University Of Iowa College Of Nursing
Annual Administrative Review Guidelines

CON Guideline Intent

Annual reviews are required of all College or Nursing faculty members –probationary tenure track faculty, clinical track faculty, tenured faculty, associates, and lecturers with annual contracts and have two interrelated purposes. The primary purpose of an annual review is evaluative, but it is also formative and developmental. The Annual Review should provide faculty members with substantial feedback and guidance regarding their progress toward meeting collegiate expectations for success and/or reappointment. The evaluative component is most prominent in reappointment reviews and in important administrative decisions involving salary setting and resource allocation

I. Annual Reviews for ProbationaryTenure Track Faculty and Clinical Faculty

The following guidelines shall be followed in conducting annual reviews of probationary tenure-track faculty and clinical-track faculty:

1)The College of Nursing Review Criteria and Processes described below are consistent with the qualifications established in Section 10.4b and c of the Operations Manual.

2)It is the responsibility of the Dean and the Associate Deans for Faculty and Academic Affairs to ensure the completion of the review process.

3)The annual review of probationary faculty should be as complete and detailed as possible in order to provide sufficient feedback and guidance to the faculty member being reviewed.

4)If there are secondary/tertiary appointments or appointments as a result of a University-wide hiring initiative (e.g., cluster hires), the review process should be guided by the original offer letter and/orthe Memorandum of Understanding, and evidence or description of the participation in the review by the department(s) or University-wide initiative must be provided and signatures obtained.

5)Upon completion of the annual review process, the faculty member should be informed of the results of the review in the following ways:

a)Receive a written summary of the review, including documents sent forward by the Associate Deans to the Dean for subsequent review by the Provost.

b)Be given the opportunity for a one-on-one meeting with the Associate Dean or designee responsible for the annual review process.

c)Be informed of her/his right to respond in writing to the annual review. This response will then become part of the official record.

A)Tenure Track Faculty

Consistent with the University of Iowa Policy for Review of Tenure Track Faculty: Operations Manual, III-10.1a(4), the College of Nursing guidelines include:

1)First Year’s Annual Review: All non-tenured faculty members shall receive annual reviews; in their first year the review is conducted in the Spring semester. This review may be abbreviated and based on the faculty member’s limited record to date, but the first review should be used as an opportunity to introduce the process and criteria of annual reviews, review the faculty member’s goals, and develop a plan for achieving those goals in her/his probationary period.

2)Reappointment Review: The reappointment review is conducted during the third year. This review is a peer review and is conducted according to the College of NursingTenure Track Review and Promotion Decision-Making Guidelines. It is a substantial review that takes “into account the faculty member’s proven teaching effectiveness and research productivity and potential and includes an evaluation of collegiate and university educational goals and a determination of the likely role of the faculty member in achieving those goals” (Operations Manual, III-10.1a (4) (h)).

a)If the reappointment review yields a decision to reappoint, that appointment should be for an additional three years to enable a tenure review.

b)If the review results in a decision that the faculty member is not performing satisfactorily, then a terminal appointment is given. The Office of the Provost will be notified as soon as possible if the result is a recommendation not to reappoint.

c)A Faculty Annual Review Form must be submitted with the reappointment review, whether there will be reappointment or terminal appointment.

3) Tenure Review: For the tenure review, the probationary faculty member undergoes a comprehensive review of teaching, scholarship or creative work, and service from the time of initial appointment. This review occurs in a faculty member’s final year of their pre-tenure appointment, unless extensions have been granted that have reset the tenure review date. For information about conducting tenure reviews, see the Office of the Provost’s Procedures for Tenure and Promotion Decision Making at The University of Iowa.

4) All Other Years: An annual review is required for all tenure-track probationary faculty in non-reappointment or tenure consideration years, as cited in the Operations Manual citation at the beginning of this section. This includes review of portfolio development for reappointment and/or promotion and tenure to include completion of expectations in teaching, scholarship and service.

B)Clinical-Track Faculty

Consistent with the University of Iowa Policy for Review of Clinical Track Faculty (Operations Manual, III 10.9), the College of Nursing guidelines include:

1)Annual Reviews: An annual review is required for all clinical-track faculty members in non-reappointment consideration years, as cited in the Operations Manual policy at the beginning of this section.This includes review of portfolio development for reappointment and/or promotion to include completion of expectations in teaching, scholarship, practice and service.

2)Contract-Renewal Review: Reappointment reviews are conducted following the initial three years of service and conducted according to the College of NursingClinical Track Guidelines for Appointment, Retention, Reappointment and Promotion. This is a substantial annual review that takes into account the faculty member's demonstrated effectiveness in fulfilling teaching, clinical scholarship, service and/or practice missions. It should also include “evaluation of the collegiate, and University educational and service goals and the likely role of the faculty member in the future in achieving those goals” (Operations Manual, III-10.1a (4) (h)).

a) If the reappointment review yields a decision to reappoint, clinical-track Instructors will receive two-year appointments, while clinical-track Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors will receive three- to seven-year appointments.

b) If the review results in a decision that the faculty member is not performing satisfactorily, then a terminal appointment is given (see Operations Manual, III-10.9h for notice of non-renewal requirements). The Office of the Provost will be notified as soon as possible if the review result is recommendation not to reappoint.

c) An Annual Review Form must be submitted with the reappointment review, whether there will be reappointment or terminal appointment.

II. Annual Reviews For Tenured Faculty

1)An Annual Review is required for all tenured faculty members in years when the faculty member is not undergoing a review for promotion. An Annual Review is required in years when the faculty member is undergoing post-tenure review

2)The Annual Review includes review of accomplishments in teaching, scholarship and service based on expected standards of performance for the faculty member’s rank.

III) Annual Reviews For Associate Faculty

1)An Annual Review is required for all Associate faculty members in each year of their contract appointment.

2)The Annual Review includes review of accomplishments in teaching, scholarship and service based on expected standards of performance for the Associate appointment.

IV) Annual Reviews For Lecturers with Annual Contracts

1)An Annual Review is required for all Lecturers with annual contracts each year as part of their contract renewal.

2)Contract renewal reviews include:

a) If the renewal review yields a decision to reappoint, lecturers will receive a one year appointment.

b) If the review results in a decision that the lecturer is not performing satisfactorily, a contract-renewal will not be provided.

c) An Annual Review Form must be submitted with the renewal review.

V) Annual Review Process

A) Material Preparation

The faculty member shall provide the following materials used to conduct the annual review to the Office of Faculty Services or the Office of Teaching Services (depending on where the primary effort allocation is reviewed) no later than one week prior to ascheduled review meeting in the Fall semester:

1)A current curriculum vitae of the faculty member, with achievements during the time period under review (e.g., fall, spring and summer prior to the review) highlighted

2)A written self-assessment of teaching, scholarship, service and/or practice activities (depending on effort allocation for the year)for the review period. The statement on scholarship should include a list of submitted grant applications that were not funded and thus not included in the curriculum vitae. The statements should address any reallocation of effort during the prior year and address any areas for development noted in prior annual reviews.

3)A statement of goals for the next year covering anticipated teaching, scholarship, service and/or practice activities as well as any specific plans for professional development. The goals should be in keeping with expectations by rank in theCollege of Nursing Guidelines: Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion—Tenure Track and College of NursingClinical Track Guidelines for Appointment, Retention, Reappointment and Promotion.

4)Teaching evaluations of the faculty member's courses, including student evaluations for courses taught the prior academic yearand peer evaluations if completed during the prior year as described in College of Nursing Tenure Track Review and Promotion Decision-Making Guidelines and the College of Nursing Clinical Track Guidelines for Appointment, Retention, Reappointment and Promotion.

5)Any additional materials the faculty member considers appropriate for the annual review.

B) Review Process

The process for accomplishing the annual review includes, but is not limited to, the following components:

1) The Associate Dean for Faculty, in consultation with the Associate Dean for Research, completes the written summary and evaluation of Tenure Track and Tenured faculty scholarship and service. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs completes written summary and evaluation of Tenure Track faculty teaching. The Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs, in consultation with the Associate Dean for Research, complete written summary and evaluation of Clinical Track faculty teaching, scholarship and service and of Lecturer teaching. The written annual review summaries of all facultyare sent to the Dean for consideration in Collegiate decision-making.

2) The faculty member isexpected to meet with the Associate and/or Assistant Deans conducting their annual review. The faculty member is provided an opportunity to assure accuracy of data included in the annual review and to provide additional information not available at the time of submission of written summary statements.

3) The faculty member will receive a written summary of the review and have an opportunity to respond to the annual review in writing. Any such written response will be appended to the Annual Review Form and kept on file in the personnel file of that faculty member.

4) At the faculty member's request, the Dean of the College of Nursing will meet with the faculty member to discuss the Annual Review summary, and the faculty member's written response (if one was written).

C) Documentation of Outcomes

The process for documenting annual review outcomes is as follows:

1) Probationary Tenure Track Faculty and Clinical Track Reappointment Reviews: The name of the faculty member being reviewed is entered into the Workflow path by the Associate Dean (or designee) initiating the Annual Review form. The faculty member can “approve” the form, which will serve as an electronic signature to acknowledge that s/he has received the results of the review and was offered the opportunity to respond. A physical signature on the review documents will not be required, but the faculty member’s electronic signature must be obtained.

2)Review of Tenured Faculty Members:The Associate Dean for Faculty or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs records completion of each annual review in the online HR system before June 30th of each year, as established by the Provost Office. The Annual Review summary, including any additional documents, will be provided to the Dean and kept in the faculty member’s personnel file.

3)Associates and Lecturers with Annual Contracts: The Associate Dean for Faculty or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs submits completed annual reviews to the Dean and are kept in the faculty member’s personnel file.

Effective Date:2/14/12

Approving Unit:Faculty Organization

Responsible Unit:Faculty Services

Domain:Faculty Services

Review Frequency: Every 3 years
