Application for

Staying at the Balanced View Center

I would like to visit the Balanced View Center

and attend the training specified below.


Please answer all questions, sign the application (typewritten signature is fine) and send in a complete application together with your application for the training (separate application). Download them at:

Thank you!




Zip code/City:




Male (M) or Female (F):


Year of Birth:

In case of an emergency, who shall be contacted?



Arrival date and estimated time:

Departure date and estimated time:

The training begins at 10 am and ends at 5.30 pm everyday. We ask you to plan your arrival and departure times accordingly and participate full days on the training. It is possible to come one day earlier and stay one day longer.

Do you wish us to pick you up from train or bus station?

Please specify time and place:

(From Emmaljunga:10 SEK, Markaryd and Vittsjö: 50SEK, Hässleholm: 200 SEK.)

Do you need a ride or can you offer a ride in a car?

Please specify where you travel from, date and time:

Please write if we cannot give out your mail address to other participants:

Have I been to the Center before? If so, when:

Will a friend or family member participate in the same Intensive?


In which area/areas of the Center would you like to contribute your daily one hour of service?

Kitchen/dishwashing, garden, housekeeping, café. (Kindly note that we may not be able to accommodate that preference, but we will do our best!)

Do you have any food allergies?

(Please write only allergies, we cannot consider special diets.)


The sliding scale of 350-850 SEK per day for food and accommodation covers the operating cost of the Balanced View Center.

Scholarships may be provided upon application if this sliding scale for food and accommodation cannot be covered (only for accommodation in dormitory). Please see the last page in this form if you want to apply. Single rooms are available, when the Center is not fully booked. Single rooms cannot be guaranteed during the Summer Gathering.

Single room: 550-750 SEK (650-850SEK, during Summer)

Double room: 450-550 SEK

Dormitory/4 bedroom: 350-550 SEK

Camping:250-550 SEK

Children:250-350 SEK

Day visitor (incl. lunch): 100-200 SEK

Currency converter:

Kind of accommodation wished:

My contribution for food and accommodation/day:

Kindly note that the contribution to the Training is separate. Please write your contribution to the training in the Training application. Thank you.


I agree to stay for the entire retreat (or for the entire time specified above respectively) regardless of what happens andto immediatelytalk to a trainer if an emergency comes up.

I agree to fully participate in the programs at the Balanced View Center, including trainings, silent breaks and one hour of volunteer service.

The Balanced View Center is an alcohol and drug-free zone. I agree to abstain from drugs and alcohol while participating here, and agree to not bring alcohol or drugs onto the premises or drink alcohol or take drugs outside the Center, at pubs or other places. If I smoke cigarettes, I will do so in the designated smoking area.

I agree to not initiate intimate relationships or approach other participants in a sexual manner at the Balanced View Center. This allows everyone to focus on the Teaching, and to feel safe.

I agree to not light candles or incense in my room or in any of the common areas of the Center because of the fire hazard.

I agree to not offer or announce any kind of workshops or outside business, or solicit participants in any way while at the Center. This includes not using participant contact information for my personal business upon leaving.

The meeting hall and sleeping quarters are quiet areas. I agree to use my mobile phone away from these areas.

Confidentiality regarding photography and filming at the Balanced View Center

Before taking photos or filming anyone at the Center please ask the permission of everyone in the picture. If you publish the pictures/films on Facebook or anywhere else, we ask you to be sensitive and respectful. Balanced View is not responsible for pictures published by participants.

Official pictures and films will be taken to be used by Balanced View. If you do not wish to be in photos/films published by Balanced View, please approach the people filming and taking photographs while they are filming so you can leave the respective area that is being filmed. Balanced View reserves the right to publish pictures and films showing participants unless we are notified in advance as stated above.

Application Process

This is an application only, and does not guarantee participation in trainings and staying at the Balanced View Center.

• Participation in this training depends on approval of the completed application, indicated by direct contact from the Center.

• Trainers might suggest an alternative program if it is seen as more beneficial to gaining confidence in clarity.

• Balanced View is not responsible for costs incurred due to travel bookings made.

By initialing here I declare that I understand and accept the statements above:

I agree to that Balanced View Center deals with my personal information electronically.

Balanced View Center keeps an electronic record of our participants. We retain the name and contact information in the register to be able to send newsletters and in other means keep in touch with former participants. We will not forward the information to parties outside Balanced View. Transfers can be made to the global Balanced View database. If you do not want to be in the register, want to know what information is registered, or change your information in the register, email us at .

By initialing here I declare that I understand and accept the statements above:

Please send the completed application to

attached in an email.

Typewritten signature is fine.

Remember to complete it with the application to the training.

Thank you!



Application for

Scholarship for Food and Accommodation

at the Balanced View Center

Only required if the sliding scale of 350-850 SEK/day cannot be covered.

Only for accommodation in dormitory.

1. Why do I want to attend the teachings specifically at the Balanced View Center?

2. What are my profession and my current work situation?

3. My maximum contribution for food and accommodation per day: