the platform: Ongoing
(quarterly review of the indicators) / Lead: NRC
ACF, IOM, UNHCR, ICRC, British red cross, Handicap International, OCHA, WFP / Members of the RG PHA will contribute actively to the platform by sharing relevant tools, guidelines and training material.
They will disseminate it internally at global and country level. / Humanitarian community, academic practitioners, humanitarian leadership
Support exchange of good practices on the application of humanitarian principles through the establishment of an online community of practices (CoPs)
100% Member of the RG join the CoP and contribute to the discussion
# of new discussions started monthly
User statistics / Ongoing / Lead: NRC
IOM, UNHCR, ICRC, British Red Cross, Handicap International, OCHA / Proactive dissemination
at global and country level by the members of the RG / Operational humanitarian workers
Researchers on impact of Humanitarian Principles challenges on PHA
Raise awareness and promote the value and importance of respecting humanitarian principles by engaging on a number of selected priority themes and/or country-specific contexts
A list of priorities is established (based on the contribution of all RG PHA members)
3 case studies
# of events organized or documents produced (TBD) / Until April 2017 / Lead: IOM
Support:IOM, UNHCR, ICRC, British red cross, Handicap International, OCHA / Various modalities for raising discussions: Webinar, discussions launched on the CoP, guidelines
When RG sees the need to raise issues to IASC WG and other Task Teams / RGs / Operational humanitarian actors humanitarian leadership
Priority #2: Counterterrorism (CT) and Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) agendas remain clearly distinct from PHA, and better take into account the need to minimize impact on PHA
NOTE: Refer to minutes of the retreat ‘the RG needs to consider localisation within the CT portfolio, in terms of implications of CT measures for local partners’.
Outcome / Output / Timeline / Focal points / Notes/complementarity / Target(s)
Examples ofcausal links between CT measures and impact on humanitarian action / Continue to gather and share evidence of the impact of CT measures on principled humanitarian action amongst IASC members - including information on concrete impact that goes beyond the ‘chilling effect’ (e.g. estimated average length of delays in channeling assistance because of COTER measures, examples of COTER clauses preventing aid distribution in certain areas, etc.).
This is with a view to using this information for advocacy purposes, and launching a broad discussion consultation within the IASC re. impact. / Ongoing / Lead:OCHA
Support:NRC, Handicap International, ACF, WFP / Humanitarian Financing Task Team / Donors and related member states, Grand Bargain Steering Committee, HLWG, IASC Working Group and IASC Principals
Revive the development of acommon template for CT and exemption clauses in donor contracts. As a first step take stock of red-lines of humanitarian actors, and existing clauses through information sharing amongst IASC members. / Ongoing / Lead:OCHA
Support:NRC, Handicap International / Humanitarian Financing Task Team / Donors and related member states, Grand Bargain Steering Committee, HLWG
Shared messaging regarding the intersection of P/CVE approaches and principled humanitarian action / Develop a two-pager informative note on P/CVE for humanitarian actors. / September 2017 / Lead:NRC
Support:OCHA / Operational international and national humanitarian actors
Develop common messages and recommendations regarding the link between P/CVE and humanitarian action.Tobe shared with IASC Principals (not necessarily formally endorsed). / September 2017 / Lead:NRC
Support:OCHA, ACF / Humanitarian Financing Task Team / Operational international and national humanitarian actors, IASC Working Group and Principals
More information sharing of experience and learnings related and evidence of P/CVE trends and their impact / Ongoing / Lead:NRC
Support:OCHA, ACF / Operational international and national humanitarian actors
Priority #3: Improved protection of humanitarian action in accordance with International Humanitarian Law(IHL)
NOTE: This work stream relates to the protection of a conducive environment for the delivery of principled humanitarian action, as legally provided by IHL. Deliberate attacks against the humanitarian mission affect the very capacity to deliver aid, or the way it is delivered, including sometimes by compromising on humanitarian principles. The RG will work in complementarity with existing mechanisms working on the topic including the Working Group on the Protection of Humanitarian Action co-led by Action Against Hunger and ATHA, as well as the NRC Protection reboot.
Outcome / Outputs / Timeline / Focal points / Notes/complementarity / Target(s)
Protection of humanitarian action against attacks / Following some attacks, the RG prepares guidance on ways to react and the need to seek justice, including possible reactive statements. / Provided information is sufficient, this will be done when RG deems the case relevant. / Lead:ACF
Support:NRC, HI / IASC WG
IASC Principals
IASC Members
Member states
Develop a briefing paper, based on case studies, on the impact of attacks on PHA and access of civilians to basic services. / By end of 2017 / Lead:ACF
Support:HI / IASC WG
IASC Principals
IASC Members
Member states
Disseminate information and contribute to advocacy for a better protection of humanitarian action. / This will be done when information is made available to the group, including from other related mechanisms/groups, if relevant to the RG and the IASC Members. / Lead:ACF
Support:To be discussed by RG members. / IASC Members
IASC Principals