I am glad to report another successful and profitable year for the PTA.

We have had a small but strong Committee and the invaluable support of PTA members who have taken on the organisation and execution of a variety of fund-raising events, all of which have been thoroughly enjoyable.

This year we ran two new events, the Ladies Fashion Show at Cobham hall which was a huge success, and the very popular after school film club. Thank you to Sarah Helsdon and Jo Booker for the organising of these events. I’m sure we are all looking forward to wearing our new summer outfits.

We held our third Childrens fashion show run by a company called Kids on the Catwalk . The Children once again loved the whole experience of modelling the clothes and Succeeded in persuading their parents to buy their outfits!

The Christmas Fayre was its usual roaring success, thank you to everyone who helped with the huge amounts of organisation an event like this involves. Robot wars seemed to be a hit with the children and adults alike!

Esther Dryland and Rob Weymss, once again organised this year’s Ball at Cobham Hall. I think that we would all agree that this event is the highlight of the PTA calendar as far as the adults are concerned. The chance to dress up and have a night out with so many friends during the gloomy month of February is not to be missed. The Ball is a big money earner for the School, with the raffle and auction we often make more than the Fayres.

In March we held our third annual swimming evening at cascades, this was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended, thank you to Rachel Bullimore for the organisation.

The Summer Fayre was a great day for the children and parents alike and seemed to fly by in the sweltering heat. It was wonderful at the end to jump into the big pool from the boats! We had a wonderful dancing display from the Sylvera dance school, and songs from the school choir. The old adage “Many hands make light work” certainly applies to events such as this, and I can only thank you ALL for the support before, during and after the day.

We have continued with two Bag2School collections this year to give us a better return per weight than a single collection, and it also gives us a second chance to clear out all our unwanted clothes, bags and shoes, etc.

The children love the end of term discos and the goodie bags have made it a lot easier to organise. Thank you to all the members of staff who support us and have a boogie with the children!

As well as the key events already described, we have also had the sale of winter and spring/summer plants and not forgetting the sale of the wonderful Christmas cards hand designed by our children.

We have held monthly meetings to discuss the organisation of our events and requests for expenditure. This year we have agreed and made contributions towards the purchase of all sorts of things including:-

·  One school trip for each pupil

·  Yr6 leavers’ presents/year book

·  Table tennis tables

·  Outdoor benches and parasols.

·  Drama workshops/ panto

Overall this year the PTA has made a net profit of £8175.45 and has spent £3787.35 so far. A total of £5425 is to be taken from the savings account to pay for a school trip for each child.

The current account now stands at £6694.48

The savings account now stands at £20117.22

I would like to thank the School Governors , Mrs Saunders and all the teachers and LSA’s for their support and involvement and also to Sharon Styles for her unlimited helpfulness especially for putting up with all my queries and emails.

A big thank you to Gay Grimes who after serving for many years both as a member and as the secretary for the PTA is stepping down this year, we are considering changing the name of the PTA to the Friends of Cobham Primary School so that Gay can still be involved. We can’t imagine the PTA without her.

Special thanks, of course, go to the other Committee Members,Tabby Rendall and Jo Booker and to all other regular helpers – you know who you are!

Keep a look out in your child’s school bag, on school e-mail and on the school website for upcoming events and ideas.

19th October Indian evening at Cobham Hall

I am looking forward to another great year for the PTA

Angie Field