Hurricane Harvey Relief
Dear members of the Bethel Family: Please continue to pray for the victims, community leaders, churches, schools, hospitals etc. as they deal with the complexity of putting their lives back together after such a monumentally devastating storm. And please pray for those who are in the path of Hurricane Irma.
Thank you for your generous donations last Sunday. You contributed $3,075 to UMCOR for relief. We will continue to receive donations indefinitely. Please mark your check or envelope that it is for Harvey Relief or UMCOR
If you can, put together a Hygiene Kit: Bethel's Missions Team is encouraging the Bethel Family to make ‘Hygiene Kits’ for distribution by UMCOR to flood victims in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.
The following is information for Bethel's congregation regarding this emergency drive.
• The collection will begin this Sunday, Sept, 10th and will continue through Sunday, Oct. 8th.
• The materials listed below are to be purchased by individuals and families who will then wrap them as directed and bring them into church. There will be a collection container in the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall.
• At the end of the drive the Kits will be taken to the local UMCOR Hub for distribution to the people in Texas.
• The approximate cost of each kit is $12.00. You may make as many as you like. This can be a fun war for all the members of your family to help in the relief efforts!
Here is the list of the Hygiene Kit Materials. Please NOTE: The items MUST be exactly as described by UMCOR: UMCOR has learned that deviations from their protocol often create problems.
1. 1 Hand Towel 15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 inches
2. 1 washcloth
3. 1 toothbrush adult size only, DO NOT remove from original packaging.
4. 6 Adhesive bandages, 3/4 inch to 1 inch-size, common household Band-Aids.
5. 1 Bath-size soap, 3 oz. and larger sizes ONLY, (NO IVORY or JERGENS soup due to moisture content,) DO NOT remove from original packaging
6. 1 Comb, needs to be sturdy and longer than 6 inches, NO pocket combs or picks, please, Rattail combs and combs without handle are acceptable with a minimum of 6 inches of teeth
7. 1 Metal nail file or nail clippers..NO emery boards, please,
8. 1 gallon-size sealable bag only.
9. $1.00 to purchase toothpaste. (UMCOR will do this.)
PLEASE make sure ALL of the above items are in the Kit(s) to make it useable by UMCOR. All items must be new. Do not wash any of the items. Remove all packaging, unless otherwise specified above. Do NOT include any other items than the ones listed above. No notes, money, etc. There will be collection envelopes attached to the collection containers. Please put your dollars inside of that envelope. We will then forward the money to UMCOR for the purchase of toothpaste.
Assembly Directions: Set the $1.00 for toothpaste aside to be included in a separate envelope. Lay out the hand towel flat on a table. Lay the washcloth flat in the center of the hand towel. Place all remaining items on top of the washcloth. Fold over the sides of the hand towel to cover all of the items. Grasp the bundle of items tightly and roll over the remainder of the hand towel tightly. Place the tightly rolled bundle in the plastic bag. Remove as much air as possible and seal the bag.
On behalf of UMCOR and your Missions' Team we thank you for your participation. To God be the Glory!
Thank you!