Dear Student:

I am a teacher candidate in your classroom and I am in the process ofcompleting my teacher preparation program. As part of state licensure and program requirements through the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC), I must complete a teacher performance assessment called the edTPA. The edTPA is a portfolio-based assessment that is administered and scored by Pearson Education, Inc. and is required by the state of Oregon to evaluate my effectiveness as a teacher candidate. As part of this work, I am required to submit digital video recordings of my teaching along with samples of student work. Because you are a student in the classroom where this assessment will be completed, I will need your permission to submit these materials as they may include video images of you and/or samples of your work in support of my teacher candidacy.

The video recordings will be used to evaluate my instruction and to make improvements in the preparation of teachers. The primary focus of the recording will be on my instruction, not on you or the other students in the class. While recording my work with students in your class, I will use only first names, and only where necessary for the teaching activity. In the course of recording my teaching, with your permission, you may appear on a recording. If you choose not to give your permission to appear in the recordings, you will still participate in the classroom instruction as usual, you will just be seated out of camera range.

In addition, I will be collecting samples of student work to submit as part of my edTPA. These student work samples will be used as evidence of my teaching practice. Your name will not appear on any work sample that I submit. Again, with your permission, the samples I submit for my edTPA may include some of your work without identifying information.

The video recordings and work samples are essential items for the successful completion of my edTPA and, ultimately, my teacher preparation program. These items will be maintained within a secure storage system where access is limited to essential personnel.

Separate from the uses listed above, if you agree, the video recordings and student work samples may also be used by the developers of edTPA (Stanford University and Pearson Education, Inc.) to improve development and implementation of edTPA and by future educators and faculty in my teacher education program to learn about teaching practices. In ALL cases, recordings and student work samples will be kept confidential and under secure conditions. These materials will not appear on the internet or in any public setting.

On the following pages of this letter is a consent form allowing me to include you in the video recordings and to include your class work in my edTPA materials. Please complete the form and return it tome during class. You may request, or make, a copy of this document for your own records. If you have any questions about the use of the recordings or of your class work, please contact the programedTPA Coordinator at my university, name:______phone number:______.


[Teacher Candidate’s Name and Signature]


(For students aged 18 and Over.)

Student name: ______

Student school & district: ______

Teacher Candidate: [Candidate will write in their name]: ______

Institution or University: University of Oregon, Eugene, OR


Video Permission:

_____ [Yes] I give my permission for my image to appear on video recordings and to be used in the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) evaluation of the teacher candidate listed above. I understand that my first name may be used in those recordings. I agree that these materials may be shared with University of Oregon and Pearson Education, Inc. for the purpose of scoring the edTPA.


_____ [No] I DO NOT give my permission for my image to appear in a video to be used in edTPA evaluation of the teacher candidate listed above.

Work Sample Permission:

_____ [Yes] I give my permission for my class work to be used in the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) evaluation of candidate listed above. I understand my name will be removed. I agree that these materials may be shared with [Institution Name] and Pearson Education, Inc. for the purpose of scoring the edTPA.


_____ [No] I DO NOT give my permission for my class work to be used in edTPA evaluation of the teacher candidate listed above.


Signature of Student aged 18 and over: ______Date: ______

I am the student named above. I have read the letter associated with this form and understand the student teacher assessment request described in the letter.

See next page for additional permissions


(NOTE: If you selected “YES” in the previous section, some additional programmatic uses are listed below for your consideration)

_____ [Yes] I give my permission for video recordings of me and for my work sample(s) mentioned above to be used by [the University of Oregon] for teacher education and training purposes.


_____ [No] I DO NOT give my permission for my image to appear in a video or for my class work to be used by [the University of Oregon] for teacher education and training purposes.

_____ [Yes] I give my permission for video recordings of me and for my work sample(s) mentioned above to be used by Stanford University (SCALE) and Pearson Education, Inc. for teacher training purposes and enhancement and development of the edTPA.


_____ [No] I DO NOT give my permission for my image to appear in a video or for my class work to be used by Stanford University (SCALE) and Pearson Education, Inc.for teacher training purposes and enhancement and development of the edTPA.


Signature of Student aged 18 and over: ______Date: ______

I am the student named above. I have read the letter associated with this form and understand the student teacher assessment request described in the letter.

Student Date of Birth: ______

consent_students_of_age_2016-17.docx | Page 1Revised:February, 2017