Created by Frances Milburn


When Ben accidentally is given the wrong change ($100 instead of a $10 bill) by a cashierat Toppers, he pockets the money. Ben is deep in thought about the $100 on the way home when his mom hits a darting cat in the road. At his insistence, they take the injured, scruffy cat to the vetand decide to go ahead with surgery, even though it is expensive. While waiting for word on the cat, Ben again returns to thoughts of the money. Should he buy a much desired new soccer ball? Tell his mom what happened? Help pay for the cat’s surgery?

Events unfold quickly. Ben confides to his friend Nate, just as the vet calls to announce that the surgery is successful. Ben argues with his mom about keeping the cat. Gwen, a waitress at Toppers, arrives. She is the girlfriendof Ben’s older brother Conner. During supper, she tells the family that the cashier was fired for stealing money, specifically $90. Ben begins to regret his decision to pocket the money, but is afraid to tell his mother.

In the end, they bring home the cat. Ben decides to give the $100 bill to his mom for the surgery and revealshow he got the money. Mom connects the money with the cashier’s mistake at Toppers, and explains that it must be returned. She thanks Ben for his humane decision to insist that they save the cat, now named Goldenrod. They are optimistic that the cat is a stray and will likely become a family pet.

CHAPTER 1 “Unexpected Cash”


Discuss the following questions:

1. Have you ever found any money? (or a valuable item such as jewelry, cell phone, Xbox game) Explain the circumstances. What did you do with it?

2. Have you ever lost anything valuable? Explain the situation. Did you ever get it back?


1. penetratedmoved into

2. usheredled or moved someone

3. obviouslyclearly

4. rustlingmoving with speed

5. cashierperson who handles money


1. Why doesn’t Ben want to go with his mom to get the new dresser? (wants to play soccer with his best friend)

2. What are 2 reasons the dresser errand takes longer than expected? (couldn’t find house, seller unprepared, had to carry out to car)

3. What mistake does the cashier at Toppers make when Ben pays for lunch? (gives the wrong change – a 100 dollar bill for a 10 dollar bill)

4. What decision does Ben make under pressure? (pockets the $100 bill)

Follow up Divide the class into small groups to present

1. What would you buy with $100? Group must agree on 3 items

2. Ben had to make a snap decision in a short amount of time at Toppers. Another example might be if you broke a friend’s new video game while he/she was out of the room. Explain the different ways you might handle the game situation.

CHAPTER 2 “Where’s the Change?”

Summary of Chapter 1

Ben goes with his mom to pick up a dresser on Saturday morning. Afterwards, they have lunch at Toppers, the local restaurant. Ben pays the bill at the cash register while his mom goes to the restroom. The cashier accidentally gives him a $100 instead of a $10 bill for change. No one notices the mistake, and Ben pockets the money.


Think of a time you told a lie. What makes a person lie? Is it harder to tell the truth after telling a lie?


1. “lost in thought” not paying attention to what’s going on

2. suspiciousthinking something is wrong without proof

3. panickedfilled with fear


1. Why does Mom stop at the mall? (to give Conner lunch money)

2. Why doesn’t Ben want to shop with her? (nervous about the $100 bill in his pocket)

3. Ben tells two lies – one to his mom and one to his brother Conner. Explain. (can’t get change out of pocket so will give it back at home. Lost Mom’s change)

4. Why does Mom need her ten dollar change from the restaurant? (to give Conner money for lunch since he left his lunch money at home)

Follow up

There are 3 commercial operations mentioned in this chapter – a restaurant, mall, and gas station. Provide newspapers, paper, scissors, and glue. Divide students into pairs. Have them cut and paste ads for any restaurants, shops, or gas station onto 3 sections of their paper. If they can’t find any, have them create an original ad for one or more businesses. Share results.

Check the classified section of the newspaper. Share what kind of things people list to sell.

CHAPTER 3 “The Accident”

Summary of story so far

After pocketing a $100 bill from the restaurant that should have been a $10 bill, Ben and his mom stop at the mall to give lunch money to Ben’s brother Conner. Mom asks Ben for the $10 change from lunch. Ben is caught in more lies, both to his mom and brother because he doesn’t have the $10 bill.


Have you ever been in a car that hit an animal, either a pet or a wild animal? How does it make you feel? Or have you ever noticed road kill? Discuss causes ofthis type of accident? Are these accidentspreventable?


1. anxiouseager

2. impatientlyirritated by delay

3. miserablevery unhappy

4. receipta written record of action


1. Why does the police officer stop Mom? (her brake lights are not working)

2. Why does Mom feel foolish about the police incident? (she thought she was speeding and asked how fast over the speed limit she was driving)

3. What are 2 reasons that explain why Mom hit the cat? (she was switching radio stations, upset about police stop)

4. How did Mom and Ben disagree concerning the cat? (Mom wanted to leave the cat in the road because she thought it was dead and keep driving, Ben wanted to stop and check on the cat)

Follow up

Role playing – Divide students into pairs. Have them role play in their own words one of the following interactions:

1. The policewoman stopping Mom and Ben

2. The discussion between Mom and Ben after hitting the cat

CHAPTER 4 “Visit to the Vet”

Summary of story so far

Ben pocketed a $100 bill for a $10 bill at a restaurant and is now caught between wanting to keep the money and telling his mom what happened. On the way home, Mom hits a cat crossing the road. They argue about whether or not to stop. Ben jumps out of the car to check on the cat.


Think of a time that you and one of your parents/grandparents/guardian had a serious disagreement. What was it about? How was it resolved?


1. scrawnyvery thin

2. feraltame animal gone wild

3. emergencycrisis

4. shrugginggesture of lifting shoulders to show you don’t know

5. whiskedmoved quickly

6. Formicalaminated plastic covering on counter

7. rupturedbroke apart

8. bladdersac in body where urine is stored

9. exploratorythe process of looking into something

10.euthanizeact of killing the hopelessly injured


1. What are 2 reasons Mom does not want to take the cat to the vet? (it’s a stray cat, cost of vet, busiest day at the clinic)

2. What is Ben’s reaction to his mom? (very angry, can’t believe she’d just leave it)

3. What are the 3 treatment options given by the vet? (exploratory surgery, 24 hour observation, euthanasia)

4. Explain which choice would you make? What do you predict they will make? (answers will vary)

Follow up

A) Work in small groups to discuss the following: What are some of the main differences between vet work and that of a people doctor?

B) Research the controversy about the increase in feral cats

CHAPTER 5 “Waiting”

Summary of Chapter 4

After Ben’s mom hits a cat in the road, they take the injuredcat to the vet clinic. Dr. Hammond says the injuries are serious. She offers 3 choices – exploratory surgery to try to save the cat, overnight observation, or euthanasia (put the cat to sleep).


Do you have a pet? What is it? How did you get it? Have you ever had to take it to the vet? Explain. Did you ever lose a pet (either ran away or died)? Describe.


1. guaranteepromise of success

2. stethoscopetool to listen to body sounds - heartbeat, lungs

3. blurtedspoke out without thinking

4. reluctantlyshowing doubt

5. surgical toolsdoctor tools used in surgery, such as surgery knife


1. Explain what Dr. Hammond meant when she said killing the cat is “sometimes the kindest thing to do.” (if cat is in pain or dying, it is better than keeping it alive)

2. What does Ben and his mom decide to do about the cat? How do they decide? (surgery. Ben chooses and Mom supports)

3. After leaving the vet, what are 2 things Mom is worried about concerning Ben and/or the cat? (He’s too attached, and cat might die; it’s not their cat and might have owner)

4. What reminds Ben about the hundred dollar bill in his pocket? (Conner asks for the $10 Ben promised to give him when he got home)

5. What is the cliff hanger at the end of the chapter? Why does an author use this technique? (the phone rings, and reader is expecting doctor to call. Wants to learnoutcome of surgery; keeps the reader wanting to read next chapter)

Follow up

Research the local animal shelter in your area. What animals do they house? How many? How are they treated? What happens to them? If possible, plan a field trip to visit.

CHAPTER 6 “Ben’s Friend Nate Arrives”

Summary of chapter 5

Dr. Hammond gives Mrs. Manchester and Ben all the information so that they can decide what to do about the cat. While Mom is thinking about cost, Ben blurts out surgery. Mom acquiesces. Back home, they wait to hear the surgery results. Conner returns from work and wants his lunch money from Ben. Ben goes to his room to exchange the $100 bill for his own $10 bill to pay his brother. Just then, the phone rings.


Think of one of your closest friends. Do you share secrets? Do you ask each other for advice? Why is it sometimes easier to confide in a friend than to your parents or other adults?


1. ploppedsat down quickly with a sound

2. distractedattention is on something else

3. stashedstored in a secret place


1. What is Nate’s reaction to the hundred dollar bill? (Ben’s lucky)

2. Why is Ben beginning to feel bad about the money? (Realizes what he did is like stealing)

3. How does Nate respond to Ben’s feelings? (it was the cashier’s mistake, not his)

4. How has Ben changed his mind about using the money? Why? (help pay the vet bill because he was the one who chose the surgery)

Follow up

List3 topics you are more likely to discuss with a friend. List 3 topics you are more likely to discuss with your parent/grandparent/guardian. Share with a classmate. Discuss whether any of your topics could be discussed with both friend and adult.

CHAPTER 7 “The Doctor’s Report”

Summary of Chapter 6

Ben’s friend Nate arrives. In the privacy of his bedroom, Ben tells Nate about the cat and then confides about the $100 bill. Nate focuses on his friend’s good luck instead of his guilt and reassures him that it was the cashier’s mistake and not his. Ben talks about using the money to pay the vet. The phone rings, and it is Dr. Hammond.


Share a time when someone you were with was talking on his/her phone, and you felt left out. Why is that a difficult situation?


1. unbearablegreater than one can stand

1. relapseto slip back into a bad state, get worse

2. hummusdip made with chickpeas

3. whirledturned around rapidly

4. churningmoving rapidly


1. How does the author draw out the suspense at the beginning of the chapter? (Reader, along with Ben, doesn’t know what the vet is saying)

2. What is the vet’s report about the cat? (surgery was a success)

3. What are 2 reasons Mom reacts angrily when Ben wants to name the cat? (cat could have an owner, still very vulnerable after surgery)

4. What is Ben’s concern about giving the money to his mom for the surgery? (She doesn’t know how he got the money and would be upset when he told her)

Follow up

Explain this quote of Ben’s: “But you said she was just a stray! And we can give her a good home. After all, we paid to save her life, so we deserve to keep her.” Discuss with a partner why Ben’s logic is not necessarily true.

CHAPTER 8 “Fired”

Summary of Chapter 7

Dr. Hammond calls to tell that the cat made it through the surgery in which she repaired a ruptured bladder. While they rejoice, Mom warns Ben that the cat could still have a relapse. When he wants to name her, Mom reminds him that she is not their cat. Ben decides he will give the $100 to help pay for the surgery, but doesn’t know how to tell his mom about how he got the money. Just then, the doorbell rings.


Think about meal time at your house. How often do you all sit down together to eat? Why is it hard today to get everyone together for a meal? What kind of things to do you talk about? Is important news shared? What is good about having a family dinner hour?


1. scatterbrainedcareless, forgetful

2. slurpingeating noisily

3. tillmoney drawer

4. “evil eye”a look that suggests anger


1. Why does Conner’s girlfriend Gwen stop at Ben’s house? (to remind him of the 4H bowling party that evening)

2. Why was Jasmine fired? (The restaurant boss thinks she stole $90 from the cash register)

3. Explain why Jasmine is so upset when the boss accuses her of stealing. (accuses her in front of everyone)

4. Explain Jasmine’s family problems. (dad lost his job, lots of siblings, short of money)

5. How does Jasmine’s story affect Ben? (he realizes the $100 bill he had was the result of Jasmine’s mistake)

Follow up

Foreshadowing is a literary tool that asks the reader to predict future events of the story. Write or discuss your predictions about the following questions:

1. What will Ben do with the $100 bill? Explain

2. Will they keep the cat? If not, what will happen to her?

CHAPTER 9 “Goldenrod”


Conner’s girlfriend Gwen stops over and stays for dinner. She tells about the cashier at Toppers who was fired for stealing money. The owner was short $90 at the end of the day and accused Jasmine of pocketing it. Not only her reputation, but her financial contribution to her family is in jeopardy. Ben realizes the $100 bill he has hidden in his closet must be the missing money. But he doesn’t say anything.


It’s not just adults that teach kids. Sometimes kids teach adults important things. Think of a time you helped your parents, grandparents, or other adults learn something. Share with the class.


1. protectivekeep safe

2. uncomfortablenot feeling good

3. sternlyin a serious manner

4. appreciateto feel good about something, grateful

5. reputationhow people see someone

6. passionstrong feelings

7. visionable to see the big picture

8. humanemost kind


1. What are the vet’s recovery orders for the cat? (collar, medicine, soft food, back in 2 weeks)

2. Why does Ben name the cat Goldenrod? (yellow eyes)

3. What happens when Ben gives his mom the $100 bill to help pay the vet? (she says it must be returned to the restaurant)

4. Why is it wrong to keep incorrect change that a clerk might give you? (in a business, money received is counted, and the clerk is responsible for any errors)

5. What is the lesson Ben taught his mom? (doing the humane thing can be more important than the cost)

Follow up

Review the story’s basic structure by completing the following:

Main characters?


Problem (2)?

