I really enjoyed the day cookingwith Mel Harvey for everyone at Mathrafal Wood, nr Meifod, Welshpool on 7th March.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make it so much fun.

Here are some of the recipes that I used.

Hope they are useful,

Best wishes,

Jane Rigby.

Almond and Lemon Cake

The almonds do the duty of flour and butter so this cake is great for anyone wanting to avoid wheat or dairy. It’s also delicious with soft fruit as a pudding.


4 eggs

6oz/175g light soft brown sugar

8oz/250g ground almonds

Juice and grated zest of 1 organic lemon

2 tablespoons honey


  1. Line a 7-inch cake tin.
  2. Heat oven to 375F/ 190C/ Gas 5.
  3. Whisk the whole eggs together until light & frothy.
  4. Add sugar, whisk until thicker and very frothy.
  5. Fold in the ground almonds and zest.
  6. Pour into tin and bake for about 45 minutes until golden and firm to touch.
  7. Heat the juice and honey in a small pan with 2 tablespoons water to make a syrup.
  8. Pour the syrup over the cake after it has come out of the oven and is still warm.

I made this before arriving at the camp but it would be possible to cook this mixture as fairy cakes in orange halves or as spoonfuls on a griddle.

Nan Bread

This is a Punjabi leavened bread made with fine white flour and yogurt, which ferments the dough and adds flavour. Makes 8.


9oz/250g self-raising flour

2 tablespoons live natural yogurt

1 teaspoon salt if desired

About 4 fl oz/ 115ml lukewarm water


  1. Put flour, yogurt and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Add the water a little at a time, working it in with your fingers until it comes together as a soft, slightly sticky dough.
  3. Cover and leave for about an hour in a warm spot.
  4. Pull off an egg-sized piece of dough, make it into a ball and roll it out to an oval about 8inch/ 20cm long and 1/3inch /0.8cm thick.
  5. Cook on a hot, dry griddle or frying pan until they puff up and are speckled with brown spots, maybe in just 30 seconds.
  6. Turn over and cook the other side. Serve warm.

Big Soup

Use whatever is in season; I added quinoa for extra gluten-free protein.









Olive oil


Vegan Bouillon [gluten-free]


  1. Gently heat the oil.
  2. Chop the vegetables and sauté gently for 10 minutes, cooking the toughest first.
  3. Rinse the quinoa and add to the vegetables.
  4. Add water and bouillon and simmer until cooked.
  5. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Toasted Seeds


Seeds – I chose Pumpkin and Sunflower

Tamari – this was free from gluten and dairy


  1. Dry-fry the seeds, stirring constantly until they turn golden and puff up.
  2. Take off the heat and stir in tamari to taste.
  3. Eat as a snack or sprinkle on your soup.