November 13, 2012 Meeting
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
DRAFT Minutes
I. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting will happen at next meeting
A. Minutes will be emailed to everyone from last meeting and this meeting
II. Topics:
A. Visitors: Consider whether or not we want to partner with these two groups. Speakers came to talk about each of these groups.
a. Freedom School Partners:
Macy Stewart: partnership and collaboration builds resiliency of the success of scholars in the program. Literacy based summer program for children who are at risk, either because they are behind academically or because they need a safe place to go over the summer. This program helped QHMS last year and it was a great success. The morning program is focused on literacy. Student read a different book each week and get to keep the book. The program focuses on building a love of reading among students and the more students practice reading, the better they get at it. In the afternoons, students participate in camp-like activities including crafts, clubs, and field trips. Volunteers from Forest Hill came in the afternoon to lead activities and expand the fun! Ratios are 1-10 per teacher. UNCC has evaluated and assessed how successful it has been. 60% of the children increase their success; 25% have maintained their reading levels in school after the summer.
b. Communities in Schools: Gina Salvati, VP of Advancement; Andrew Ladd, VP of Strategic Planning and Community Partnerships
Gina’s role is fundraising and community affairs but they want to partner with us and begin working with us and supporting us; can participate as speakers at fundraisers or help us determine how to raise money or offer programs. Materials were handed out. The partnership would include a site coordinator who works with us to develop a plan to support a CIS caseload of families and the school at-large. The support may include bringing in mentors, tutors, local services, speakers, evaluations, etc. Pre-K through 12th grade children can be assessed to see what the needs are and work with those children individually if needed. Assessments of children include demographics, low-income situation, housing, academic needs, family dysfunction and others.
Mr. Lineberger asked how CIS would be different than what we are offering already. The CIS site coordinator would partner with us to determine what complementary services they might offer to enhance what we are already doing and determine if there are other areas we can help.
Ms Neill stated that our counselors are going above and beyond the call of duty at this time; CIS could potentially help support them with activities that they cannot get to. Mr. DeRiso stated that once HS registration starts, they shutdown and so they would need help to keep up with the at-risk children.
A discussion about funding will be used when we speak with outside partners to get us the budget. Freedom School/$60,000 and CIS/$70,000. We would have to go outside and ask for them.
Gail stated that maybe Forest Hill could help us identify other groups that might be able to step up to the plate. We will need to go to our Grants and Fundraising committee to develop a plan and determine who we would go to but not unless our group approves the desire to have both of these if possible.
Summary from Ms Neill. We need to bring in more resources to support the students. What are the items that we want to go to the community with to “ask” for one or both of these groups? Summertime is critical for our students and for an additional $9,000 CIS could support us year around.
S Meck gets county funds to provide CIS due to the need to support a decrease in drop-out rates. Other schools use Title 1 funds and other budgets but when those were cut last year, we did not get them. We are at the top of the list for funds should they become available. Vote was to support CIS as our first choice if we can get the funding. We will also try for Freedom School if we can.
III. Duty Free Lunch: Last year there was a team rotation for lunches; what are some ideas and how do you want to manage this year to allow for duty free time? Ms. Gordon said she liked how we did it last year. Ms McCaughna stated that children noticed when the teachers had left the cafeteria so having adults in there is really noticed by children. Rotation would mean one person would be free per lunch (15 min) but there would be an adult at Healthy Activities too. Each team could determine to give a teacher one week or one month off; up to each individual team. Team determined rotation.
IV. 2013-2014 Schedule: Do we need a committee to create a new schedule around the times for next year. Mr. Early suggested that we should have a committee. Figure it out soon for next year’s registration.
V. Hiring Process: Ms Robinson received information from each group about their thoughts on the process. Language Arts has a model, important points and ideas on how to do it; once the information is submitted, someone from each area should meet with them. Each team leader came up with three questions to ask the person in the process. It has been very valuable. Once you have picked and made your choices, then send to ILT for a decision. Initial interview team would screen resume, initial interview from dept and team and ILT member. Next step is sample teaching and then the person would be presented to Ms Neill. Ms Neill will write it up in a more formal way to send to everyone. Ms Savage asked if this would be a rubric and Ms Mirco stated that they will be teaching children so it is ok. Ms Neill is hesitant to set too tight a guideline so we give people a fair chance. She is happy to find sample rubrics and we can finalize at next meeting. For hiring Science candidates we will stick with existing process.
VI.. Updates:
Ms Ciccarello suggested that we need to update the SLT website as soon as possible.
Prospective Parents: concerns about moving from Smithfield to QHMS are going to be addressed in a meeting at Smithfield. Ms McCaughna suggested using Falcon Leaders.
VII. Agenda Items for next meeting:
1. Hiring Process
Next meeting: 12.11.12