Hello all!

I’m Lucas Kuan, and I’m this year’s GJCL 1st Vice President. Coming up shortly is our annual Leadership Academy Event, Praetoria. What is Praetoria you may ask? Praetoria is an event the GJCL hosts every year at Rock Eagle. It demonstrates to students both young and old what it means to participate in the GJCL in a more active way. Whether this could mean increasing membership at a local level, spreading the awareness of the classics to the public, or running for office at local and state level, the experiences given at Praetoria hopefully promotes more enthusiasm for Latin. At the event, students will attend seminars which detail the specifics of running Olympika events, creating publicity contests, participating in spirit competitions, and much more. A more detailed schedule and description of the events can be found in the Praetoria FAX sent in this email or located on the GJCL webpage.

Now, you may be asking, “How do I send one of students to this wonderful learning opportunity?” Simply fill out the Google Form on the GJCL website, have the student fill out different forms, and have the student bring $20 as payment to the event. However, since space is limited at Rock Eagle, we will only be accepting 38 students. Thus, we ask that each school only send one member. On the Google Form, you will be presented with a first choice and second choice. To best fill up the two cabins we have available at Rock Eagle, we also ask that each school have a second choice of the opposite gender. The deadline for Phase 1 registration is September 15th, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.It is also recommended (though not required) that schools send underclassmen who aren’t already really involved in the JCL at the state and national levels. Praetoria is meant to teach the ways of our organization to newcomers. So, while upperclassmen and experienced JCLers are always welcome, schools would be best served by sending younger, less experienced members.

Another note: attending Praetoria is not mandatory to run for State Office. Attending Praetoria helps understand the different facets involved in being a GJCL leader, but is not required to run for office!

I’m very excited to help host Praetoria this year! I know it will go great, and I can’t wait to share these experiences with all!


-Lucas Kuan