School year / 2015-16 / Teacher / Mr. Brothers
Office / Period 4 (gold)
Period 4 (purple) / Subjects / APUSH
World Geography/History
Phone / 303.410.1411 ext. 222
Email /
Course Name / World Geography
Course Description
Chronology / Unit of Study/Grade Level Expectations/APUSH / Approximate Time Frame / Targeted End of Quarter Assessment
Five themes of Geography. geography terminology, and map skills / 5 days
The United States and Canada / 5 days
Latin America / 5 days
Europe and Russia / 5 days / Oct. 24
The Middle East / 5 days
Africa / 5 days
Asia / 5 days
Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica / 5 days
Global issues of the 21st century / 5 days / Semester Final
Dec. 17
Grading / Rubric Grades formative assessment
A / 90-100 / Formative / 40% / 90-100=4
B / 80-89 / Summative / 40% / 80-89=3
C / 70-79 / Final Exam / 20% / 70-79=2
D / 60-69 / 60-69=1
F / 59 and below / 59 & below=0
Evaluation/Grading Procedures / Major Assignments (specific due dates and assignments will be distributed at the beginning of each unit. All assignments and due dates must be included or recorded in students class notebook.)
Essays: Students will be assigned three major essays each quarter
Unit Tests: At the conclusion of each unit there will be an 80-100 item objective test modeled from the Advance Placement test.
Seminars: Weekly seminars will be used to examine primary source material.
Class projects: One major class project will be assigned in each quarter.
Course Objectives / Development of broad geographical knowledge, including chronology
Understanding and application of geographical argumentation
Understanding and application of geographical interpretation
Development of skills of analysis and evaluation
Late Work / No Such thing! Unless the old Soviets decide to drop the big one, get work in at the beginning of the class period it’s due. If you are ill contact Mr. Brothers the day of absences don’t try to talk to me when you get back…too late! If you are excused you have the day you are absent plus another day to turn in work. We reward the people who show up and turn in work on time
Group interactions / This is a learner centered class room…no hitch hiking! Participate, you will have a role in these interactions don’t hitch hike off of others work…if this is not your cup of tea you need to speak to me in advance…you control your rate of success.
Tardy Policy=Don’t be late, I work bell to bell be on time ready to go
Class behavior & Expectations / 1.  Be on time
2.  Be prepared
3.  Be enthusiastic
4.  Be respectful of everything
5.  Dress code and the electronic devices policy will be strictly enforced at all times.
6.  What Mr. Brothers says goes!
If you choose to disagree pull me aside and we’ll talk.
Plagiarism/cheating / Don’t do it…school hand book applies here!

I understand there is a lot of work and I will take the AP test because I will get a weighted grade. So, I will not whine or cry to Mr. Brothers because if I do he will not listen. I will give my best effort because if I do I will be successful in everything I do. I will not give up no matter what! I will give my best effort!

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