7 p.m.
Justice Center
McNairy County Commission
August 13, 2007
I. Roll Call: Stevie Clark absent.
II. Commissioner Moore moved for approval of the minutes of the June 2007 County Commission Meeting.
Second by Commissioner Jernigan.
The motion was approved by voice vote.
III. Commissioner Ashe moved for approval of.
A. Sheriff’s Department - $ 40,300
3-year capital outlay note for cars;
B. Highway Department - $135,000
3-year capital outlay note for tractors and mowers.
Second by Commissioner Freeland.
The motion carried on a roll call vote with 18 Commissioners voting aye, Commissioner Dillon passing and Commissioner Jarnigan voting nay.
IV. Commissioner Rickman moved to declare the following as surplus property to be sold; Terex scraper – dirt pan, 1994 GMC dump truck, 1992 Nissan Pathfinder, 1979 Chevrolet Van, D7 Dozer, and 1993 Dodge pickup.
Second by Commissioner Weatherford.
The motion carried by voice vote.
V. Commissioner Rickman moved to approve the 2007-2008 General Purpose School Budget.
Second by Commissioner Knight.
The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
VI. Commissioner Rickman moved for approval of a $400,000, 3 year Capital Outlay note for the Highway Department.
Second by Commissioner Moore..
Commissioner Freeland moved to table Commissioner Rickman’s motion. The Capital Outlay request would be referred to the Road Board for its recommendation to the Budget Committee.
Those Commissioners voting aye; Wilburn Ashe, Jim Rickman, Anthony Smith, Kenneth Amerson, Ronald Henry, O.H. Freeland, Jeff Lipford, Carol Ann Woods, Tammy Dillon, Keith Jernigan and Stan Wheeler.
Those Commissioners voting nay; Neal Burks, Anthony Knight, David McCullar, Larry Browning, Joe R. Henry, Troy Moore, Jay Weatherford and Brenda Cauley.
Passing; Charlie Garrison.
The motion to table carried.
VII. Commissioner Ashe moved to approve the Brownfield Agreement for the Monogram Building subject to review by County Attorney Kennedy.
Second by Commissioner Ronald Henry.
The motion passed by voice vote.
VIII. Commissioner Rickman moved to appoint Larry Browning, Steve Clark, Tammy Dillon, Charles Garrison and Ronald Henry to the Property Tax Sale Committee as recommended by Mayer Templeton.
Second by Commissioner Moore.
The motion was approved by voice vote.
IX. Commissioner Ashe moved to elect Wilma J. Ashe, Peggy Inman, Cindy Kirk, Rhonda D. Lambert, Dennis B. Moore, Angela D. Orman, Nila Phillips, Brandi R. Sharit, Betty Jo Smith, Doris Smith, John E. Talbott, Jai Templeton, Billy K. Vanderford and Barry A. Whitten to the office of Notary Public
Second by Commissioner Garrison.
The motion passed by voice vote.
X. Commissioner Freeland moved for approval of the Veteran’s Service Officer’s Quarterly Report.
Second by Commissioner Dillon.
The motion carried by voice vote.
XI. The Commission Meeting was then declared adjourned at 7:43 p.m. on motion by Commissioner Freeland and second by Commissioner Cauley.