Demo Setup

Database --

I have the new Precinct Central database created – this is what we will run off from.

The database may have to be loaded into the laptop that we are finally going to use for the demo.

The VOTERDETAILS table may need to be refreshed one last time to get a fully new set of data -- ??? maybe.

The SDF database will need to be created from this database.

Laptop Setup

Need to select the laptop that we will be using to run the demo from – I like the one that we had sent to Nimisha because it has all of the keyboard keys –

Programs to Setup

  1. Precinct Central SQL Server DB
  2. Precinct Central Console Program
  3. Precinct Central Monitor Program
  4. Program to be view the handheld on the laptop

State Connection

Ask Christine if she could turn the test server on.

Test Data –

If I have electtesting – then I can do the state searches also??? – How will this link into Precinct Central Monitor??

Desktop epb

Setup the signature capture directories -- done.

Try a workflow in the current state and make sure that is working

EVS – done.


Need a mode that does state searches when not connected to EIS.

We may need to configure the program to run in early voting mode rather than the precinct mode. – done.

On the signature screen – the message – make sure you have everything written – should be changed. – done.

Provide a toggle button to turn the keyboard on or off – we will use it with the keyboard turned off. -- done

Hide the help button for now since there is no online help available. – done.

Hide all the buttons on the tools that are not working yet. – done.

Make sure that the precinct finder works.

Can we make a printed slip at the end of the process that looks like the check-in slip we have on the epb.

We can try and show an absentee request being given out through the EPB – not sure this may be controversial.