Worksheet 1

Ch:1 (Nutrition in plants)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. Define the term nutrition.What are the different modes of nutrition?
  2. Define the process of photosynthesis with the help of a diagram.Also, write the reaction involved.
  3. How do green plants synthesize food?
  4. Distinguish between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
  5. Explain the term symbiotic relationship with the help of an example.
  6. How nutrients are replenished in the soil?
  7. What is chlorophyll? What is the function of chlorophyll?

II.Fill in the blanks:

  1. The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food themselves from simple substances is called ______.
  2. Water and minerals present in the soil are absorbed by ______and transported to leaves.
  3. Tiny pores present on the surface of leaves surrounded by guard cells are called ______.
  4. ______is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
  5. Insect eating plants are called ______.

III. Draw the diagram of stomata.

Worksheet 2

Ch:2 (Nutrition in animals)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. List all the parts of alimentary canal.
  2. Differentiate between digestion and ingestion.
  3. Name the various modes of feeding.
  4. Which component of food is digested by

a)Bile juice

b)Digestive juice

c)Intestinal juice

  1. What is the length of small intestine and large intestine?
  2. Why we cannot digest cellulose like the cattle do?
  3. Discuss villi and its function in detail.
  4. What is easier to digest- Goat’s milk or cow’s milk and why?

II.Define the following:

  1. Assimilation
  2. Rumination
  3. Egestion

III.Complete the table:

Type of teeth / Number of teeth / Total
Lower jaw / Upper jaw

IV.Draw the diagram of tongue and label Taste buds on it.

V.Name the following:

  1. Largest gland in the body
  2. Large cream coloured gland located just below the stomach

VI.Which part of digestive canal involved in:

  1. Chewing of food
  2. Killing of bacteria
  3. Digestion of fats
  4. Formation of faeces
  5. Breaking of starch into sugar

VI.Correct the following statements:

  1. Digestion of starch starts in stomach.
  2. The pancreas temporarily stores bile.
  3. Amoeba is a microscopic multi cellular organism.
  4. The main function of small intestine is to absorb water and some salts from the undigested food material.

Worksheet 3

Ch:3 (Fibre to Fabric)

I.Complete the table:

S.No. / Indian breed of sheep / Quality of wool / State where found
1. / Lohi
2. / Pashmina
3. / Marwari
4. / Nali
5. / Patanwadi
6. / Rampur bushair

II. Answer the following questions:

  1. Name any five wool yielding animals.
  2. Explain the term sorter’s disease with an example.
  3. What is meant by occupational hazards?
  4. Define the term sericulture.
  5. Discuss briefly the various processes involved in the formation of wool.
  6. What is the scientific name of mulberry?

III.Complete the web chart:

IV. Define the following:

  1. Reeling
  2. Scouring
  3. Shearing
  4. Sorting

Worksheet 4

Ch:4 (Heat)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. Write any three precautions while reading a thermometer.
  2. What is the major difference between a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer?
  3. Define temperature.
  4. Differentiate between conductor and insulator.
  5. Why do we wear light coloured clothes in summer?
  6. Woollen clothes keeps us warm during winters.Why?
  7. Name the three ways of transfer of heat. Write few lines about each.
  8. Differentiate between land breeze and sea breeze.
  9. What are the different units of measuring temperature?

II.Fill in the blanks:

  1. The normal temperature of human body is ______.
  2. ______is the measure of degree of hotness.
  3. ______is the device used to measure the temperature.
  4. A clinical thermometer reads from______to ______.
  5. The land gets heated ______than the water.

III.Draw the following

a)Clinical thermometer

b)Laboratory thermometer

IV.Name the following :

  1. Shining metal used in thermometers.
  2. This prevents the level of mercury falling on its own.
  3. Materials which allow heat to pass through them easily.

Worksheet 5

Ch:5 (Acids , bases and salts)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. What are indicators?
  2. Name any two natural indicators.
  3. What do you understand by the term neutralization? Write the reaction involved.
  4. What first aid to be given in the following cases?

i)Ant bite


  1. What should be done if the soil becomes too acidic?
  2. What should be done to the factory waste before discharging it into the water bodies and why?

II.Complete the table:

S.No. / Substance / Taste(sour/bitter/any other)
1. / Lemon juice
2. / Vinegar
3. / Grapes
4. / Apple
5. / Curd
6. / Sugar
7. / Tamarind
8. / Common salt
9. / Unripened mango
10. / Spinach

III.Name the acid present in the following:

  1. Ant’s sting
  2. Tamarind
  3. Amla
  4. Spinach
  5. Curd
  6. Vinegar

IV.Name the base present in the following:

  1. Lime water
  2. Soap
  3. Milk of magnesia

Worksheet 6

Ch:6 (Physical and chemical changes)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. What will happen when ribbon of magnesium is burnt in a candle flame? Write the reactions involved . Name the products formed.
  2. Why burning of wood and cutting of wood be considered as two different types of changes?
  3. What should be done to prevent iron from rusting?

II.Define the following:

  1. Rusting
  2. Galvanisation
  3. Crystallisation

IV.Identify the following as physical and chemical changes:

  1. Rusting
  2. Melting of wax
  3. Burning of a candle
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. Dissolving salt in water
  6. Burning of crackers
  7. Formation of manure from leaves

VI.Write True or False against the given statements:

  1. Rusting of iron is a physical change.
  2. Beating aluminium to make aluminium foil is a physical change.
  3. Rusting is faster in coastal areas.
  4. Digestion of food is a chemical change.

Worksheet 7

Ch:7 (Weather , climate and adaptationsof animals to climate)

I.Define the following:

  1. Weather
  2. Climate
  3. Adaptation
  4. Humidity
  5. Migartion
  6. Camouflage
  7. Hibernation

II.Answer the following questions:

  1. When is the maximum and minimum temperature are likely to occur?
  2. List few elements of weather.
  3. Write any six adaptations of polar bear.
  4. Why do penguins huddled together?
  5. What are the adaptive features of penguins?
  6. Why tropical rainforests supports wide variety of plants and animals?
  7. Where do we found tropical rainforests on the globe?

III.Name the following:

  1. The department that predicts weather.
  2. The device used to measure rainfall.
  3. The device used to measure the minimum and maximum temperature of a place.

IV.Indicate the type of climate in the following areas:

  1. Shimla
  2. Gujarat
  3. Kanyakumari
  4. Meghalaya
  5. Rajasthan

Worksheet 8

Ch:8(Winds , storms and cyclones)

I.Answer the following questions:

  1. How is cyclone alert different from cyclone warning?
  2. How a thunderstorm becomes a cyclone?
  3. How does wind currents generated on the earth?
  4. What are the different names of cyclones?
  5. What is a tornado? What is the speed of a violent tornado?
  6. What is an anemometer?
  7. List some precautions if you are staying in a cyclone hit area.
  8. How does advance technology helps us to monitor cyclones?
  9. What precautions to be taken if storms are accompanied by lightning?
  10. Suggest two methods to find out wind direction at a given place.

II.Fill in the blanks:

  1. Air moves from a region of ______pressure to a region of ______pressure.
  2. Cyclone is also known as typhoon in ______and ______.
  3. A violent tornado can travel with a speed of about ______.
  4. The ______winds carry water and it rains.
  5. Wind is ______air.

III.Explain why holes are made in hanging banners and hoarding?

IV.Draw the diagram showing formation of a cyclone.

Worksheet 9


I.Answer the following questions:

  1. Name three different types of soil.
  2. Which soil is best to grow plants?
  3. Explain soil profile with the help of a diagram.
  4. Explain how soil is formed?
  5. How is clayey soil useful for crops?
  6. Suggest few methods to prevent soil erosion.
  7. What is percolation rate of water? Write its formula used.
  8. How is soil important to us?
  9. Name the agents of soil erosion.

II.Give one word for the following:

  1. Plantation prevents it.
  2. Clay and loam are suitable for cereals like.
  3. This type of soil hold very little water.
  4. Type of soil used for making pottery.

III.Fill in the blanks:

  1. The rotting dead matter in the soil is called ______.
  2. A vertical section through different layers of the soil is called ______.
  3. The process of breaking down of rocks by the action of wind, water and climate is called ______.
  4. The mixture of rock particles and humus is called the ______.


SESSION 2017-18

Worksheets Term - 1


Subject: Science

Name :………………………………………………….

Roll no.:………………………………………………….

Class & Sec.:………………………………………………….