
I. Grading Procedure

-Class Work: 40%

Class work must be written in correct form & completed to receive full credit:

-Test: 60%

Quizzes are averaged into a test grade.

-LEOCT: 20% combined with the final class grade.

II. Classroom Behavior

-all students must be seated in their assigned seat before the tardy bell

rings or they will be counted as tardy.

-do not get out of your seat without permission.

-there will be no talking during class unless asked or allowed to do so.

-there will be no bathroom passes given during class.

-all students will remain in their seats until the end of class bell rings.

-do not eat candy/food or have drinks in class.

-do not rest head on the desk or sleep during class.

Detentions will be given for the following:

-chewing gum, eating food or candy and drinking during class.

-excessive talking during class

-Rude behavior towards teacher or any student (possible referral)

-Always be on your best behavior when there is a substitute teacher.

III. Make Up Procedure

-any missed tests or class work will be made up with in three days of

students return to class.

-if in ISS, daily work must be completed in ISS.

-if absent, check the assignment board and turn in any missed work within

two school days.

-No work or test can be made up if the absence in unexcused.

IV. Attendance Policy

-After 5 unexcused absences, parents will be contacted for a meeting with the school’s attendance officer.

-After 7 absences, parents will be contacted for a meeting with the school’s attendance officer and students must attend a Saturday school session from 8 a.m. -12 p.m. in order make up one of the days they missed during the school day.

-Students missing more than 7 days in a semester-long class will not receive credit for the class unless a hardship committee meeting is held and the committee decides to award the student credit for the class.

-After 10 absences, another meeting will be scheduled with the school’s attendance officer, children, and a school administrator to review the consequences of attendance violations.

--After 14 absences within a school year, students and parents will have to go before a hardship committee to determine if the student will receive credit for the classes missed and advance to the next grade level.

Notebooks (3 Dividers)

Section 1 (Notes)

Section 2 (Class Work)

Section 3 (Quizzes,Test Reviews)

Notebooks must be kept neat and in order as the work is assigned. Please do not turn in a notebook with any other class work in it. If an assignment is not complete, you will not get credit for it.

Class Work and Notes Format

Chapter 1.1
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Who is your favorite teacher?
1. Dan Marino
2. 27
3. Coach Guggino
Chapter 1 Notes
Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Each Chapter should have at least 2 pages of notes.
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Contact Info: (Department Head)



Student Name (Print)______

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______