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c/o Huntington Community Centre,
26, Strensall Road, Huntington,
Tel: 01904 758366
Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 11th July 2012 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.00pm
PRESENT: / Councillor D. Jobling – Chairman, Councillor M. Duncanson, Councillor P. Corrigan and Councillor C. Woolley, Councillor D. Atlay, Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen, Councillor H. Stelmach, 1 member of the public and Matthew Watts (Strategic Land Manager at Barratt Homes Yorkshire East. Re: Proposed development of land at the junction of New Lane and Brecks Lane in Huntington)Nicola Moorcroft (Parish Clerk) – in attendance
APOLOGIES: / Councillor C. Hillman
CIRCULATION: / To all attendees, apologies and all other members of the Parish Council.
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Nicola Moorcroft
DATE (Draft): / 12/07/12
Item 2: Declarations of Interest:
There were no declarations of interest in any items of business on the Agenda.
Item 3: Presentation by Matthew Watts Strategic Land Manager at Barratt Homes Yorkshire East. Re: Proposed development of land at the junction of New Lane and Brecks Lane in Huntington:
· Master plan displayed.
· 12 ½ acre site currently in 4 separate ownerships.
· Currently paddocks and overgrown, unused garden land
· Currently designated ‘open space’; CYC having defined such as open space/urban boundary within the LDF Core Strategy - to act as a ‘buffer between residential and industrial sectors of the area.
· Master plan has southern area (approx 6 acres) of the site retained (by CYC) for ecological purposes - this will involve transfer of the said land to CYC for protection in perpetuity.
· Remaining 6 ½ acres to house 85 properties; a combination of 2,3 and 4 bedroomed properties.
· 35% of the total 85 to be affordable housing.
· Public consultation at Orchard Park Community centre 19/07/12; 3-7pm
· Further discussions with CYC, taking heed of concerns raised in consultation.
· Planning application scheduled for late July/early August 2012
Issues raised:
i) Traffic management; one access in and out of the site onto New Lane
Developers working in conjunction with Highways Dept, assessing impact of the area in light of planned new developments in the area.
ii) Drainage; Site has very high water table due to clay based soil.
Developers working closely with Yorkshire Water to provide the attenuation of surface water through over size, under road pipes , which flow, at an agreed ‘run off’ rate into the main sewer.
iii) Parking; Lack of available parking for size of developed properties could ultimately lead to congestion in the area and overspill onto New Lane.
Developers working to statutory guidelines with regard to number of allocated parking spaces per residential property.
iv) Impact of local school, some already at capacity;
LEA has outlined that, although certain schools in the area are at capacity, other local schools have vacancies which will adequately meet the need on any school age children which are housed at this new development.
v) Building process disruption;
Statutorily imposed construction management plans regulate the build process severely and as such, the least disruption as possible should be incurred.
- An initial street scene will be created close to New Lane, working the development backwards through the site.
Chairman thanked Mr Watts for attending the Planning Committee meeting and involving Huntington Parish Council in the consultation process.
Item 4: To Approve Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held on 27/06/12
Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by chairman.
Item 5: Planning Applications for Consideration:
The following applications received from City of York Council were considered and below are the comments of the Planning Committee which have been forwarded to the Planning Directorate.
A / Ref: Ref: 12/02270/FUL : Paul Edwards4 D 4 Darwin Close, Birch Park, Huntington, YORK YO31 9PB
Single storey side extension
This Committee has no objection to this application.
Item 6: CYC Decisions re: Planning Applications
Application at: / Plot 5 Monks Cross Drive Huntington YorkFor: / Display of externally illuminated freestanding sign
By: / Cloverleaf Restaurants Limited
Application Ref No: / 12/01790/ADV
Application at: / Aldi Foodstores Ltd Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9JSFor: / Display of internally illuminated fascia sign
By: / Mr Simon Plumb, Aldi Stores Ltd
Application Ref No: / 12/01919/ADV
Application at: / Aldi Foodstores Ltd Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9JSFor: / New customer entrance and associated shopfront with relocation of trolley park and cycle stands. External alterations including new glazed canopy.
By: / Mr Simon Plumb, Aldi Stores Ltd
Application Ref No: / 12/01920/FUL
Application at: / Social Club And Recreation Ground North Lane Huntington York YO32 9RUFor: / Single storey rear extension and insertion of new window in front elevation of building (resubmission)
By: / Huntington Sports Club,
Application Ref No: / 12/01817/FUL
Application at: / Land Including Huntington Stadium To The West Of Jockey Lane Huntington YorkFor: / Outline planning application for a mixed-use development comprising, the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of a 6,000 seat community stadium with conference facilities (use class D2) and community facilities (use classes D1 non-residential institution, D2 assembly and leisure and B1 office), retail uses (use class A1), food and drink uses (use classes A3/A4 & A5) recreation and amenity open space, with associated vehicular access roads, car parking, servicing areas and hard and soft landscaping
By: / Oakgate (Monks Cross) Limited,
Application Ref No: / 11/02581/OUTM
Application at: / 72 The Old Village Huntington York YO32 9RBFor: / Two storey rear extension (resubmission)
Application Ref No: / 12/01461/FUL
The proposed full height two-storey rear extension projects 2.4m beyond the original rear building line of the property and is located immediately on the side boundary (south) of 74 The Old Village. At 3.6 m, the single storey element projects a 2.1 m beyond the adjoining extension at no 74. It is considered that the height, length and proximity of the extension is such that it would unduly dominate and overshadow the rear first floor living accommodation and rear external amenity space of number 74 and create a structure which is out of scale with the original cottage and its densely developed location. As such it is considered that the proposal conflicts with policy GP1 (criterion b and i) and H7 (criterion d) of the City of York Draft Local Plan (fourth set of changes) approved April 2005.
Item 7: Planning Enforcement Issues
None raised.
Item 8. To Discuss any other Planning Related Issues
Clerk reiterated the need for impartiality and integrity by members when undertaking site visits for planning application purposes.
Item 9: To confirm date and time of next meeting.
To be held on Wednesday 25th July 2012 at 7pm in Huntington Community Centre.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm
Planning Committee Minutes – 11/07/12