Many times, persons are in need of direction on where to go to have their needs met. The services listed under this section will assist an individual and/or family with gaining information about community care options, benefit programs, referral and/or payment procedures, and health information.
Information on both AAA and community services is made available to community members through radio programs, newspaper articles, brochures, videos, the Agency newsletter, telephone or personal contact, and presentations to groups/organizations.
As part of an initial interview and evaluation of a particular situation, helpful information is made available to the consumer and his/her family. Care Management staff assist with referrals to AAA services and/or other service providers, as appropriate. This assistance may also include the completion of forms for Medicare and supplemental insurance reimbursement, Fuel Assistance, Rent and Property Tax Rebates and the PACE prescription drug program.
Outreach services include the Agency’s attempts to seek out and identify those who need services, but lack access to them due to a disability, communication barriers, isolated home location, and/or aloneness. Outreach is also the ongoing process for identifying additional community resources to meet a person’s needs.
Through the APPRISE service, trained volunteers meet and advise persons who are requesting assistance with Medicare and Medicaid, the completion of reimbursement forms for Medicare and supplemental insurance and fillings out applications for Property Tax and Rent Rebates and PACE programs. The volunteers also discuss supplemental insurance options and advocate for persons facing appeals or denials of benefits.
Service is usually provided by appointment in senior community centers on scheduled days. When travel to a senior community service center is not possible, volunteers will arrange for a home visit.
Transportation services are available to persons age 60+ to and from community locations through the Somerset County Transportation Program. Trips are scheduled to meet the most important needs first, with an emphasis on health maintenance and daily living activities such as medical appointments, grocery shopping, senior community center activities and banking. Other trips for shopping or recreation are scheduled as space is available.
Transportation is available to individuals requiring wheelchairs. These services are arranged one day in advance through a telephone reservation system. Please call Community Action Partnership for Somerset County/Tableland Services, Inc. 814-445-9628 or 1-800-452-0241. Assistance with other transportation options, can be provided by calling the Area Agency on Aging at 814-445-2681 or 1-800-452-0825.
Information on a variety of health-related subjects and opportunities for participation in planned activities are made available through the Prime Time Health Program. The service encourages seniors to improve their general physical and mental health. It supplies information on topics and events that are offered to the community. These activities are combined with those programs regularly offered in senior community service centers or scheduled in other locations, depending on the interests of a particular community. Videos and printed materials on health subjects are also available for loan to senior citizen groups and community organizations.
The need for legal counsel to draft wills, powers of attorney, living wills, guardianship petitions, as well as representation in benefit appeals, are addressed through the Agency’s Legal Assistance Program. Through this service, Agency caseworkers can assist, if needed, and referrals to legal counsel can be arranged. More complicated and extended long-term needs are also referred to local attorneys who accept reduced fees or the American Association of Retired Person’s Legal Hotline.