The Advancement/Recognition Program is a continuing effort to encourage California Hunter Education Instructors to increase their knowledge of basic teaching skills and specific topics pertaining to the Hunter Education Program. Eventually, there will be three instructor ratings - Advanced, Expert and Master.

The second rating, ‘Expert Instructor’ requires that a Hunter Education Instructor complete the following provisions:

1. Have completed one year service as an ‘Advanced Instructor’

2. Have taught a minimum of 5 courses as an Advanced Instructor

3. Have completed a qualified Bowhunting Course

4. Have completed a qualified Muzzleloading Course

5. Have completed a qualified Survival Course

6. Have completed a qualified Wildlife Management Course

The Region 3 Hunter Education Instructor Association realizes that there may be courses not list- ed under the qualifications that would fulfill the intended requirements for current ‘Advanced Instructors’ to become ‘Expert Instructors’. The administrators of the program encourage all ‘Advanced instructors’ that believe that they may qualify as an ‘Expert Instructor’ to submit their application for review.




Date: ______

Name: ______HEI#: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Zip Code: ______

Tel. #: ______E-mail address: ______


Section A (Length of Service as Advanced Instructor)

Date Instructor received Advanced Instructor rating: ______

(Minimum of one year as Advanced Instructor required for Expert Instructor Rating)

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


Section B (Minimum Number of Classes)

Number of classes taught by Instructor: ______

(Minimum of 5 classes as an Advanced Instructor required for Exert Instructor Rating)

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


Section C (Bowhunting)

Bowhunting skills course: ______

(Please list name of course and date completed)

Approved courses include, but are not limited to, State, National or International Bowhunter Education courses.

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


Section D (Muzzleloading)

Muzzleloading skills course: ______

(Please list name of course and date completed)

Approved courses include, but are not limited to, NRA & NMLRA Muzzleloading courses and R3HEIA Muzzleloading Instructor courses.

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


Section E (Survival)

Basic Survival skills course: ______

(Please list name of course and date completed)

Approved courses include, but are not limited to, R3HEIA Instructor Survival Courses and other course offered by various non-profit and commercial organizations.

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


Section F (Wildlife Management)

Wildlife Management Instructor course:______

(Please list name of course and date completed)

Approved courses include, but are not limited to , R3HEIA Wildlife Management Instructor Course to be presented at the 2002 Region 3 In-Service-Training.

Reviewed: ______Approved: ______


I believe that I fulfill the requirements for Expert Instructor and hereby apply for said rating:

Signed: ______Date: ______

exprec.doc (Last Revised 12/16/01)