2008/01/28 RE: Japanese IOTA supportings

Dear OM Shu,

I sincerely thank you for your help in this expedition.

This weekend I was in the "CW contest" was the French Championship! Why, I do not have responded.

I just add to my site codes donor, whom I thank. (In French and English)

Just for electricity on the island of Con Cô, I think about $ 300 for it is $ 5 an hour!

It's really very kind of you and share your "Friends", I remember when I

will be on AS-185. (You can ask Nob, but this time I n'emméne not the

laptop! Not as JBI because no WiFi!).

Thanks again Shu

See you soon.


73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : samedi 26 janvier 2008 23:59

À :

Objet : Japanese IOTA supportings

Hello Jack,

How have you been?

I am Shu JN6RZM Japanese IOTA chaser.

Nob/JE2QYZ is my best friend for IOTA chasing.

And I am enjoying to support for IOTA DX expedition, under below

(1)OC-268 YB7M Moresses Island

(2)OC-217 YE3K Kangean Island

(3)SA-043 CE6TBN/7 Ascension Island

(4)OC-269 YE7P Karimata Island

(5)OC-175 DX0TIC Sarangani Island

(6)OC-207 DX0ST Cagayan Island

(7)NA-124 XF1K Espiritu Santo Island

(8)NA-178 K6VVA/6 SouthEast Farallon Island

(9)OC-161 YE6N Nias Island

(10)OC-270 YE6P Simeulue Island

(11)SA-095p Pupuya Island(2009)

(12) OC-189 3D2RI Yanuca Island

(13) OC-284 P29VCX Nukumanu Island

(14) OC-283 P29NI Takuu Island

(15) SA-053 XR7W Wagner Issland(2008 Feb)

All of them, If you hope, I would like to support for your AS-185p.

To tell the truth, I already heard your information from Nob few days ago.

I am informing to my Japanes IOTA chasers about 60 members.

I gatherd 150USD from 7 members already,


me/JN6RZM. HiHi

If you can, please pick up this callsign on your website.

My target is 500USD and 30members.

How about you?


Good evening Shu,

Thanks again for all this good news!

I note with pleasure that the Japanese are investing in my projects because

they know they can count on me!

For information, know that I made the acquisition of a vertical antenna, the same as that used by P29NI and P29VCX!

Tell your "members" Also, when I will be active on these IOTA's, I will be "special" to listen to them every 15 minutes, 3 Khz below my QRG, but not to disclose to others! Thank you

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : lundi 28 janvier 2008 11:54


Objet : Re: RE: Japanese IOTA supportings

Hello Jack,

Thank you very much for your picking up our friends callsign.

Wow, please please add nine members to your website.


You are giving me more power. Just now I gathered about 350USD.

I am strongly supporting for your trip.



Good evening Shu,

Thank you for this good news.

JA4UQY I put on the site.

I want to ask you, how is the band 30m

At home? Because I do not know if I can listen to 3 kHz below 10104.0?

Clear? In Europe because it is very QRM. Can you tell me or suggest a

frequency of listening to Ja OM's who helped me? Thanks ..


73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : jeudi 31 janvier 2008 14:03

À :


Objet : New contributor

Hello Jack,

Please fill JA4UQY in your website.

I gathered 380USD!!


今晩は konban wa SHU san ,

Many Thanks for good "news" !

The new donors aren’t on site! Now 21 Donors from JA land !

Maybe I myself expressed evil! You know, I said, in order to promote the generous donors,

especially listen to them, 3Khz below my QRG whether CW or SSB, but on 30m I announced 10104.0 listening split UP 2 to 10, but in the Europe 10101.0 is very QRM by a RTTY, so I would like to know how this frequency is in Japan? And if it is another QRM listen QRG (10118.0)? You understand me?

Best Regards

お休みなさい oyasuminasai

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : vendredi 1 février 2008 12:49


Objet : Re: RE: New contributor

Hello Jack,

Many thanks for your pleasure.

I am very pleased to have your friendship.

And please pick JO3AXC and JK1TCV up your website. Ahaha

What Japanese members do you have?


P.S. I think 30m is always good propagation from here to Vietnahm.

2008/02/02 AS-185

Hello SHU

it's really very kind of you to do the same for this expédition.I do not know how to thank you!

Thank you also for information about the 30m, it reassures me.

I thought you know that when I will be active since these islands, listen "special" and "only" for "donors" 3Khz below my frequency, I will listening it every 15 minutes!

you understand me?

They prefer the CW or SSB?

I think that is what's best and what SPLIT,I can say that these OM's!

But tell me, if you want I am listening 10118.0 or other frequencies, it is not a problem for me.

I have prepared a list of "Donors" that put with me, and I will put as contacts with Them.

Thanks again for all that you do for the success of my project.



73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : vendredi 1 février 2008 21:24


Objet : AS-185

Hello Jack,

Thank you very much for picking up JO3AXC and JK1TCV.

I got another contributor JA5IU. He has big contribution for 50USD.

Just now 390USD. Gooooooood!

Pick up his callsign on your website, please.

Yes, I am listening on 10104.5 for SA-043 XR7A.

I heard tiny signal just now. No QRN and QRM on this band.

My equipment is only fishing-rod antenna from my verandah 4th floor

up above 8mtrs into 100 watts.

It's OK from 10100 to 10105 channel from Japan.

But I think I like to operate on 10118. You ought to decide 10118.

Anyway, Masa/JO3AXC said to me "I am mobile station. I expect to work you on my car""MOBILE STATION"

And JG1UKW and JK1TCV, they use Yaesu FT-817 only 5watts."ONLY 5 WATTS!".

If you can, please give them Special super Sked. HiHi

I think I try to get new contributors this weekend. Ahaha


Vy nice and great Job dear Shu...... many Thanks to you.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : samedi 2 février 2008 07:05


Objet : Re: RE: RE: New contributor

Hello Jack,

Onr more member, please.

His callsign is JG1OWV.

Now, I gathered 400USD.



今晩は konban wa Shu san ,

Thank you very much Shu, I did not think that you would join together such a sum!

Our friend JA1SKE is on the site!

Yes, as you want, put “gift for the QSL” or “Gift for the Flights”… Here, all is ready, material, OM… Hiiii…in a friendly way

Best Regards

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : dimanche 3 février 2008 09:59


Objet : Re: RE: RE: RE: New contributor

Hello Jack,

Another contributor JA1SKE, please!

I have another 2 members tomorrow!

About 437USD soon.

I think I would like to name the sheet"Jack Mainguy's official QSL bill for donators"

How about you?



今晩は konban wa Shu san ,

Many thanks , it's very fine !

JN7VUJ is n site.

挨拶 aisatsu , 友情 yuujoo

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : lundi 4 février 2008 11:44


Objet : Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: New contributor


I just received 3000 yen from JN7VUJ.

Please fill his callsign in your website.

25 members, you have!



今晩は konban wa Shu san ,

>Many thanks , it's very fine !

>JA1KEB is On THE web site.

I HAVE ASK TO MY SON FOR PUT "PAYPAL" on my page , but he is very busy...

Please wait again.tks

挨拶 aisatsu 友情 yuujoo

>73 de F6BUM Jack

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : lundi 4 février 2008 13:25


Objet : Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: New contributor

Hi Jack,

One more again,

His callsign is JA1KEB.

You are very popular. Ahaha



今 < 日

< は konnichi wa NOB ,

Thank you for this good news concernat Senkaku, I hope that this will happen

in the years to come!

Ok, for frequencies for the Japanese, I have yet to watch the forecast with

W6EL propagation, and 21.260Mhz is 0900z .. 0100z to be for me spindle H,

0900 to 1600H, which does not be a problem!

I think the best seron schedules:

The 20/03: Ja 1500/1800h 17m and EU

1800/1900H 30M USA

EU 1900/2130h 30M

2130/2300h 30M VK / ZL

THE 21/03: JA 0500/1400H 15M

EU 1400/1500H 17M

EU 1800/1800H 15M

1800/1900H 30M USA

EU 1900/2300H 20M

THE 22/03: JA 0500/0900H 20M

JA 0900/1700H 17M

EU 1700/2300H 30M

THE 21/03: JA 0500/1000H 15M

JA 1000/1700H 17M

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DISSEMINATE "DONORS" so that they are in the "Log"!

I will give you other predictions for the other 2 IOTA. Soon again.

Best Regards.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :


Hello Shu ,

Many thanks for all that you do to help the success of this project.

I have seen several times on the reported cluster!

Our friend JF4VZT is online at the site.

Yes, yes, no problem, await, health first! Myself, or rather my xyl returned

to the clinic on 12/02/2008 and this week will be very QRM!

I hope to have my son next weekend to help me "Paypal" ,So please wait.

We start on March 10, 2008 bound for Vietnam.

Please find attached my budget for this activity. It concerns only me alone!

If you like , i can put the Budget on site ?.

Best Regards.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : dimanche 10 février 2008 11:17


Objet : Re: Pr?visions

Hello Jack,

I got my target 500USD just now.

Yuu/JF4VZT sent me his contribution.

Congratulation for your donation. Ahaha

If you can, please regist your paypal system.

It's very easy, convinience and safty.

Anyway, I have to be in hospital from 15th to 29th Feb.

What day do you receive our contribution 500USD.

Do you OK around after my hospital in March?


P.S. Please pick up JF4VZT on your website.


Dear OM Shu,

. I hope that your health is better?

I wish to inform you that the system "Paypal" is based on my site to the

AS-185, in French and in English.

The pleasure to read.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :


Hello Shu ,

I hope your health is better? That the cure is close, that's what I wish


The start approaching! My XYL Monique was implemented on 13/02, but now it's going and we can go as planned.

My equipment is ready, I got the information for my License ... everything

is fine.

Hope to see you read.

Best Regards.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : vendredi 29 février 2008 12:10


Cc : JE2QYZ/Nob

Objet : Re:

Hello Jack,

How have you been?

I was in hospital till today for my lever treatment.

Yes, OK. I checked your website.

I know very well for Paypal operation.

Do not worry. I send you our 500USD till next Sunday.

It's my pleasure.


2008/03/02 Japanese donation

Hello Shu,

Thank you so much for the "Don" Japanese that I have just received. Don This will help me especially in the power supply problems on AS-185.

The 27 members are listed and I take them with me Call's! I shall

particularly that they are in the "Log".

You will not tell me anything about your health? I hope that your condition


We leave the 10/03 by plane and arrive in Hanoi on 12/03/2008. I go on the

same day with the person who delivers the "Licences"! Road and then travel

to AS-185!

If I find a "Cyber Café" I will keep you informed.

Thousand Thanks Shu.

73 de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : dimanche 2 mars 2008 12:40


Objet : Japanese donation

Hello Jack,

I just sent you Japanese donation 500USD thru Paypal system.

They are 27 members.

I hope you have safty trip!!



Hello Shu,

Thank you again!

I am very happy that you are back in your home!

I think this means that your health is better.

JA7BWT is on the site!

I think you have "spread" to our donor friends, rules for facilities to

contact me? Every 15 minutes, I will be listening to my QRG least 3Khz

(split down 3) only for them. Regardless of the band and time.

Yes, I knew for XR7W, the occurrence of which they were victims.

We leave the train to Quang Tri, and then the boat .... Hope and I think

that everything will go well!

My XYL Monique went much better, I thank you, and it is ready for the start

on Monday!

I have brought your email address, and I will keep you informed, if

unforeseen events come!

If I do not write ....= Everything is fine!

Soon since AS-185.

Best Regards

73/88 QRA de F6BUM

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : vendredi 7 mars 2008 11:28


Cc : JE2QYZ/Nob

Objet : Re: RE: Japanese donation

Hello Jack,

I returned to my home from Tokyo.

And I just received another donation from JA7BWT for new one.

I will use his donation for return postage from me to all donators, if you can. So please fill his callsign JA7BWT on your website.

I hope you have safety trip. Because, I and JA friends are gathering for SA-053 XR7W team of car accident in Chile.

Well best of health to you and your XYL.


2008/04/09 New’s

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to inform you that we have just arrived from Vietnam:

08/04/2008 1808UTC.

Everything is fine.

Approximately 2800 QSO's realized on 3 islands. With my little Power!

I ask you a little patience for QSL's because I must put the QRA in order

(grass has pushed 1 month!) ,Return "' log's" on the computer, making the

"matrix" of the QSL card. etc. ..

Thank you for your indulgence; account the various reports of activities

will also be drafted and translated as soon as possible.


73 de F6BUM

mailto :


Hello Shu ,

I hope that health is good? Here, everything is fine.

I just finished getting the log's "in the computer, exactly 2701 qso's,

Vietnam = 11; AS-185 = 578;

AS-128 = 1018; AS-130 = 1094.

I think QSLs will be printed in a short time, a little patience please. Nob I promised, JE2QYZ to send him "All the cards for all donors! It will be done.

I also "documents" to provide a validated by the IOTA's G3KMA, you see that

the occupation is no shortage!

The pleasure to read.


73 de F6BUM/XV3M

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : jeudi 10 avril 2008 11:33


Objet : Re: New's

Hello Jack,

How are you?

I am glad to hear your returning to France.

Anyway, I send you our attachments for QSO datas.

Japanese friends are very pleased to work your IOTAs.

Please send me your QSLs.


Shuji Yamamoto

2-23-24-402 Nishijin Sawara Fukuoka 814-0002 Japan.

Many thanks


Hello Shu,

Thank you for your prompt response. I wish you actually improve your health.

I have no response Nob! This worries me? So if I understand correctly, I

send you your cards plus "donors"?

And the JE2QQYZ at Nob? Is that correct?

I just give my agreement to the printer for printing the QSL card. Model


See you soon.

Best Regards.

73 de F6BUM/XV3M

mailto :

-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : dimanche 13 avril 2008 00:28


Objet : Re: RE: New's

Hello Jack,

Congratulations for your successful XV's trip.

And thank you very much for your kindness.

I am little fine, but increasing fine. My lever treatment is very well.

My HCV is now 3.0 point. on Feb was 6.9, on Mar was 4.8.

Maybe my HCV point will be 0.0 soon. hihi

Anyway, I said to Nob/JE2QYZ "If you are OK, I inform Jack

send my address our QSL cards"

Nob was OK for your sendind your QSL cards via JN6RZM.

If you can, please please send me your QSLs.

Shuji Yamamoto

2-23-24-402 Nishijin Sawara Fukuoka 814-0002 Japan

How about you?


200/04/21 On the Web

Hello ,

I am pleased to inform you that my trip to Vietnam has been set up on the

Web. Page AS-185

Please let me know your comments.


73 de F6BUM

mailto : <mailto:>




This isn't Jack who's replying. I'm his son.

I'm sorry to tell you that my father had a stroke on the 1st of this month.

So, he won't be able to do any QSL management (whatever that is!) any time


He'll keep you update when he's feeling better.


-----Message d'origine-----

De : [mailto:

Envoyé : dimanche 18 mai 2008 13:33


Objet : QSL management

Hello Jack,

How have you been?

I'm fine.

Anyway, how about your QSL management?

If you can, tell me please.

I'd like to announce for contributors. HiHi