I want a club of members who want to be members, not have to be members; the courts control Mandatory Membership, not the club. If you want to eliminate mandatory membership you have to change your by-laws: Direct Quote by FCC President at Meeting 1/21/2016.

In 2003, without the knowledge and consent of the individual homeowners of Milan 1 & 2, Valencia A, B & C, Marseilles, Parisian, San Marino, The Atriumsand Oakmont, the Fountains South Property Owners Association (FSPOA) cast ONE VOTE in favor of Mandatory Membership and had their attorney write, insert and register the new by-law requiring Mandatory Membership into the documents of these ten courts.

In 2003 the Mandatory Membership Committee, the Fountains Country Club President and his Board of Directors, at meeting and in letters signed by President Leo Wurtzel, promised the owners in all 19 courts the same rights to opt out of Mandatory Membership, at any time in the future, using the same process as the one used to adopt Mandatory Membership. Unfortunately, due to the the FSPOA casting and retaining the ONE VOTE for the ten courts in the south, the south court residents have been prevented from exercising this right which has been successfully exercised by the seven courts in the north,Tivoli, Deste, TheTownhomes, Gefion, Esedra, Trevi and The Plaza and affirmed by Judge Edward Artau in a Statement of Conclusion dated January 13, 2016.

Therefore, with this PETITION we, the undersigned, call for the FSPOA to immediately abolish the ONE VOTE for Mandatory Membership being held by them for Milan 1 &2, Valencia A, B & C, Marseilles, Parisian, San Marino, The Atriums and Oakmont. Signing this petition doesn’t, in any way, constitute resignation of membership at the FCC, rather the intent is to preserve and protect the home values in the aforementioned south courts.