The meeting of the Board of Education, School District No. 95, Cook County, Illinois was held on April 25, 2013 at S.E. Gross Middle School


Mr. Landahl called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm. followed by the pledge of allegiance.


Members present: Snyder, Waterloo, Elwart, Blackburn, LaBarbera, Speziale and Landahl.

Members absent: None

Mr. Snyder arrived at 7:21 p.m.


A.  Buildings and Grounds Committee

B. Policy Committee

1.  Policies up for 1st Reading:

4:15 Identity Protection

Update 1

Update 2

4:140 Waiver of Student Fees

4:170 Safety

5:50 Drug – and Alcohol – Free Workplace;

Tobacco Prohibition – Renamed and Rewritten

5:260 Student Teachers - Rewritten

5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

6:170 Title I Programs

6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6:220 Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program; Responsible Use and

Conduct – New, Optional

Option – Alternative sentence

6:240 Field Trips

7:190 Student Discipline

Option – Adds prohibition of electronic cigarettes

7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

8:20 Community Use of School Facilities

Update 1

Update 2

Option 1 – Adds additional restriction

Option 2 –Provision of Insurance

8:25 Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities

Update 1

Update 2

Update 3

Option 1 – Board approves all commercial and political ads

Option 2 – Superintendent approves all commercial and political ads

B.  Finance Committee

1.  Review of draft budget

C.  Superintendent’s Evaluation Committee

1.  Accept/Approve the 2013-2014 goals.

Dr. Kuzniewski updated the board on several items of discussion related to Buildings and Grounds which included the following:

·  Cashman meeting

·  Electrical upgrade

·  Cost for new service at S.E. Gross

·  Classroom electricity/3 modes/ defined options/related costs

·  Service panels in buildings

·  Panels/costs

·  Net savings/renovation projects

·  Cashman forthcoming with more information

Dr. Kuzniewski also reviewed all policies up for first meeting at tonight’s meeting and the following was discussed:

·  4:170 –safety-policy will include proposed option 2 and update 2

·  6:170 – title 1 policy-policy is on 5 year review. No updates to policy are necessary

·  6:220 – BYOT Program-this policy would not be adopted

·  8:25-Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools provided by non-school related entities-will be adopted with district edits

·  6:240 – Field trips-adopted as presented

·  7:190 – Student discipline-adopted with option

·  8:20 – Community use of facilities -update 1 and 2 adopted only

Dr. Kuzniewski gave his views and recommendations on the aforementioned policies that were discussed. Second reading for these policies will be on the May 23, 2013 Committee of the Whole Board Meeting.

Dr. Kuzniewski reviewed his draft budget previously distributed in board packets. The following items were discussed in detail:

·  fund balance update

·  draft budget/tentative status

·  forecast/speculation

·  salaries/staffing/decreases

·  benefits/8% estimated increase versus 6% or 15% /option/final in July

·  conservative revenues

·  plush expenditures

·  IDEA funds impact

·  Government entities

·  TRS payments

·  Computer capital outlay/equipment

The board commended Dr. Kuzniewski for his exemplary work on the draft budget.

The Superintendent’s evaluation committee previously met to discuss the 2013-2014 goals. The board will be furnished a new copy of these goals and they will be on the agenda for approval at the May 23, 2013 Committee of the Whole board meeting.




A.  Determine placement of CDB Grant money

In regards to the aforementioned CDB Grant money the following was discussed in detail:

·  Excellent and commendable work on a 10 year project

·  Placement of money received

·  Where to place the physical check

·  Options/revenue account/working cash

·  Options/O&M/Transportation/Ed Fund

·  Tax appeal potential

·  700-900,000-OM-no tax appeal liability

·  65,000-gtransportation

·  12.2 in ed fund

·  transferring out options/law requirements

·  om/figures

·  ed fund/figures

·  ed fund placement

·  electrical work options

·  bond options/pay down options/interest rates/exploring other options

MOTION #1 – Mr. Snyder moved to direct the Superintendent to deposit the pending CDB Grant money into Operations and Maintenance . Seconded by Mr. Speziale. Ayes: Snyder, Speziale, Elwart, Blackburn, Waterloo, LaBarbera and Landahl. Nays: None. Motion carried.




A.  “Board Member Pat Speziale Recognition”

Board President, Jim Landahl, presented a plaque to Pat Speziale in recognition of his commitment of outstanding service to District 95. Highlights from Mr. Landahl’s remarks included the following:

·  invaluable contributions to the district

·  articulate nature

·  extraordinary construction efforts

·  deep passion for education

Mr. Landahl closed his remarks stating that Mr. Speziale will be sorely missed by the district and he also acknowledged the presence of Mr. Speziale’s family who were in the audience this evening.

Mr. Speziale spoke and thanked his family for all their support during his tenure with the board and all their family time that was missed due to his strong and selfless commitment to being a board member. Mr. Spzeiale thanked his fellow board members, Jim Landahl, Chuck Snyder, Lynn Waterloo, John LaBarbera, Chris Blackburn, Brian Elwart and former board member Tom Powers for their tireless efforts and devotion to District 95 in all areas. He made note of all of their outstanding accomplishments and the work they did together for District 95.


MOTION #12 – Mr. Landahl moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Voice vote. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,


