I intentionally seek to
build relationships with unchurched people in order
to share God’s love. / I attend worship regularly and set aside time daily
for connecting with God. / I am called not only to receive, but also to offer God’s gracious acceptance to others beyond the church. / I give some when
I attend worship.
I read the Bible often and sometimes the Spirit seems to speak to me. / I am taking responsibility for my own growth through the daily practices of spiritual disciplines. / I am seeing how God can heal the hurts and fill the needs of those around me. / I attend worship when a friend invites me, it is convenient, or I feel a need.
I worship God in the ways I work, play, and engage others in relationships; all of life. / I occasionally try reading the Bible, but it is difficult
to understand. / I pray to God when I am concerned or in distress. / I know Christ invites me to join him in serving others and I’m wondering how I can do this.
I am giving more and
giving more regularly and generously. / I am curiously drawn to the Christians who graciously accept me as if I belong with them already. / I understand more about Jesus’ teaching through classes
& my own study. / I seek to relate to others both in the church and beyond in ways that reflect God’s hospitality to me.
I seek to be open to God’s voice and blessings in all aspects of my life. / I am learning more and more about the transformation that Christ is bringing into my life. / I am often amazed at the way some disciples selflessly serve others and I want to make a difference as well. / I join together in groups for short-term studies that interest me.
I am a committed member of a study or accountability group and willingly lead the group when needed. / I am developing a regular practice of prayer, Scripture reading, and devotional reading. / I am tithing and consciously reordering my life to free up more resources to honor God and bless others. / I share my story of God’s work of grace in my life and invite others into a relationship with Christ.
I am comfortable inviting friends and acquaintances to attend church events with me. / I experiment serving in different areas as I discover my gifts, talents & passions. / I meet regularly with a group of my peers for support, encouragement, prayer, and study. / I am tithing and reconsidering how I spend the other 90%.
Select one from each color that best describes your discipleship now.
Mark that box with an “x”. Then turn to next page and mark the same box.
What does this suggest about possible next steps in your journey of faith?
Exploring / Getting Started / Going Deeper / Centering on ChristA life of
Worship / I attend worship when a friend invites me, it is convenient, or I feel a need. / I attend worship regularly, but I am growing to realize that I must attend to God every day. / I attend worship regularly and set aside time daily
for connecting with God. / I worship God in the ways I work, play, and engage others in relationships; all of life.
A life of
Hospitality / I am curiously drawn to the Christians who graciously accept me as if I belong with them already. / I am called not only to receive, but also to offer God’s gracious acceptance to others beyond the church. / I seek to relate to others both in the church and beyond in ways that reflect God’s hospitality to me. / I intentionally seek to
build relationships with unchurched people in order
to share God’s love.
A life informed
by Scripture / I occasionally try reading the Bible, but it is difficult
to understand. / I understand more about Jesus’ teaching through classes
& my own study. / I read the Bible often and sometimes the Spirit seems to speak to me. / I regularly read the Bible and respond obediently as the Spirit speaks to me.
A life guided by Prayer / I pray to God when I am concerned or in distress. / I am developing a regular practice of prayer, Scripture reading, and devotional reading. / I am taking responsibility for my own growth through the daily practices of spiritual disciplines. / I seek to be open to God’s voice and blessings in all aspects of my life.
A life of
Outreach / I am learning more and more about the transformation that Christ is bringing into my life. / I am seeing how God can heal the hurts and fill the needs of those around me. / I am comfortable inviting friends and acquaintances to attend church events with me. / I share my story of God’s work of grace in my life and invite others into a relationship with Christ.
A Life of
Service / I am often amazed at the way some disciples selflessly serve others and I want to make a difference as well. / I know Christ invites me to join him in serving others and I’m wondering how I can do this. / I experiment serving in different areas as I discover my gifts, talents & passions. / I join Jesus in mission to others using my God-given gifts, talents & passions.
A Life of
Generosity / I give some when
I attend worship. / I am giving more and
giving more regularly and generously. / I am tithing and reconsidering how I spend the other 90%. / I am tithing and consciously reordering my life to free up more resources to honor
God and bless others.
A Life of
Presence / I am getting to know people in the church, but I don’t yet have many deep relationships with others. / I join together in groups for short-term studies that interest me. / I meet regularly with a group of my peers for support, encouragement, prayer, and study. / I am a committed member of a study or accountability group and willingly lead the group when needed.
Please take a few minutes to complete the attached discipleship self-assessment. After you’ve had a chance to record and reflect on the results, please record them here WITHOUT your name and put it in the offering plate. Place an “x” in the box that most accurately describes where you are on your spiritual journey.
Exploring / Getting Started / Going Deeper / Centering on ChristWorship
Thank you. This will help the Discipleship Team as they plan future offerings to help people in their spiritual walk.