Title / 自分のチームを作ろう
Unit/Activity No. / Baseball/Activity 8
Topic / Sports
Function / Identify things, describe, express quantity with counters
Focus / Create a poster of a Japanese baseball team


Teacher Instructions

1.  Before class prepare the handout and the transparency.

2.  Using the Web sites listed in the activity below, show the students samples of team names, logos, mascots, rosters, and so on.

3.  Have the students form groups of three and distribute the handout. Have them brainstorm in class and finish their poster as a homework. If the students have computer access, have them visit the sites listed in the activity themselves and see more samples.

4.  Have the students present their posters to the class.


Big pieces of paper


You are working for the public relations department of a Japanese baseball team and need to create a poster advertising your team. In groups of three make a poster and present it to the class.

Include the following in the poster:

1.  name of the team

2.  team logo

3.  team mascot (You can take a photo of a stuffed animal)

4.  team roster

5.  fight songs or chants

6.  Information on one or two outstanding players (such as uniform number, position, height/weight, and date of birth)

<Useful Web sites>

1) Links to the twelve Japanese professional teams (in Japanese)


Look for words such as 選手, 歴史, 記録 (きろく=records)

2) Bob Bavasl’s JapanBall.com (In English)


Useful links

a.  Baseball Japan

b.  Photo Gallery

Scoring Guide

Task completion / Comprehension / Creativity / Organization
Exceeds standards / 30: Information beyond requirement / 25: Comprehensible with ease, and rich grammar and vocabulary / 25:
Very creative / N/A
Meets standards / 25:
Required information / 20:
Errors don’t interfere with comprehension, and adequate grammar and vocabulary / 20:
Show some creativity / 20:
Well organized
In progress / 20:
Some information missing / 15:
Some information is confusing or incomprehensible, and/or grammar and vocabulary need improvement / 15:
Few signs of creative effort / 15: Somewhat organized
Far from meeting standards / 15:
Little information / 10:
A lot of information is confusing or incomprehensible / 10:
No sign of creative effort / 10:
Not organized and confusing
Total Score: / /100


For the visual aid, make a transparency of the handout.