I-SS Matrix to Define the Work of Professional Learning Community Teams

2009-2010 - First Semester

Purpose: To positively impact student/staff learning in ISS by clarifying the work: collaborative planning, and the work structure of teams. This matrix provides an efficient and effective process for team work (collaborative planning) that reduces variation in the process and ensures accountability for the work. This matrix is aligned with NC Professional Teaching Standards, NC Principal Evaluation Standards, NC Superintendent Standards, BOE Policy, Teacher Working Conditions Survey and General Statutes. Alignment to the NC Professional Teaching Standards is notated for each item ex. (Std.1)

Week / Action / Person Responsible / Product / Observed by or Report to
By Aug 21
Teacher Workdays
Prior to Week 1 / Establish PLC teams with input from teachers
(Std 1) / Principal / Team list / Learning Division
Establish PLC team meeting schedules with input from teachers. (Std 1) / Principal / Team meeting schedule / Learning Division
Establish PLC team norms – utilize Learning By Doing (LBD) process and/or template.
(Std 1,4) / PLC Chair / Team Norms / Leadership Team
PLC reviews updated ISS curriculum guide/essentials for implications on teaching and learning in relation to PLC and student summative data from 08-09. (Std 1,4,5) / PLC Chair / Data Analysis of summative data and minutes from the PLC discussion / Leadership Team
By Aug 28:
End of
week 1 / Establish classroom ground rules (team norms)
(Std 1)
* Kindergarten by August 31st / Teacher / Team Norms Posted in classroom / Leadership Team
Administer district Baseline if developed, (or develop and administer PLC baseline) and analyze classroom results during week 2 (by Sept. 4th) (Std 1, 4, 5) / Teacher and PLC Chair / Classroom data analysis / Leadership Team
By Sep 11:
End of
week 3 / PLC analyzes baseline assessment data and determines common gaps to inform instruction. (Std 1,4,5) / Teacher and PLC Chair / Classroom and PLC data analysis discussion / minutes / Leadership Team
Adjust and prioritize ISSlearning requirements as Essential, Important, Nice to Know (EIN) for at least one course/subject based upon baseline data /gaps. (Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / Curriculum Guide - EIN column / Leadership Team
Communicate to parents and students, as well as post the 10-12 Essential learning requirements for 1st semester learning in student friendly language. (Std 2) / Classroom Teacher and PLC Chair / Posting in classroom, parent newsletter, web site, etc. / Leadership Team
Establish and post PLC strategic goal (aligned to the SIP, and post disaggregated baseline PLC data. (Std 1,4) / PLC Chair / PLC strategic goal and data charts posted with baseline / School Improvement Team
Establish and post strategic classroom learning goal (aligned to PLC strategic goal), and post disaggregated predictive classroom data from the Baseline. (Std 1) / Classroom Teacher / Strategic goal and data charts posted with baseline / Leadership Team
Develop PLC mission statements and develop the classroom mission statements with students.
(Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair/ Classroom Teacher / Mission statements posted for PLC and in classrooms / Leadership Team
Implement Classroom PDSA cycle based on gap analysis from the baseline assessment. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / Classroom teacher / Classroom PDSA Posted / Leadership Team
By Sep 25
Week 5 / PLC’s develop common formative assessments (CFA) (Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / Assessment / Leadership Team
Administer classroom CFA and analyze classroom results. (Std 1, 4, 5) / Classroom Teacher / Classroom results data analysis / PLC Chair
By Oct 9
Week 7 / PLC teams analyze common formative assessment results and reports to SIT
(Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC report to SIT / School Improv-
ment Team
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based on gap analysis & document data driven best practices in the PLC instruction guide (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / PLC Chair / PLC PDSA Form / Leadership team
Implement Classroom PDSA cycle based on gap analysis. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / Classroom teacher / Classroom PDSA Posted / Leadership Team
By Oct 23
Week 9 / Administer district PA or develop and administer CFA. Analyze classroom performance of CFA or PA during the following week (by Oct. 30st) (Std 1,4,5) / Teacher and PLC Team / Classroom CFA Results Reports / Leadership Team
By Nov 6
Week 11 / PLC teams analyze PA or common formative assessment results and report to SIT.
(Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC report to SIT / School Improv-
ment Team
Implement PLC PDSA action steps based on gap analysis & document data driven best practices in the PLC instruction guide. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / Classroom Teacher / PLC PDSA updated / Leadership Team
PLCs analyze grade level/subject CWT reports and develop action steps aligned to school wide action steps. (Std 4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC Data Analysis / Leadership Team
Implement Classroom PDSA cycle based on gap analysis. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / Classroom Teacher / Classroom PDSA Posted / Leadership Team
By Dec 4th
Week 15 / Develop, administer and analyze classroom performance of CFA
(Std 1,4, 5) / PLC Team / Classroom Teacher / Assessment, Classroom Results Reports / Leadership team
By Dec 11
Week 17 / PLC teams analyze CFA results data and report to SIT (Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC report to SIT / SIT
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based on gap analysis & document data driven best practices in the PLC instruction guide. (Std 1, 2, 3,4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC PDSA updated / Leadership Team
Implement Classroom PDSA cycle based on gap analysis. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / Classroom Teacher / Classroom PDSA Posted / Leadership Team
By Jan. 15th
Week 21 / K-8 year long courses develop & administer CFA. K-8 teachers analyze classroom CFA data. / Classroom Teacher / Classroom Analysis of the CFA data / PLC chair
By Jan 22nd
Week 22 / 6-8 Semester length courses administer common formative final exam and analyze results. (Std 1,4, 5) / Classroom Teacher / Classroom analysis of common final exam / PLC chair
HS: Administer EOCs and common formative final exams for non-EOC HS courses per exam schedule (Std 1,4, 5) / PLC Chair / Classroom analysis of common final exam or Data Warehouse Reports / Leadership Team
K-8 Teams of year long courses:
PLC teams analyze common formative assessment results and reports to SIT
(Std 1, 4, 5) / PLC Chair / PLC report to SIT / School Improv-
ment Team
K-8 Teams of year long courses:
Implement PLC PDSA cycle based on gap analysis & document data driven best practices in the PLC instruction guide. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / PLC Chair / PLC PDSA Form / Leadership team
K-8 Teams of year long courses:
Implement Classroom PDSA cycle based on gap analysis. (Std 1, 2, 3, 4) / Classroom teacher / Classroom PDSA Posted / Leadership Team

ISS Cabinet 7/20/09