HSDF was created for the purpose of encouraging county governments to provide locally identified services that will meet the human services needs of citizens in their counties.
HSDF is used in the county human services system to provide services in the following areas as stated in Act 1994-78:
1.Categorical services, which include the following specific populations:
a.Low-income adults;
b.Homeless persons;
c.Aging and aged persons;
d.Drug-addicted and alcohol-addicted persons;
e.Persons with mental health problems;
f.Persons with mental retardation; and/or
g.Dependent and delinquent children.
2.Service coordination, which consists of “planning and management activities designed to improve the effectiveness of county human services.”
3.Generic Services, which are defined as meeting “the needs of two or more client populations.”
4.Specialized services, which are “new services or a combination of services designed to meet the unique needs of a client population that are unmet by the current categorical programs.”
1.Existing Categorical Services
Below is a list of the existing categorical services/cost centers, which are allowable under HSDF. Also listed are the services/cost centers within each program which are not allowed under HSDF:
Adult Services Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Adult Day Care; Adult Placement; Chore; Counseling; Employment; Home-Delivered Meals; Homemaker; Housing; Life Skills Education; Protective; Service Planning/Case Management; Transportation.
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Not Applicable.
Aging Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Adult Day Care; Assessments; Attendant Care; Care Management; Congregate Meals; Counseling; Employment; Home Delivered Meals; Home Support; Information and Referral; Overnight Shelter/Supervision; Personal Assistance Service; Personal Care; Protective Services — Intakes/Investigations; Socialization/Recreation/Education/Health Promotion; Transportation (Passenger); Volunteer Services.
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Administration; Consumer Reimbursement; Domiciliary Care; Environmental Modifications; Guardianship; Home Health; Legal Assistance; Medical Equipment, Supplies and Adaptive Devices; Provider Certification; Ombudsman; Outreach; Other.
Children and Youth Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Adoption Service; Counseling/Intervention; Day Care; Day Treatment; Emergency Placement; Foster Family Care (except Room & Board); Homemaker; Information & Referral; Life Skills Education; Protective; Service Planning.
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Administration; Adoption Assistance; Alternative Treatment; Community Residential; Juvenile Detention; Residential; Secure Residential.
Drug and Alcohol Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Assistance Programs; Care Management; Case Management; Inpatient Hospital (Detox & Treatment/Rehab); Inpatient Non-Hospital (Detox & Treatment/Rehab, & Halfway House); Other Interventions; Outpatient; Intensive Outpatient; Partial Hospitalization; Housing Services (except Room & Board).
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Administration; Alcohol Highway Safety; Correctional; Evaluation; Occupational; Research; Support Services; Training; Other.
Mental Health Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Adult Developmental Training (ADT); Community Employment and Employment Related Services (Client wages may not be included); Community Residential Services; Community Services; Community Treatment Teams; Facility Based Vocational Rehabilitation (Client wages may not be included); Family Support Services; Intensive Case Management Services; MH Crisis Intervention Services; Outpatient; Psychiatric Rehabilitation; Resource Coordination; Social Rehabilitation Services.
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Administrator’s Office; Administrative Management; Emergency Services; Partial Hospitalization; Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization; Other Services.
Mental Retardation Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Community Habitation; Employment Services (Client wages may not be included); Community Residential Services (Group Homes Only); Home & Community Services; Early Intervention; Pre-vocational services; Supports Coordination.
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Administrator’s Office; Community Residential Services (except Group Homes); Family Driven Support Services (Certain MR Family Support Services may be funded individually as HSDF Specialized Services); Other Services; Respite services; Specialized Supports & Transportation Services.
Homeless Assistance Program
Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Case Management; Emergency Shelter
Non-Allowable Services/Cost Centers:
Bridge Housing; Rental Assistance; PENNFREE Bridge Housing;
Innovative Supportive Housing.
If HSDF dollars are used for any of the allowable services/cost centers within the seven programs as listed above:
h.The clients must meet the eligibility requirements established by the Program under which the service is provided; and,
i.The service activities provided must conform to the service definition established for that service.
When HSDF funding is used for existing services/cost centers within the Aging, Children and Youth, Drug and Alcohol, Mental Health and Mental Retardation Programs, the County is prohibited from contracting directly with the service provider agency. The transfer of HSDF funds from the HSDF administering agency to the categorical program is accomplished by means of a written agreement.
2.Generic Services
There are ten Generic Services (Adult Day Care, Adult Placement, Centralized Information and Referral, Chore, Counseling, Employment, Homemaker, Life Skills Education, Service Planning/Case Management, and Transportation Services), which are frequently needed by clients of two or more of the seven county human services programs.
Eligibility options for Generic Services are:
a.The eligibility requirements of the categorical programs included under the Generic Service may be used.
b.Adult Services eligibility criteria may be used for all clients served by the Generic Service. Criteria may be modified to include different age restrictions, need criteria, or fee scales, but modifications must be specific in the proposal.
3.Specialized Services
Specialized Services may be new services or a combination of services designed to meet the unique needs of a client population that are unmet by the current categorical programs.
Two eligibility options exist for each Specialized Service:
a.The categorical program eligibility requirements of the program(s) included in the Specialized Service may be used.
b.Adult Services eligibility criteria may be used for all clients served by the Specialized Service. Criteria may include different age restrictions, need criteria, or fee scales, but this must be specified in the proposal.
1.The following specific prohibitions apply to the HSDF:
The purchase or improvement of land, or the purchase, construction, or permanent improvement of any building or facility;
The provision of payments to any client for costs of subsistence or for the provision of room and board (other than the costs of subsistence during rehabilitation, room and board provided for a short term as an integral but subordinate part of a social service, or temporary emergency shelter provided as a protective service);
The provision of payments to clients as a service; (This does not preclude the payment of wages to workers who provide allowable HSDF services.)
The provision of medical care (other than rehabilitation services or initial detoxification of an alcoholic or drug dependent individual) unless it is an integral but subordinate part of an allowable social service;
Social Services (except rehabilitation services or services to an alcoholic or drug dependent individual) provided in and by employees of any hospital, skilled nursing facility, intermediate nursing facility, or prison, to any individual living in such institutions;
The provision of any educational service which the state and/or local school districts make generally available to residents without cost and without regard to their incomes; and,
Any program or service, which, under state or federal law or regulation, requires license(s) or certification(s) and is operating without such license(s) or certification(s) being valid, current, and in effect.
2.Since they are not within the purview of Act 1994-78, the programs and services listed below may not be funded by the HSDF. It is noted, however, that in most cases, counties may contract with the agencies listed below for the provision of allowable HSDF programs to eligible HSDF clients.
Statewide Human Services Programs, which the Department operates directly by, contract (Blindness and Visual Services, Child Day Care, Domestic Violence, Family Planning, Alternatives to Abortion, Legal Services, Rape Crisis, Refugee Services, Community Services Program for Persons with Physical Disabilities, and Attendant Care);
Statewide programs operated by other Departments (Community Services Block Grant; Women’s, Infants, and Children’s Programs);
Directly funded federal program (Head Start, for example);
Educational programs for which the Department of Education, school districts or intermediate units are responsible; and,
Social services provided to residents of institutions, which are responsible for the provision of those services.
The sharing of service costs between clients and HSDF agencies is allowable through the collection of either donationsor fees.
Donations are voluntarily contributions made by the client to defray the cost of service. It is understood that the amount of the contributions will vary among clients, depending upon their financial resources. Fees are established payments, which are required from all clients who receive service. These payments are derived from and established fee schedule, which is applied uniformly.
Donations and fees collected from HSDF clients shall be added to the county’s total available funds and used for allowable HSDF purposes during the fiscal year in which the fees or donations are collected. They shall be reported as program income on the HSDF expenditure Report.
When donations and fees are received from HSDF funded clients receiving allowable services within the Aging, Children and Youth, Drug and Alcohol, Homeless Assistance, Mental Health and Mental Retardation Programs, the prevailing laws, regulations or policies of those categorical programs shall apply to the collection and use of the fees.
When donations and fees are received from HSDF funded clients receiving Services to low-income adults or Generic Services, the requirements established in 55 Pa Code, Chapter 2050, Section 22, Financial Eligibility Criteria, shall apply.
When donations and fees are collected from HSDF funded clients receiving Specialized Services, the practices, which are described and justified in the 55 PA Code, Chapter 2050, Section 22 shall apply.
Providers shall not use or disclose any information about a recipient of the services to be provided for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the HSDF.
Persons operating computer terminals, electronic data transfer equipment or telephones to obtain information from the Department of Public Welfare’s database shall comply with the following conditions:
a.Any information contained in the Department of Public Welfare’s database regarding persons who have applied for, have received, or who are receiving Public Assistance or Social Services shall only be disclosed to specifically authorized persons.
b.The operator may use the terminal, electronic data transfer equipment, or telephones only for those specific functions for which he/she has been specifically authorized.