
Staff eyes only:

6-Sep / Sara Wheeler
8-Sep / Todd Kuntz
Jill Wurzer
14-Sep / Derrell Scott
17-Sep / Amber Kuntz
20-Sep / Pat McMahon
21-Sep / James Healy
23-Sep / Lexi Donlon
26-Sep / Lisa Breithaupt
30-Sep / Hallie Mollenbeck

I need to see the following students in the hs office:

If you have a student who has to serve detention in the a.m. before school, you need to send a note ahead of time so the bus drivers know to let them off early. No note, the kid isn’t going to be allowed off the bus.

Hope it is going well – let the office know if you need anything.

See below for announcements to read to students

Please READ to Secondary Students9/24:

Wednesdaythe CxC team will dress and meet in the Library at1:05

The weight room will be open in the mornings – please see Mr. Heuer for a schedule.

Jazz choir during HS Raider Recovery today.

Show Choiron WednesdayandFriday this week, 7 a.m.

High school vocal lessons this week: sign-up for a time slot. Must have a lesson in byFriday- no more than 3 per lesson slot.

Secondary Band Lessons Today

8:15- Caleb Joens

8:30- Izzy Anderson

8:45- Jehred Daniels

9:00- Julianna Neff

9:15- Madison Steffen

9:30- Aubrey Duncan

9:45- Chelsea Fager

10:00- Bailey Epling

10:15- William Brown

10:30- Elijah Gladney

10:45- Hannah Heideman

11:00- Destiny Hanson

11:15- Hannah Johnson (makeup)

11:30- Seth Pipho

11:45- Carlie Deeds

1:30- Brittaney Pfautsch

2:15- Alexis Smith

2:30- Rylee Michels

2:45- McKayla Boeschen

3:00- Charlie Magee

3:15- James McClain

Color Guard will practiceWednesdayandFriday at 7:30.

Jazz Band will practiceThursday at 7:15.

The following JH Band students are signed up to play the National Anthem at tonight's volleyball game. IF YOU SIGNED UP, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO SHOW UP!!! Please meet in the band room at7:00pm:

McKayla Boeschen

Kacey Fettkether

Mady Howland

Alexis Smith

Sterling Smith

Jade Roquet

Kaylee Turner

Zeke Zanders

Caleb Heideman

Destiny Moeller

Bake Shop order forms are now available in the hs and elementary offices as well as in Mrs. Aldrich's room. This order form has cookie dough, bread braids, caramel apple cake, and baked breads. There are 2 pick up dates in October to choose from. Thank you for your support!

Grades 7-12 Music Students: start spreading the word about the car wash on September 28th!


Seniors: if your parents would like to place an ad for grad for you in the yearbook, please have them contact Mrs. Nanke for more info.

Open gyms for girls and boys and will be every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday through September and October excluding October 10th and 14th.This is for all girls and boys 7-12!

Sundays: Girls 5-6:30 Boys 6:30-8 Monday: Both 6-7:30 Thursday: Both 6-7:30

College Reps are starting to provide dates for visits.If you are interested in visiting with them you must let Ms. Durant know the day BEFORE they will be here.

Kirkwood College - TUESDAY, Sept 24th @ 1:00 TODAY

Capri College – MondaySept. 30th 9 a.m.

Tuesday, October 1stfrom 9 - 11- Hawkeye College

Wednesday, October 2nd @ 8:30 - Simpson College

Thursday, October 3rd @ 8:15 - University of Iowa

Monday, October 7th @ 1:30 - Coe College

Tuesday, October 8th @ 11:30 - La James College (Mason City)

@1:30 - University of Northern Iowa

Tuesday, October 15th @ 11:15 - North Iowa Area Community College

Upcoming Events:

Tues., 24 – JH VB w/ Oelwein 4 p.m.

XC @ Center Point Urbana 4 p.m.

9/JV/Var. w/ Janesville 6 p.m.

Wed., 25 – 1 p.m. Dismissal

Thurs., 26 – JH VB @ W. Central 4 p.m.

XC @ Grundy Center 4:30 p.m.

9/JV/Var. @ Clarksville 6 p.m.

Fri., 27 – Mid Term for 1st Trimester

Open House in the highschool – Tailgate from 5-7 p.m. outside the commons!!!

Var FB w/ Janesville

Sat., 28 – Dunkerton Var. VB Tourn. 9 a.m.

Musical Car Wash – Farmers Savings Bank – Dunkerton -