Curriculum Vitae

Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.

Signature______Date__September 29, 2016______

I. Personal Information

I.A. UID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Contact Information

UID: 107656704

Carter-Pokras, Olivia, Denise

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

University of Maryland School of Public Health

2234G SPH Building

College Park, Maryland 20742

I.B. Academic Appointments at UMD

2015-Present Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, MD

2007-2015 Associate Professor (tenure), Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland School of Public Health (formerly College of Health and Human Performance), College Park, MD

2002-Present Associate Professor (2002-2006); Secondary Associate Professor (2007-Present); Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (was Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore MD.

I.C. Administrative Appointments at UMD

2016-2017 Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, MD

2015-2016 Interim Association Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, MD

I.D. Other Employment

1997-2002 Director, Division of Policy and Data, Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville MD (Promoted to GS15).

1996-Present Associate faculty member, Department of Epidemiology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

1991-1997 Public Health Analyst, Division of Policy and Data, Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.

1982-1991 Health Statistician, Medical Statistics Branch, Division of Health Examination Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, MD (Entered as GS9).

1979-1981 Peace Corps Volunteer, Kisii Kenya.

I.E. Educational Background

1994 The Johns Hopkins University, Epidemiology Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Detection of heavy alcohol drinking: evaluation and application of biochemical tests”

1982 The Johns Hopkins University, Biostatistics M.H.S.

1979 Tulane University, Biology B.S.

I.F. Professional Certifications and Licenses

II. Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities

^ designates the author with intellectual leadership on jointly authored papers

# are co-authors mentored as undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty research assistants, and junior faculty.

II.A. Books

II.A.1. Books Authored

Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O, Valdez RB, Villarruel AM, #Nunez NP. Drawing from the Data: Working Effectively with Latino. A Guide for Health and Family Support Practitioners. American Academy of Pediatrics and Family Support America. 2004.

II.A.2. Books Edited

II.A.3. Books Translated (as translator)

II.A.4. Textbooks

II.A.5. Major Reference Works

II.A.6. Exhibition Catalogs

II.A.7. Other

II.B. Chapters

II.B.1. Books

1.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Fischer A. Chapter 3. Improvements in Latino Health Data. In: Health Issues in Latino Males: A Social and Structural Approach. Rutgers University Press. May 2010. ISBN-10: 0813546044, ISBN-13: 978-0813546049.

2.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Kanamori M. Chapter 14. An Overview of Latino Males’ Health Status. In: Health Issues in Latino Males: A Social and Structural Approach. Rutgers University Press. May 2010. ISBN-10: 0813546044, ISBN-13: 978-0813546049.

3.  Carter-Pokras O^, Delisser H. Introduction. In: Hark L, DeLisser H, Morrison G (eds). Achieving cultural competency: a case-based approach to training health professionals. Wiley-Blackwell. 2009. (ISBN-10:1405180722; ISBN-13:9781405180726). §Also Associate Editor

4.  Carter-Pokras O^. Zambrana RE. Chapter 2: Latino Health Status. In: Health Issues in the Latino Community. Jossey-Bass. 2001.

5.  Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 3: Health Profile. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.

6.  Ramirez A^, Valdez R, Carter-Pokras O. Chapter 8: Cancer. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.

7.  Carter-Pokras O^. Appendix: Using Vital Statistics to Assess Health Status. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.

8.  Nigg HN^, Beier RC, Carter O, Chaisson C, Franklin C, Lavy T, Lewis RG, Lombardo P, McCarthy JF, Maddy KT, Moses M, Norris D, Peck C, Skinner K, Tardiff RG. "Exposure to Pesticides" In: Baker SR, Wilkinson CF (ed). The Effect of Pesticides on Human Health. Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology. Princeton NJ: Princeton Scientific Pub Co, Inc. 1990.

II.B.2. Collections

II.B.3. Encyclopedia

1.  Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Latino Health and Behavior. In: Anderson NB (Ed). Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior. Sage Publications. January 2004.

II.B.4. Series

II.B.5. Research Paper

II.B.6. Other

1.  Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 1. Cultural Competence Rationale, Context, and Definition. In: Cultural Competency in the Medical Profession. InforMed. 2008, 2013.

2.  Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 2. Patterns of Health Disparities and Strategies to Eliminate Them. In: Cultural Competency in the Medical Profession. InforMed. 2008, 2013.

3.  Carter-Pokras O^. Toward a Healthy Hispanic Population: Healthy People 2010. In: Bond ML, Jones ME, Ashwill J (eds). Crossing Borders in Hispanic Health Care: Implementing and Evaluating Cultural Competence in the Health Workforce. University of Texas at Arlington, School of Nursing, Arlington, Texas. 2000.

II.C. Articles in Refereed Journals

1.  Von Korff M, Scher A, Helmick C, Carter-Pokras O, Dodick D, Goulet J, Hamill-Ruth R, LeResche L, Porter L, Tait R, Terman G, Veasley C, Mackey S. United States National Pain Strategy for Population Research: Concepts, Definitions and Pilot Data. J Pain.
2016 Jul 1. pii: S1526-5900(16)30110-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2016.06.009. [Epub ahead of print]

2.  #Jaschek G^, Carter-Pokras O, He X, Lee S, Canino G. Association of child maltreatment and depressive symptoms among Puerto Rican youth. Child Abuse Negl. 2016 Aug;58:63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.06.016. Epub 2016 Jun 23.

3.  #Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Feldman R, He X, Lee S. Overweight status of the primary caregivers of orphan and vulnerable children in 3 Southern African countries: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2015 Aug 7;15:757. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2061-2.

4.  #Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Lee S, He X, Feldman R. Associations Between Orphan and Vulnerable Child Caregiving, Household Wealth Disparities, and Women’s Overweight Status in Three Southern African Countries Participating in Demographic Health Surveys. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2015 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]

5.  #Kanamori M^, Beck K, Carter-Pokras O. Understanding How Social Network and Mass Media Factors Can Influence Cigarette Smoking among Asthmatic Adolescents. Journal of School Health. 2015 Mar;85(3):155-62. doi: 10.1111/josh.12238.

6.  Goode TD^, Carter-Pokras O, Horner-Johnson W, Yee S. Parallel tracks: reflections on the need for collaborative health disparities research on race/ethnicity and disability. Medical Care. 2014 Oct;52 Suppl 3:S3-8. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000201. PMCID: PMC4166530.

7.  #Martinez-Garcia G^, Carter-Pokras O, Atkinson N, Portnoy B, Lee S. Do Latino youth really want to get pregnant?: Assessing pregnancy wantedness among male and female Latino youth. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 2014;9(3):329-346.

8.  #Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Feldman R, He X, Lee S. Orphan/vulnerable child caregiving moderates the association between women’s autonomy and their BMI in three African countries. AIDS Care. 2014;3:1-10.

9.  Wallen J^, Randolph S, Carter-Pokras O, Feldman R, #Kanamori M. “Every year I say I’m going to stop:” Engaging African Americans in smoking cessation programs. American Journal of Health Education. 2014;45:151-157.

10.  #Okafor MT^, Carter-Pokras O, Zhan M. Greater Dietary Acculturation (Dietary Change) is associated with Poorer Current Self-rated Health among African Immigrant Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 01/2014; DOI:10.1016/j.jneb.2013.11.015

11.  #Carvajal DN^, Ghazarian SR, Crowne SS, Brown PB, Pokras OC, Duggan AK, Barnet B. Is Depression Associated with Contraceptive Motivations, Intentions, and Use Among a Sample of Low-Income Latinas. Womens Health Issues. 2014 January - February;24(1):e105-e113. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2013.10.003. PMID: 24439935. ?<

12.  Polk S, Carter-Pokras O, Dover G, Cheng TL^. A Call to Invest in Latino and Immigrant Child Health. Journal of Pediatrics;2013 Nov;163(5):1240-1241.

13.  #Okafor M-TC^, Carter-Pokras OD, Picot SJ, Zhan M. The Relationship of Language Acculturation (English Proficiency) to Current Self-rated Health among African Immigrant Adults. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013 Jun;15(3):499-509. doi: 10.1007/s10903-012-9614-6.

14.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Offutt-Powell TN, Kaufman JS, Giles WH, Mays VM. Epidemiology, Policy and Racial/Ethnic Minority Health Disparities. Annals of Epidemiology. 2012;22:446–455. PMCID: PMC3724931

15.  Davis F^, #Peterson C, #Bandiera F, Carter-Pokras O, Brownson R. How do we more effectively move epidemiology into policy action? Annals of Epidemiology. 2012;22:413–416.

16.  Vargas-Bustamante A^, Fang H, Garza J, Carter-Pokras O, Wallace SP, Rizzo J, Ortega A. Variations in Healthcare Access and Utilization Among Mexican Immigrants: The Role of Documentation Status. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2012;14:146–155. PMCID:BPMC3256312

17.  Lie D, Carter-Pokras O^, Braun B, Coleman C. What Do Health Literacy and Cultural Competence Have in Common? Calling for a Collaborative Health Professional Pedagogy. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. 2012;17(Sup 3):13-22. PMCID: PMC4263028.

18.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Jaschek G, Martinez IL, Brown P, Mora S, Newton N, Luciani I. Perspectives on Latino Lay Health Promoter Programs: Maryland, 2009. American Journal of Public Health. 2011;101:2281–2286. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300317. PMCID: PMC3222417

19.  Carter-Pokras O^, Feldman RH, #Kanamori M, Rivera I, #Chen L, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Nodora J, Noltenius J. Barriers and Facilitators to Smoking Cessation among Latino Adults. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2011;103:423-431.

20.  Voorhees CC^, #Ye C, Carter-Pokras O, MacPherson L, #Kanamori M, Zhang G, #Chen L, Fiedler R. Peers, Tobacco Advertising, and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Influences Smoking Initiation in Diverse Adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion 2011 Jan-Feb;25(3):e1-e11.

21.  Carter-Pokras OD^, Johnson TM, #Bethune LA, #Ye C, Fried JL, #Chen L, Fiedler R. Lost opportunities for smoking cessation among adults with diabetes in Florida (2007) and Maryland (2006). Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(3). PMCID: PMC3103556

22.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Bereknyei S, Lie D, Braddock CH for the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. Surmounting the unique challenges in health disparities education: a multi-institution qualitative study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2010;25(Suppl 2):S108-14. PMCID: PMC2847111.

23.  Gryczynski J^, Feldman R, Carter-Pokras O, #Kanamori M, #Chen L, Roth S. Contexts of tobacco use and perspectives on smoking cessation among a sample of urban American Indians. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2010;21:544-558.

24.  Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Role of Acculturation Research in Advancing Science and Practice in Reducing Health Care Disparities Among Latinos. American Journal of Public Health 2010 Jan;100(1):18-23. PMCID: PMC2791264.

25.  Dogra N^, #Reitmanova S, Carter-Pokras O. Teaching cultural diversity: current status in U.K., U.S., and Canadian medical schools. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2010;25(Suppl 2):S164-8. PMCID: PMC2847109.

26.  Carter-Pokras O^, Acosta DA, Lie D, #Bereknyei S, DeLisser H, Haidet P, Gill A, Hildebrandt C, Crandall S, Kondwani K, Glick S. for the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals.Curricular Products from the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. MDNG: Focus on Multicultural Healthcare. 2009.

27.  Martinez IL^, Carter-Pokras O, Brown PB. Addressing the Challenges of Latino Health Research: Community-based approaches in an emergent urban community. Journal of the National Medical Association 2009 Sep;101(9):908-14.

28.  #St. Charles M^, Weiss SR, Beardsley R, Fedder D, Carter-Pokras O, #Cross RK. Gastroenterologists Prescribing of Infliximab for Crohn’s Disease: A National Survey. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2009 Oct;15(10:1467-75.

29.  Carter-Pokras O^, Spirtas R, #Bethune L, Mays V, Freeman V, Cozier Y. The Training of Epidemiologists and Diversity in Epidemiology: Findings from the 2006 Congress of Epidemiology Survey. Annals of Epidemiology 2009 Apr;19(4):268-75.†

30.  Carter-Pokras O^, #Bethune L. Social Science and Medicine Commentary. Response to article: Defining and Measuring Acculturation: A Systematic Review of Public Health Studies with Hispanic Population in the United States. Social Science and Medicine 2009 doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.06.042 [Invited]

31.  Dogra N^, #Reitmanova S, Carter-Pokras O. Twelve tips for teaching diversity and embedding it in the curriculum. Medical Teacher. 2009; 31(11): 990-993. PMCID: PMC2967223.

32.  #Johnston-Briggs B^, Liu J, Carter-Pokras O, Barnet B. Effect of partner relationships on motivation to use condoms among adolescent mothers. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2008;100(8):929-935.

33.  #Ryder PT^, #Wolpert B, Orwig D, Carter-Pokras O, Black SA. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Older Urban African Americans. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2008;100(10): 1186-1192.

34.  Carter-Pokras O^, Brown PB; Martinez I, Solano H, Rivera MI, #Pierpont Y. Latin-American Trained Nurse Perspective on Latino Health Disparities. J Transcultural Nursing 2008 Apr;19(2):161-6.

35.  Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Yankelvich G, #Estrada M, Castillo-Salgado C, Ortega AN. Health status of Mexican-origin persons: Do proxy measures of acculturation advance our understanding of health disparities? Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2008 Dec;10(6):475-88.

36.  #Donovan M^, #Lunney K, Carter-Pokras O, #Cross R. Prescribing Patterns and Awareness of Adverse Effects of Infliximab: A Health Survey of Gastroenterologists. Digestive Diseases and Sciences; 2007 Apr 7 [Epub ahead of print]

37.  Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Mora SE, Aaby KA. Emergency preparedness: knowledge and perceptions of Latin American immigrants. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved; 2007;18:465-481.

  1. Reprinted in: Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Mora SE, Aaby KA. Emergency preparedness: knowledge and perceptions of Latin American immigrants. In: Brennan VM (Ed). Natural Disasters and Public Health: Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2009.

38.  Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, #Poppell CF, #Logie LA, Guerrero-Preston R. The Environmental health of Latino children. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2007;21(5):307-314. PMCID: PMC2967224. [Review article]

39.  #Amin S^, #Hanley C, Carter-Pokras O. Indomethacin Use for the Management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterms: A Web-Based Survey of Practice Attitudes Among Neonatal Fellowship Program Directors in the United States. Pediatric Cardiology; 2007 Apr 24; [Epub ahead of print]