It’s so enjoyable for me to observe that even the most hesitant acupuncture patient becomes instantly convinced that the acupuncture treatment is calming, comfortable…and downright relaxing.

In clinical studies, acupuncture reduced the amount of pain in patients. In one study, most of the patients treated with acupuncture were able to stop taking drugs for pain relief or to take smaller doses.
Acupuncture is also very useful for support if you are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or hormonal therapy. Because chemotherapy and radiation therapy weaken the body's immune system, a strict clean needle method must be used when acupuncture treatment is given to patients.


In January 2005 after looking at my xrays, an orthopedist told me that both knees were deteriorating due to osteoarthritis and that I would need knee replacement surgery in the future. I did not and do not want surgery. The pain in both knees increased over the years, which ultimately limited my activity and affected the quality of my life. To treat my pain I took OTC pain medications and used ice packs. I saw Dr. Wang and had my first acupuncture treatment in March 2009. The next day I flew to Dallas. Because of the treatment, I was able to walk through the airports in Atlanta and Dallas and climb stairs basically pain free. I continue as her patient. My mobility has increased and the pain in both knees has decreased significantly. I no longer look for the closest parking space to a store's entrance. In June 2009 I spent 7 hours at Disney World and was pain free. If it hadn't been for Dr. Wang and her acupuncture treatments, I would not have been able to tolerate all the walking and standing in the Magic Kingdom.

Peggy Hinds (Atlanta GA)

"I was having severe burning pain in my back. I had a right-sided disc herniation with pinching of the L5 nerve root. My pain was often a 10 out of 10 before the treatment. It happened when I fell while roller skating 2 years ago. I had an epidural and that helped but the pain returned. The first time I came to Dr. Wang’s acupuncture clinic I was crying in the waiting room because of the pain and I didn't know if the treatment would help. After acupuncture treatments several times I feel great! I would tell people to try the acupuncture right away".John Davis, Atlanta
"I have had low back pain for over twenty years. I am now pain free! It's the first time in twenty years that I can wake up and say I actually have no pain! I can do everything that I could do before. It used to be that activities like mopping would cause excruciating pain. I would do my regular activities and I would tell myself, "It's going to hurt, and I would prepare for it. I was skeptical because I tried other treatments and they didn't work. I was surprised that the acupuncture worked and that it worked so quickly and that it's lasting! I would tell people it's worth trying". Danny Haywood, Decatur