IACMI Enterprise Project Full Proposal Template
Project Title:
Key Words (up to five):
Lead IACMI Member Applicant Organization: Name and location (city, state)
Lead IACMI Member Applicant Principal Investigator or Project Point of Contact: Name, affiliation, address, email, phone
IACMI Team Member Organizations (other than IACMI Core Partners): Name and location (city, state)
IACMI Team Member SMEs (companies with < 500 employees): Name
Project Type: Enterprise, Technical Collaboration
Target Clean Energy Market(s): Vehicles, Wind Turbines, &/or Compressed Gas Storage; Other
IACMI Technology Area resources: MI (Vehicles), OH (Compress Gas Storage), CO (Wind), TN (Materials & Manufacturing Process), IN (Modeling & Simulation)
Current Technology Readiness Level (TRL)or Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL):
Expected TRL or MRL at the conclusion of the project:
Have you applied for funding from DOE or other Federal Agency offices in the past five (5) years for this or similar activities? YES/NO
If YES, what agency?
If funded, what activities were funded and what were the major outcomes?
Applicant acknowledges and certifies it understands the membership requirements and that IACMI will only negotiate contractual project agreements with IACMI Consortium Members.
Full Enterprise Proposals are reviewed and approved for funding by members of IACMI’s Board of Directors (BOD). Representatives on the IACMI BOD are all under Non-Disclosure Agreement with IACMI and are listed on the IACMI website (). Please identify any Industry BOD Members who you believe represent competitor businesses so that they may be excluded from the review/approval process:
Maximum 30 page count for Proposal Narrative (Project Description and Work Plan)
Project Description
The Project Description must answer these questions:
- What is the specific scientific/technical or techno-economic challenge addressed by the proposed work?
- What is the technical approach to solve the challenge?
- What is the numerical SMART target go/no-go decision point?
- What is the primary deliverable from the project work that can be made available to IACMI membership or the public (if other than Final Report)?
The Project Description should highlight the most important features of:
- Proposed technology innovation(s) and how it (they) represent advancements versus current manufacturing practice or incumbent technology, and
- Proposed commercialization approach including target markets, product or manufacturing process opportunities, commercialization/technology deployment time line, US Manufacturing plan, barriers to market penetration, competition, and legal/regulatory considerations.
- Key technical and commercial risks and risk mitigation strategies. Clearly describe risks to successful completion of project and what steps are proposed to minimize and provide contingency for them.
The Project Description should explain how the project addresses key Project Selection Criteria including:
- Relevance – how the project supports IACMI’s clean energy mission. Show quantitative metrics and the assumptions and calculations for any values of the parameters related to Relevance and Impact (energy savings, cost, and cycle time reductions, specific product and manufacturing process opportunities and performance targets)
- Impact – how the project aligns with technology needs/challenge identified in IACMI’s composites technology themes, involves timely development (i.e. rationale for current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) or Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL)), generates “market pull” by aligning with an Original Equipment Supplier (OEM) or major industry value chain participant,and delivers public economic benefit (US competitiveness, jobs, SME growth, workforce development, training, etc.). Describe scale of investment, job creation, workforce development, and market impact.
- Commercialization approach – Detailed information regarding the technology innovation and the commercialization approach. Supporting data should demonstrate how project drives capital investment, training, etc. required to deploy for commercial use. Commitments to post-project deployment should be fully described.Commercialization plans should identify target markets and segments, competitors, distribution channels, barriers to market entry and penetration, product development, proliferation, marketing and distribution channels/plans, infrastructure requirements, a US manufacturing plan, and legal and regulatory considerations
- Resources – Resources (public and private sector funds, facilities, equipment, staff qualifications) of the Member Project Team and IACMI Technology Areas and Facilities needed to accomplish project goals in the specified time frame.
Work Plan
The Work Plan should include a detailed overview of:
- Project Deliverables, i.e. what will be delivered upon successful completion of the project (manufacturing plan, capital investment plan, prototype components, workforce development strategy, materials and design, etc.)
- Work Breakdown Structure, including detailed description of each major task and responsibility for each (to the extent possible, Projects should utilize industry standards for conducting and reporting materials testing, characterization, and resulting data)
Task 1:
Task 1.1:
Task 1.2:
Task 2:
Task 2.1:
Task 2.2:
- Schedule including start and end of each major task (Months from Project Start)
- Key S.M.A.R.T.Milestones, with metric of success, minimum of 1 milestone/quarter
S.M.A.R.T. Description
Acronym / Further ClarificationS = Specific / clear and focused to avoid misinterpretation. Should include measures, assumptions, and definitions and be easily interpreted.
M = Measurable / can be quantified and compared to other data. It should allow for meaningful statistical analysis. Avoid "yes/no" measures except in limited cases, such as start-up or systems-in-place situations.
A = Achievable / attainable, reasonable, and credible under conditions expected.
R = Relevant / fits into the organization's constraints and is cost-effective.
T = Timely / doable within the time frame given.
- Go/No-Go decision points, at least one annual Go/No Go decision point for any proposed work that will span more than one year
Budget Summary
The budget summary should identify amounts and the source(s) of non-federal cost share (cash and In-kind) and the uses of funds (i.e. approximate annual allocations to each IACMI resource and to each high-level task). Budget should provide additional granularity including allocations to specific tasks/sub-tasks and should identify any key major resources that it intends to acquire. DOE Budget FormEERE 335 should be used to provide detail breakout of costs. This form is available on the IACMI website. Letters of Commitment for cost share to the project must be included.
Supporting Information
IACMI encourages Applicants to include supporting literature references and other supporting data.
2.0 7/29/2016