Specialist Agricultural Quota & Entitlement Brokers

Telephone 01335 324594 Fax 01335 324584

Website www.ipaquotas.co.uk Email Issue No. 806

Today / Last Week / Change / 4 Weeks Ago / 1 Year ago
Producers in E & W / 9,894 / 9,914 / 10,413
£ : $ / 1.490 / 1.490 / - / 1.544 / 1.67
£ : € / 1.358 / 1.390 / -0.032 / 1.357 / 1.21
Crude Oil / $55.47 / $53.84 / +£1.63 / $59.26 / $108
Wheat / £126 / £124 / +£2.00 / £125 / £160
Soya meal / £311 / £311 / - / £318 / £407
AMPE / 23.6 / 19.5 / 35.7
MCVE / 25.9 / 23.0 / 37.1

(Commodity and currency prices – source ForFarmers)

2015 English Entitlements Available

40.41 Normal (use by 2016) / £120 ono
17 Normal (use by 2016) / £130 ono
7.11 Normal(use by 2016) / £130 ono
3.37 Normal (use by 2016) / £140 ono
7 Normal (use by 2016) / £130 ono
31 Normal (use by 2016) / £130 ono

1.08ppl milk price reduction for Tesco (TSDG) producers

From May 1st the Tesco aligned producers (TSDG) milk price will reduce by 1.08ppl to a 30.43ppl (today it’s 31.51ppl) standard litre price. For the 50% plus of TSDG producers who initially signed up to the Promar costings there is a 0.5ppl additional payment, which takes their new standard litre price to 30.93ppl.

The price covers all liquid contracts viz: Arla directs, Arla AMCO, Muller Wiseman and the 28 producers supplying milk to Parkham Farms who produce quality mature and extra mature cheddar for Tesco.

There will be few, if any grumbles, from TSDG producers other than perhaps the odd Arla AMCO member who is not really co-operatively wired up.

The downward adjustment reduction is attributed mainly to a reduction if feed costs as well as pressure from increasing milk volumes from TSDG dedicated farms. At 30.43ppl expansion is likely to continue.

0.83ppl nett milk price increase for Arla Amba UK producers – from 30th March

This will be very welcome news for the 3,000 Arla GB members and it is derived from a 1.5 Euro Cents increase for all 13,500 European members of Arla less the currency fluctuation/smoothing adjustment.

It reflects both Arla’s earnings from the global dairy market place as well as the fact its main European rival Friesland Campina have increased their producer prices for the last two consecutive months.

The price increase gives a new standard litre price of 25.80ppl. Note, the increase does not apply to Arla directs.

Dairy Crest’s sale to Muller Wiseman is referred to the UK Competition Authorities

Dairy Crest’s sale of its troubled liquids division to Muller Wiseman for £80 million has been referred to the UK Competition Markets Authority (CMA) by the European Commission, which is a positive and anticipated development.

There seems little doubt that the UK CMA will have to give the deal the green light and hopefully that light will come with few, if any, conditions.

The sale includes Dairy Crest’s Severnside, Chadwell Heath and Foston milk processing plants as well as over 70 depots and a bottling plant.

Please give generously – a Mini plea for maximum cause

You can also donate via text message, just text PORK91 with the amount you want to donate (e.g. £5) to 70070

Like this bulletin? Like doing a bit for charity? Well Ian has been doing this bulletin for 24 years and this is the first time in 24 years of writing a bulletin that he has ever asked for readers’ support. But he is doing it now!

In one weeks time on Good Friday Ian and a co-driver/navigator/backseat driver will be starting a 6-day classic Mini drive from the North to the South of the two islands of New Zealand. The route is a gruelling 2,500kms in 6 days from Kaitaia to Invercargill, following the route of the classic film Goodbye Pork Pie in a roadworthy classic Mini.

Ian and his pal are paying all their own expenses and entry fees but they’re also raising money for two charities - The Rainbow Trust, which provides emotional and practical support for UK families who have a seriously ill child with a life threatening or terminal illness, and The KidsCan Charitable Trust in New Zealand, which exists to support disadvantaged Kiwi kids.

The Rainbow Trusts vision is to supply 24/7 support to all families who have a child with a life threatening or terminal illness with a Rainbow Trust carer. And it is a great injustice that one in four New Zealand children – some 260,000 - live in poverty, going without the basics that most of us take for granted. Your donation will enable KidsCan to continue to provide food, clothing and basic health care in schools encouraging NZ children to reach their full potential.

Every contribution will go to one of the two causes and Ian hopes reader’s will dig deep and support this appeal. Donations can be made via:

Rainbow Trust Just Giving https://www.justgiving.com/ianandcarolepotter

KidsCan Charity (NB $NZ) http://givealittle.co.nz/fundraiser/porkpiecharityrunenglishbulldogsontour

The simplest and quickest way to donate is either online, note when donating ignore any validation notice and simply click on the blue box labelled proceed to page or via text. Just text PORK91 to 70070.

Please give what you can and what you’d like to. If anyone would prefer to send a cheque please make it payable to either “Rainbow Trust” or in the case of KidsCan make payable to “Ian Potter” and Ian will convert it at 2 $2 New Zealand to £1 and post the donation online. Please post the cheques to:

Lydia Clare


Sallyfield Lane




A very big thank you

To the 61 readers of this bulletin who have donated to one or both charities a big thank you. You have all been very generous and for the ones that are not down as anonymous I will be in contact. Many thanks, Ian.

You can also donate quickly via text message, just text PORK91 with the amount you want to donate (e.g. £5) to 70070.

All views expressed in this bulletin are those of Ian Potter Associates and a shed load of dairy farmers. It is necessarily short and cannot deal with the various issues that arise in any detail. As a result it must not be relied on as giving sufficient advice in any specific case. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content but neither Ian Potter Associates nor Ian Potter personally can accept liability for any errors or omissions. Professional advice must always be taken before any decision is reached