Waldorf Education Society of Edmonton

February 25, 2016

I. Call to Order and Opening Passage

Meeting called to order at 5:40 pm

II. Roll Call

The following persons were present: Lana, Laura, Simone, Christine, Aaron, Eva, Jenn, Julie, Andrea, Raf, Nina, Netta, Erin, Miriam, Steve, Keely

III. Approval of the Agenda

Netta motions to approve agenda. Eva seconds. Motion passed.

IV. Approval of the Minutes

Netta motions to approve January minutes. Julie seconds. Motion passed.

V. Report from the Admin


Kindergarten AM: 20 ($92.55 average)

Kindergarten PM: 19 ($119.73) (2 withdrawn in December, 1 new student in January, no fees as Syrian Refugee family – approved by board via email on February 2)

Grade 1: 25 ($135.50)

Grade 2: 24, ($123.88) 2 on waitlist

Grade 3: 24, No waitlist, ($112.13)

Grade 4: 12, No waitlist, ($138.17)

Grade 5/6: 18, ($124.03)

Homeschool Board: 10

Rosebuds: 12/9

Daisies: 12/11

Marigolds: 11/5

Bluebells: 10/6

Sunflowers: 13/11

HS Arts Enrichment: 3/2


W/F am: 13

W/F pm: 15

M/Th pm: 10


·  NSF’s: $665.50 A letter and email follow up has been sent to families who have NSF

·  Class 4 has found a mouse problem

·  Hoping to have reregistration packages assembled for handout Monday February 29 for grades and March 7 for Kinders

·  Will need assistance in the office through registration time

·  City of Edmonton has been contacted numerous times regarding sidewalks

VII. Report from Faculty

·  In house teachers reports

·  Beginning to look for new teachers for next year

·  Faculty loved the opera experience

VII. Report from Treasurer

·  Still updating previous months financials

·  Many months running a deficit

·  Next AB Ed deposit mid March

VII. New Business

A. Portables

·  Korey and Netta looking for portables for next year ($200,00-$300,00 new)

·  AB Infrastructure owns portables used for Public programs

·  Current portable is being rented for $20,000/year for use from Picard

·  Likely $5000-$10,000 to purchase, another $5000 to move

B: WISE Meeting

·  AWSNA 3-Fold Governance, today and into the future

·  Taking place on February 27, 1-4 PM

·  WISE meetings happen 4 times a year, 2 are business, 2 are pleasure

C. Accountability

·  In Camera discussion entered at 6:20 pm (Nina leaves room). In Camera ended at 6:41 pm

D. Gala

·  We have sold 45 or so tickets as of today

·  45 silent auction items

·  Raffle Prize: 2 nights at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, plus $500 spending cash

·  Raffle tickets will be going on sale on Monday February 29

·  Need volunteers

E. Maintenance

·  Communication is an issue

·  Raf proposes classes manage monthly maintenance beautification rotation between classes

F. Terms

·  Tabled until next meeting

G. HR Update

·  Ratfification on February 18, 2016 vote to hire new Office Manager Christiane Benoit

·  Amie Brown requests a year-long sabbatical, Lana motions to allow Amie a one year sabbatical from her position, with request to return the year following, Erin seconds. Motion passed.

H. Agenda

·  Lana proposes all committees/director be listed on the agenda as a way of ensuring communication

·  Lana and Erin to work on next agenda

VIII. Old Business


·  Leah and Laura worked on library over the break (student library)

·  Laura will talk to teachers and have students a tour of the student library

B. AWSNA Young Schools Study – Board of Trustees

·  Eva and Andrea present Board of Trustees study

C. Stage

·  Cannot build stage at this time, as we do not own the building yet

·  Nina/faculty to discuss

D. Policy Review

·  Tabled at this time

VIII. Report from the President

·  No report at this time

VIII. Report from the Vice President

·  Review 2016-2017 calendar

·  Welcome and Gratitude committee still going, being run by Kory and Gigi. Netta motions that W and G fall under Volunteering committee, Lana seconds.

·  Open House was well attended, approximately 25 famlies attended in total

·  Gateways committee ready to launch

X. Report from the Fundraising Director

·  Already reported on gala

·  Simone and Erin attending AWSNA Fundraising webinar

XII. Report from the Volunteer Director

·  Kinder/Nursery toy cleans not well attended

·  Gala still needs quite a bit of volunteers

·  Volunteer hours are being tracked by SignUp Genius, we could upgrade to Gold. More research will be done

·  Suggested volunteer hours raised from 10 to 20 for next year

·  WCB Reporting requires total volunteer hours for premium calculation

·  Teacher Appreciation Event on March 18th

XIII. Report from Store Director

·  Store open all hours

·  Julie to post in the announcements

XIII. Report from Festival Director

·  Planning Mayfair

XIII. Report from Enrollment Committee

·  Re-registration goes out on Monday February 29th

·  Re-registration goes out Monday March 7th

·  Documents to be uploaded middle of March

·  Open House on March 19, accepting registrations Monday March 21

·  Registration is not first come, first served – based on application

·  Licensing inspector came on Monday. Relicensed for another 3 years.

·  Recommend that we close out of school program permanently and offer an education program instead. Going to cancel license for out of school store.

XIII. Adjournment

·  Lana motions to adjourn at 8:45 pm, Erin seconds. Meeting adjourned.