Dual degree (francia vonal) záróvizsga kérdések

Martonyi Éva:

Hungarian-French Cultural Relations / Relations culturelles franco-hongroises

  1. Catherine Horel in her book Cette Europe qu’on dit centrale (A középnek mondott Európa)defines our country from a Central European geopolitical point of view. Why should the Western European (e.g. French) orientation be as important as the above mentioned one?
  2. What do you think about the image of Hungary in French newspapers and magazines. Which issues are being held as most important in our politics, culture and art?
  3. Who were the main Hungarian representatives of modern art in France ? Why did so many artists emigrate to France and which were the main artistic tendencies represented by them?
  4. Which are the main institutions representing Hungarian culture and Hungarian language in France? Do you think there is a sort of reciprocity in this field?

Szigetvári Tamás:

International economic institution

  1. How did the role of IMF changed between 1945 and today?
  2. What kind of international institutional framework helps and coordinates development assistance in the world?
  3. How did the institutional framework of international trade policy changed since WWII?
  4. What are the most important institutions of global economic coordination?

EU in the world economy

1. The EU's changing global economic position in the last decade

2. Energy dependency of the EU

3. The EU's trade policy towards third countries

4. The structure and development of economic relations between the EU and an optional country/region

Győrffy Dóra:

Economic Policy of the EU

1. The history of European monetary integration - from the Werner Plan to the present
2. The common agricultural policy - objectives, evolution and outcomes
3. Regional policy in the European Union
4. Social policy in the EU - resolving the tensions between welfare and employment

Kántor Zoltán:

Identity, Nationalism, Minorities

  1. Present one of the major theories on nationalism (Ernest Gellner, Benedict Anderson, Michael Hechter, Anthony D. Smith)
  2. Theoretical difficulties regarding the definition of the nation and of national minorities
  3. Analyse the major issues regarding ethnic representation (ethnic parties; political representation of national minorities at national and local level)
  4. Minority rights (political philosophical bases of minority rights; present in detail /select one/: right to education; right to mother language use; autonomy

Zsinka László:

History of European Civilisation

  1. Classical Greek Philosophy and Science
  2. Ancient Christianity. Saint Augustine
  3. High Medieval Culture
  4. Renaissance Civilization

Rácz András:

Central Europe

Post Soviet Regimes