Cavalier India - Lucknow

Hunar Scholarship Mock Test Paper

BLS-H-DEF (1 – A01)

2nd Floor Raja Ram Kumar Plaza, Hazratganj 8960122244 NDA/CDS/AFCAT/SSB Center

Cavalier India - Lucknow

Hunar Scholarship Mock Test Paper

Section – A

1. If , then the value of x is

(a)1(b) 3(c) 5(d) 7

2. The value of is

(a) 2.6(b) 2(c) 2.33(d) 2.27

3. is divisible by

(a) Only 10(b) Only 20

(c) Both 10 to 20(d) Neither 10 nor 20

4. is equal to

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes are invalid. If the total votes are 7500, what is the number of valid votes that the other candidate got?

(a) 2700(b) 2900

(c) 3000(d) 3100

6. What is the number of prime factors of 30030?

(a) 4(b) 5(c) 6(d) None

7. Consider the following statements.

1. To obtain prime numbers less than 121, we are to reject all the multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 7.

2. Every composite number less than 121 is divisible by a prime number less than 11.

Which one of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) Only 1(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

8. If 2.5252525 … = (in the lowest form), then what is the value of ?

(a) 0.4(b) 0.42525

(c) 0.0396(d) 0.396

9. If x = , then what is the value of ?

(a) (b) (c) 1(d) 0

10. A train 280 m long is moving at a speed of 60 km/h. What is the time taken by the train to cross a platform 220 m long?

(a) 45s(b) 40s(c) 35s(d) 30s

11.Average monthly income of a family of four earning members was Rs. 2940. One of the earning members died and therefore the average income come down to Rs. 2600. The income of the deceased was

(a) Rs. 3280(b) Rs. 3960

(c) Rs. 2770(d) Rs. 5540

12. The cost of making an article is divided between materials, labour and overheads in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 1. If the material cost is Rs. 6.90, in the cost of the article is

(a) Rs. 13.80(b) Rs. 12.42

(c) Rs. 11.56(d) Rs. 9.83

13. The marked price of an article is 10% higher than the cost price. A discount of 10% in given on the marked price. In this kind of sale, the seller

(a) bears no loss, no gain

(b) gains 1%

(c) lose 1%

(d) None of these

14. Consider the following statements.

1. The sum of cubes of first 20 natural numbers is 44400.

2. The sum of squares of first 20 natural number is 2870.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) Only 1(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

15. If a train runs at 40 km/h, it reaches its destination late by 11 min but if it runs at 50 km/h, it is late by 5minute only. The correct time for the train to complete its journey is

(a) 13 min(b) 15 min

(c) 19 min(d) 21 min

16. What should be the least number of years in which the simple interest on Rs. 2600 at will be an exact number of rupees?

(a) 2 yr(b) 3 yr(c) 4 yr(d) 5 yr

17. A saving bank given interest which compounds annually. Mr. X deposited Rs. 100 and received Rs. 121 at the end of second year. Rate of compound interest per annum is

(a) 10%(b) 20%

(c) 10.5%(d) 20.5%

18. is equal to

(a) 1(b) 2 (c) 3(d) 4

19. The area of the square that can be inscribed in a circle of radius r is

(a) r2(b) 2r2(c) 4r2(d) πr2

20. A cone and a hemisphere have equal bases and equal volume. The of their heights is

(a) 1 : 2(b) 2 : 1

(c) 4 : 1(d)

21. The factors of are

(a) (x – 1) (x + 1) (x -6) (x + 6)

(b) (x – 3) (x + 3) (x -2) (x + 2)

(c) (x2 + 9) (x - 2) (x + 2)

(d) (x2 +4) (x + 3) (x -3)

22. If(x -4) is the HCF to (x2 – x – 12) and (x2 –mx – 8),then the value of m is

(a) 0(b) 1(c) 2(d) 6

23. The value of x + y in the solution of equations and is

(a) (b) (c) 2(d)

24. The roots of = 0 are

(a) real, unequal and rational

(b) real and equal

(c) real, unequal and irrational

(d) Imaginary

25. The value of

(a) 0(b) 1(c) – 1(d)

26. If pqr = 1, then is equal to

(a) 0(b) (c) pq(d) 1

27.Which of the following is a true statement?

(a) (A B) C = (Ac Bc)

(b) (AB) C = A Bc

(c) (A B) C = Ac B

(d) (A B)C = Ac Bc

28. The value of (sin2 31° + sin2 59°) is

(a) 1(b) 0

(c) sin2 28°(d) cos2 28°

29. In the given figure, AM BC and AN is the bisector of ∠A. What is the measure of ∠MAN?


65° 30°


(a) 17.5°(b) 15.5°(c) 20°(d) 25°

30. How many degrees are there in an angle, which equals one-fifth of its supplement?

(a) 15°(b) 30°(c) 75°(d) 150°

31.The angles of a pentagon are in the ratio

1: 2 :3: 5: 9 The smallest angle is

(a) 72°(b) 45°(c) 54°(d) 27°

32. The measures of three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. Then the triangle is

(a) right angled(b) equilateral

(c) isosceles(d) obtuse angled

33. Two parallelograms stand on equal bases and between the same parallel. The ratio of their areas is

(a) 1 : 2(b) 2 : 1(c) 1 : 1(d) 1 : 3

34. Two equal circles of radius intersect such that each passes through the center of the other. The length of common chord is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

35. If the mean of four observations is 20 and when a constant C is added to each observation, the mean becomes 22. The value of C is

(a)-2(b) 2(c) 4(d) 6

Section – B

Directions (Q. No 36-40) In the following items, which of the words is nearest to the opposite of the word provided.

36. Detain

(a) Release (b) Silence

(c) Forget (d) Prosper

37. Famous

(a) Boring (b) Poor

(c) Obscure (d) Untalented

38. Colossal

(a) Easy (b) Tiny

(c) Graceful (d) Fool

39. Fluid

(a) Solid (b) Liquid

(c) Afraid (d) Decent

40. Continue

(a) Curve (b) Argue

(c) Carry (d) Pause

Directions (Q. No. 41-45) In the following items, which of the given words is closest in meaning to the word provided.

41. Modest

(a) Attractive (b) Clever

(c) Current (d) Humble

42. Custom

(a) Dessert (b) Habit

(c) Ethic (d) Deliver

43. Prolong

(a) Extend (b) Inquire

(c) Relax (d) Wait

44. Hustle

(a) Dance (b) Hurry

(c) Busy (d) Clean

45. Solemn

(a) Amusing (b) Harmful

(c) Speech (d) Serious

Passage: 1

With the United States watching from the side lines, negotiators from more than 160 countries including UK, Japan and Russia have reached an agreement on a ground-breaking climate control treaty setting mandatory targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The talks had nearly collapsed and negotiators had to satisfy the last-minute demands of Japanese, Russians and Australians for more flexibility in the rules and other economic advantages in order to close the deal. A major shot in the arm came when Russia announced that it would be ratifying the treaty. Russia was one of a four-member tactical alliance, also including Australia, Canada and Japan, which had been demanding huge concessions and were seen as lukewarm on ratification. The Bush administration however, continues to oppose the treaty on the ground that it would harm the US economy while exempting developing countries, including India and China, from mandatory emission targets. The alternative that the White House has proposed is increased spending for scientific research and incentives for developing new technology to reduce emissions. White House had said it wanted a revision of the global warming treaty but the US delegation arrived at the conference with no new offers and largely stayed in the background while the talks proceeded haltingly. However, there have been dissenting voices in the US. Many people in the US think that while the US is gathering support for war on terrorism it cannot turn its back on an important issue like greenhouse gas emissions.
The treaty’s mandatory emissions cuts would most heavily penalize highly industrialized countries. The mechanisms were designed to help those countries by reducing their quota by expanding forests and farmlands that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A major breakthrough came when all sides agreed on an enforcement mechanism whereby countries that failed to meet their goals would have their emissions reduction targets raised by 1.3 per cent.

46. Consider the following statements:
The Bush administration
1. has set a war on terrorism to be a pre-condition for ratifying the climatic control treaty
2. wants the issue of ozone layer depletion to be included in the treaty
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

47. Consider the following statements:
The solution to solve the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, suggested by the United States
1. is to expand the forest cover
2. is to provide higher outlay for research
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

48. What does the phrase “shot in the arm” imply?
(a) Victory(b) Boost

(c) Caution(d) Precondition

49. Which of the following is/are assumed in the passage?
1. Carbon dioxide emissions can be quantified.
2. Greenhouse gas emissions are deleterious for the environment.
Select the correct answer by using the following code
(a) 1 only(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

50. Consider the following statements:
1. The Bush administration believes that no amount of forest cover can counter the effect of carbon dioxide emission.
2. Domestic opinion in the US is unanimous in opposing the treaty because of parochial considerations.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Direction: (Q. No. 51-55) In each question below, there is a sentence of which some parts has been jumped up. Rearrange these parts which are labeled as P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.

51. With her body

P: dragging her unwilling feet

Q: weak and infirm

R: doubled with age

S: she persisted in her mission

The proper sequence should be

(a) PQRS (b) QPRS

(c) RQPS (d) SAPQ

52. When he

P: did not know

Q: he was nervous and

R: heard the hue and cry at midnight

S: what to do

The proper sequence should be

(a) RQPS (b) QSPR

(c) SQPR (d) PQRS

53. A French woman

P: committed suicide

Q: where she had put up

R: who had come to Kolkata

S: by jumping from the balcony of the hotel

The proper sequence should be

(a) PRQS (b) QSRP

(c) RPSQ(d) SRQP

54. I saw that

P: but seeing my host in this mood

Q: I deemed it proper to take leave

R: as I had frequently done before

S: it had been my intention to pass the night there

The proper sequence should be

(a) QPSR (b) QRPS

(c) SPQR (d) SAPQ

55. It was to be

P: before their school examination

Q: which was due to start

R: the last expedition

S: in a month

The proper sequence should be

(a) SRQP (b) RQSP

(c) RPQS (d) SPRQ


56. The columnist was very gentle when he mentioned his friends, but was bitter and even ...... when he discussed people, who irritated him.

(a) laconic (b) remorseful

(c) acerbic (d) stoical

57. Whereas off-Broadway theatre over the past several seasons has clearly ...... a talent for experimentation and improvisation, one deficiency in the commercial stage of late has been its marked incapacity for spontaneity.

(a) cultivated (b) lampooned

(c) spotted (d) disavowed

58. Her true feelings ...... themselves in her sarcastic asides; only then was her bitterness revealed.

(a) manifested(b) developed

(c) concealed(d) grieved

59. Although he was aware of the ...... of his plans, he insisted on their implementation.

(a) nature(b) futility

(c) exactness(d) usefulness

60. The newest fiber-optic cables that carry telephone calls across the country are made of glass so ...... that piece 100 miles thick is clearer than a standard window-pane.

(a) fragile (b) transparent

(c) tangible (d) immaculate

Direction: (Q. Nos. 61-65) Each question in this section has a sentence with three parts labeled (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your response against the corresponding letter i.e. (a) or (b) or (c). if you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).

61. The composition contained (a)/ even no less (b)/ than twenty mistakes. (c)/ No error (d)

62. He told us (a)/ that (b)/ he has not read the book. (c)/ No error (d)

63. The minister announced (a)/ compensation for (b)/ the victims from the accident. (c)/ No error (d).

64. I should (a)/ have preferred (b)/ to go by myself. (c)/ No error (d).

65. There is (a)/ no place (b)/ in this compartment. (c)/ No error (d).

Section – C

66. X-rays are electromagnetic radiation whose wavelengths are of the order or

(a) 1 m(b)

(c) (d)

67. Consider the following statements-

1. A comb moving through dry hair get electrically charged.

2. Electric lines of force are not closed but magnetic lines of force are closed

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) only 1(b) Only 2

(c) Both I and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2

68. Cylindrical lens is used by a person suffering from

(a) astigmatism(b) myopia

(c) hypermetropia(d) presbyopia

69. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Conduction can occur easily in solids, less easily in liquids but hardly at all in gases

(b) Heat energy is carried by moving particles in a convection current

(c) Heat energy is carried by electromagnetic waves in radiation

(d) The temperature at which a solid change into a liquid is called the boiling point

70.Sound waves do not exhibit the phenomenon of

(a) refraction(b) interference

(c) polarization(d) diffraction

71. When deep sea fishes are brought to the surface of the sea, their bodies burst. This is because the blood in their body flows at very

(a) high speed(b) high pressure

(c) low speed(d) low pressure

72. The densities of three liquids are D, 2D and 3D. What will be the density of the resulting mixture if equal volumes of the three liquids are mixed?

(a) 6 D(b) 1.4 D(c) 2 D(d) 3 D

73. Which involves the emission of least energy in the hydrogen atom?

(a) An electron moving from n = 4 to n = 2

(b) An electron moving from n = 3 to n = 2

(c) An electron moving from n = 4 to n = 1

(d) An electron moving from n = 5 to n = 2

74. Fog is an example of

(a) gas dispersed in gas

(b) liquid dispersed in gas

(c) solid dispersed in gas

(d) solid dispersed in liquid

75. The internal resistance of a dry cell is

(a) equal to that of electrolytic cell

(b) smaller than that of electrolytic cell

(c) higher than that of electrolytic cell

(d) zero

76. Solder is an alloy of

(a) tin and lead(b) tin and copper

(c) tin, copper and zinc(d) tin, lead and zinc

77. Which of the following is not an ore?

(a) Malachite(b) Calamine

(c) Satellite(d) Cerussite

78. Fuel used for rocket propulsion is a mixture of

(a) hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide

(b) hydrazine and TNT

(c) hydroxyl amine and TNT

(d) hydroxyl amine and hydrogen peroxide

79. Acetylene is used as an anesthetic under the name of

(a) narcylene(b) pyrene

(c) neopyrene(d) pyroline

80. ‘Freon’ is used as refrigerants is chemically known as

(a) fluorinated aromatic compound

(b) fluorinated hydrocarbon

(c) chlorinated hydrocarbon

(d) chloroform hydrocarbon

81. In human body, what is the number of cervical vertebrae?

(a) 5(b) 7(c) 8(d) 12

82. Which one of the following is not a genetic disorder?

(a) Colour blindness(b) Down’s syndrome

(c) Hemophilia(d) Xerophthalmia

83. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) In the animal of phylum-Porifera, called sponges,the reproduction is only a sexual by budding.

(b) Many forms of Coelenterate possess a hard exoskeleton of lime to form corals

(c) Animal of phylum-Annelida occur in moist soil, freshwater and sea.

(d) In the animals of phylum-Echinodermata, body surface is covered all over by calcareous spines

84. Which of the following is not an insect?

(a) Bed bug(b) Spider

(c) House fly(d) Mosquito

85. Lifesaving hormone is

(a) adrenal(b) pituitary

(b) thyroid(d) All of these

86. Which one of the following vitamins is necessary for blood clotting?

(a) Vitamin- A (b) Vitamin-D

(c) Vitamin- K(d) Vitamin-C

87. Bamboo is classified as

(a) tree(b) grass

(c) Shrub(d) herb

88. The natural dye present in turmeric is known as

(a) cinnamon(b) phenol phthalein

(c) methyl orange(d) curcumin

89. What does the term ‘Dolby B’ and ‘Dolby C’ printed on the tape-recorders and other sound systems refer to?

(a)Frequency modulated system

(b)Amplitude modulated system

(c)Noise reduction circuit

(d)Both DC and AC power can be used

90. Which of following country is not a member of ASEAN?

(a) Vietnam(b) Thailand

(c) South Korea(d) Indonesia

91. Patanjali was

(a) a philosopher of the ‘Yogachara’ school

(b) the author of a book an Ayurveda

(c) a philosopher of the ‘Madhyamika’ school

(d) the author of a commentary on Panini’s Sanskrit grammar

92. Expand the term SWIFT.

(a) Society for WorldwideTelecommunications

(b) Society for the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications

(c) Society for worldwide International Financial Transfers

(d) Society for worldwide Interbrain Fiscal Transactions

93. In the term GIS, ‘G’ stands for

(a) Global(b) Geographic

(c) Goodness(d) Geological

94. ‘National Sports Day’, in tribute to the legendary hockey player major Dhyanchand, is celebrated every year on in India.

(a) August 29th(b) August 16th

(c) August 12th(d) August 20th

95.When is the ‘Navy Day’ celebrated every year in India?

(a) December 29th(b) December 4th

(c) December 10th(d) January 12th

96. Consider the following statements about ‘Param Vir Chakra’

1. It is highest peacetime gallantry award.

2. It is the replacement of British Victoria Cross.

3. It can be awarded to civilians.

Which of statements given above is/are correct?

(a)Only 1(b) Only 2

(c) 2 and 3(d) 1, 2 and 3

97. Which of the following is a pair of names of the same game?

(a) Golf:Polo

(b) Billiards:Snooker

(c) Badminton:Squash

(d) Soccer:Football

98. Among the following which one is not a football club?

(a) Arsenal(b) Aston Villa

(c) Chelsea(d) Monte Carlo

99. How is Leila Seth known as?

(a)First woman Chairperson of the Union Public Service Commission

(b) First Woman Election Commissioner of India

(c) First Woman Chief Justice of a High Court inIndia

(d) First Woman Governor of a State in India

100. Match the following

List IList II


A. World Bank1.Doing Business Index

B. Yale University2. Better Life Index

C. OECD3. Environmental

Performance Index

D. UNDP4. Global HDI







BLS-H-DEF (1 – A01)

2nd Floor Raja Ram Kumar Plaza, Hazratganj 8960122244 NDA/CDS/AFCAT/SSB Center

Cavalier India - Lucknow

Hunar Scholarship Mock Test Paper

AnsWer Key

  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. D
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. D
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. B
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. C
  35. B
  36. a
  37. c
  38. b
  39. a
  40. d
  41. d
  42. b
  43. a
  44. b
  45. d
  46. d
  47. b
  48. b
  49. c
  50. d
  51. c
  52. a
  53. c
  54. d
  55. c
  56. c
  57. a
  58. a
  59. b
  60. b
  61. b
  62. c
  63. c
  64. c
  65. d
  66. d
  67. c
  68. a
  69. d
  70. c
  71. a
  72. c
  73. b
  74. b
  75. c
  76. a
  77. c
  78. c
  79. a
  80. d
  81. b
  82. d
  83. a
  84. b
  85. a
  86. c
  87. b
  88. d
  89. c
  90. c
  91. d
  92. b
  93. b
  94. a
  95. b
  96. b
  97. d
  98. d
  99. c
  100. b

BLS-H-DEF (1 – A01)

2nd Floor Raja Ram Kumar Plaza, Hazratganj 8960122244 NDA/CDS/AFCAT/SSB Center

Cavalier India - Lucknow

Hunar Scholarship Mock Test Paper

BLS-H-DEF (1 – A01)

2nd Floor Raja Ram Kumar Plaza, Hazratganj 8960122244 NDA/CDS/AFCAT/SSB Center