A meeting of the Finance Committee was held in the Town Hall, Market Hill, Huntingdon on Thursday 17th October 2013.

Present: Councillors A Beevor;A Blackwell; W Hensley; P Kadewere;

A J Mackender-Lawrence (Vice Chairman as Chairman); S Mulcahy;

J Sarabia; and P Shrapnel

In attendance: John Morgan, Chairman of The Commemoration Hall Charity.

Absent:Councillors S Akthar; A Cole; A Ellington; R Subhan and K Sumner.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors T Forster; S Hassell;

C Hyams; C Mackender Lawrence and T Sanderson.


Councillors A Beevor and W Hensley declared an interest in item 7 of the agenda as Trustees of The Commemoration Hall Charity.


A Member of the publicindicated that they wished to address the meeting on the subject of the Commemoration Hall Charity.

It was proposed by the Chairman that proceedings be adjourned it wasRESOLVED so to do.

Mr Morgan of The Commemoration Hall Charity said he wished to brief the Committee regarding continued financial support from Huntingdon Town Council. He explained that the Charity had recently experienced difficulties in the running of the Charityand decision making due to many meetings being inquorate. They had also struggled to raise funds. Some changes to the Charity’s constitution were to be proposed to a forthcoming AGM, which he hoped would mean that trustees would meet less but have more productive meetings.

He continued to explain that they had identified a slump in bookings for the hall, during the early mornings and early evenings, however that their bookings were still high and that this was positive to note. In the new year, the charity hoped to focus more on reducing costs as opposed to increasing revenue. He reminded the Committee that a Manager had been appointed by the Charity, who now managed the day to day running of the hall and was able to deal with issues, enquiries and bookings.

He concluded by reiterating that in early 2014 the Charity would be looking at ways to reduce the costs of running the hall and this would be a primary focus for the charity.

He closed by thanking the Town Council and Committee for their continued patience and support, and would wish for this to continue into the future.

At this stage the Chairman raised a question regarding the inquorate meetings, and whether this was due to Town Councillorsnon-attendance. Mr Morgan replied that the Charity Trust was compiled of 12 CharityTrustees, some of whom were not good at attending meetings on a regular basis, particularly in recent months. Mr Morgan explained that this was the reasoning behind changing the structure of the board and delegating various controls and reducing the number of Trustee meetings.

The Chairman further questioned the future plans for the hall, and enquired if the Charity had an Action or Business Plan, which the Town Council and Committee could view. Mr Morgan explained that the Business Plan was readily available on the Commemoration Hall Charity website.

A Councillor asked what the charity would be doing differently in future. Mr Morgan explained that the purpose of the hall and the service it provided would not be changed. He clarified that the hall was provided to all, who may rent it for the use of recreational activities. The Trustees did not provide promotional support of activities and that any promotion of activitieswas the responsibility of the person/s hiring the hall. The Trust did hire the hall to provide various recreational activities such as the upcoming Wedding Fair.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to thank Mr Morgan for his informative brief and his time.

The Chairman indicated he would like to address the Committee regarding certain events he had attended, which might be of some interest. Firstly the Hartford Conservation Group would be hosting an AGM, on Tuesday 22nd October 2013, at 7pm, to which the Chairman had extended an invitation to all Councillors to attend. He explained that Hartford currently felt that they are not always a consideration for the Town council and felt ‘left out’.

The Chairman continued to recall a meeting with Business Improvement District (BID) Huntingdon wherein he explained the plans for Christmas Lights Switch On in Huntingdon and the plans for the Christmas period. This year the Switch On would occur on 24th November and would include the attendance of ‘Peppa Pig’. Late night shopping would be available in the town on various evenings and from 24th November, from 3pm daily; car parking would be free in various car parks.

On a final note the Chairman referred to apprenticeships available at Huntingdon Regional College and suggested that during the Council’s Staffing Review it may be worth considering the employment of apprentices.

The Chairman thanked the Members for their comments and it wasRESOLVED to re-convene.


Copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on 1st August 2013 (M4) had been circulated to Members following their informal approval by the Chairman and it was

RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record and these were duly signed by the Chairman.


Copies of the accounts from 1st July to 30th September 2013, the statement of income and expenditure and accounts to 30th September and the variance between budgeted and actual figures, had been circulated prior to the meeting, and it was proposed, seconded andRESOLVED to receive and approve the accounts, in which there appeared to be no significant variances between budget and actual figures.

A Member questioned if the Finance Working Party had approved the Accounts and The Town Clerk and Chairman of the Working Party responded that this was so.


(i)Members were asked to receive and adopt recommendations contained in the minutes of the Finance Working Party meeting held on 9th October 2013 ( M3), previously circulated.It wasproposed and seconded and RESOLVEDtoreceive andadoptthe recommendations therein.

A Member raised concern over the expenditure of Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral regalia, stating that such needs should have been put before the Committee and that the business should have been given to a local company.

Whilst Members agreed to the argument, the Chairman explained that such purchasing decisions within authorised budgets were delegated to the Town Clerk by Financial Regulations.

(ii)Copies of the minutes of the Annual Performance Plan Sub-Committee meetings held on 23rd September 2013 (M1) and 25th July2013 (M2) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman and it was proposed and seconded and RESOLVEDto receive and adoptthe recommendations therein

(iii) Copies of the minutes of the Grants Sub Committee meeting held on 3rd October2013 (M2) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman and it was proposed and seconded and RESOLVEDto receive and adoptthe recommendations therein.

(iv) Copies of the minutes of the Lettings Sub Committee meetings held on 26th September and 3rd October 2013(M2 & M3) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman and it was proposed and seconded and RESOLVEDto receive and adoptthe recommendations therein.

(v)Members were asked to consider proposed charges for the Town Hall Civic Suite and Meeting Rooms, presentation of which had been delegated to Officers by the Lettings Sub Committee meeting of 3rd October 2013 (M3). It was proposed and seconded and RESOLVEDto receive, approve and adoptthe proposed charges.

(vi)Copies of the minutes of the Staffing Sub Committee meeting held on 10th October 2013(M2) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman and it was proposed and seconded and RESOLVEDto receive and adoptthe recommendations therein.


The Town Clerk advised that astwo Members had declared an interest and indicated that they wished to abstain from voting on this item, no decision could be taken by the Committee, since it was inquorate.

Reference was made to the notes on Members’ Interests appended to the meeting agenda and the fact that the Interest of the two Councillors,as Trustees of the Commemoration Hall Charity, was a non-disclosable pecuniary interest.

Whilst Members were required to declare such interests, as had been covered at item 42, they were permitted to discuss such matters and vote. Councillors Hensley and Beevor therefore withdrew their declarations to abstain from voting.

The Committee considered a proposal to review the £37,000 per annum grant to Huntingdon Commemoration Hall Charity, with a view to reduction of the grant over a reasonable period of time.

The Chairman proposed that any reduction in funding should be postponed for at least one year and should follow consideration of the Charity’s Business Plan by the Council.This proposal was seconded and Members RESOLVED unanimously to review the grant award after reference to the Charity’s Business Plan.


The Committee considered a draft contract regarding supply of entertainment for the WW1 Outbreak Centenary Weekend (26-28 September 2014) at a cost of £10,000 and it was RESOLVED to approve the draft contractfor acceptance by the Council.


Members had before them a draft Wayleave Agreementgranting Virgin Media a right to install a cable at the Sallowbush Road Allotments site. Noting that the agreement had been recommended for approval and conclusion by the Lettings Sub Committee, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVEDto approve the agreement for acceptance by the Council.

The Town Clerk left the meeting briefly to welcome visitors for the meeting of the Planning Committee later that evening.


The Committee was presented with a lease agreement between Huntingdon Town Council and the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Rural Cambridgeshire.

A Member noted that there was currently no guarantor on behalf of theCAB, however the Chairman responded that the agreement did not require a guarantor. It was therefore proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the lease agreement for acceptance by the Council.


The Committee received a report prepared by the temporary Deputy Town Clerk, in response to a survey of repairs needed to Priory Road Cemeterywalls. The report recommended expenditure of £6,300 from the Council’s allocation of £20,000 for works, to includefurther investigation, preparation of estimates and specifications for the work. Members agreed that the walls at the cemetery needed repair work urgently and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of £6,300 towards the investigation, specification and estimates for such repairs.


A report of the temporary Deputy Town Clerk proposed that the town boundary signage should include the name of the recently twinned Italian town of Gubbio and be generally refurbished to improve its condition. A Member asked whether “Gubbio” could appear with other twinned-town names in the correct order, i.e. last. Another suggested that small signs could be suspendedfrom the main board to promote the town’s success in the “In Bloom” competitions. In conclusion it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVEDto approve expenditure totalling £5625 to refurbish the signage and purchase planters and to delegate approval of the final design for the signage to the Leisure Development Working Party.


The Committee were invited to consider an offer made by Mr Goodliff for the permanent loan of pictures. Members agreed that these artworks proved no relevance to the Town Council and therefore it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to politely decline Mr Goodliff’s offer, and if possible offer suggestion of where the artwork may be displayed, or to whom it may be of interest to.


In Accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to Meetings) act 1960, the Chairman moved that Public and Press be excluded from the Meeting. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to remove all public and press.

The Committee considered a private and confidential matter, discussion about which can be found in a separate appendix to these minutes.


The Chairman moved that the public and press be granted re-admission to the meeting. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to re-admit the public and press.


Members noted the date of the next meeting as 12th December 2013, in the Town Hall, Market Hill, Huntingdon.